Apparation Lesson #3

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch stood in the front of the room, her ministry robes neatly pressed and hair in a perfect bun, waiting for the students to arrive in the Great Hall. Before the end of the lesson, she hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating directly to their target, especially since this would be the last practice they would have before the exam took place at the end of the semester. Some of them had a lot of work to do.

Gesturing for the students to gather close, Irene addressed the small group of sixth years. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at the students as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last week will do so this week. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one shot to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate, so today, I'd like everyone to line up beside me."

It didn't take them long to queue beside her. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall.

"The X marks the spot" she added, knowing that if they really looked over to the other end, they would notice an X etched onto the floor with magic. Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. 
You can practice attempting to apparate one by one.
For once Mandalyn was the first in the room for her apparation lessons. She couldn't believe that this was it. After this lesson would be the exam. She thought back to the previous lesson and how she'd been able to apparate. She'd stayed and practiced until she just couldn't focus anymore, and then went back to her room to sleep.. She'd even slept through her Car of Magical Creatures class the next day. She was thankful that these lessons would soon be over though, and she could rest easy. At least she believed she could if she was able to pass her exam. Eventually all of the students filed into the room, and they were told to stand in a straight line, Mandalyn at the front. She felt both nervous and excited. It was her time to shine, and set the bar. She tied her hair back first, her bangs falling forward into her face. She remained determined though, and concentrated on the other end of the room.

She smiled slightly, looking at that x on the floor. She closed her eyes and envisioned it, envisioned landing on it safely, and showing the others that she had what it took to preform such delicate magic. Mandalyn took in a breath, begging her body to do something. After a few minutes she blinked, and once again concentrated. This time she began to move, feeling her body pushed through that tube of constriction that signaled she was indeed apparating. Mandalyn opened her eyes when she stopped moving and looked herself over, before looking below her. She was only a foot or so from the X. She gave a jump of excitement and a rather girly holler. She couldn't help it, and as she stood back to watch she exchanged hi-fives with a few fellow sixth years.
It was good Sage thought that the school didn't drag out the Apparition lessons, they learned all they needed within the three. In her opinion that was how many it really took to teach a group of first years how to fly and if they did fall then she was sure that it was probably natural selection at work, with the idiocy of some of them at work. She was ready once again for the lesson, and this time around she was more than raring about it. Sage knew that she could apparate so she wasn't too worried about it. She knew that she could do it. She had managed it last time, so surely this would just as simple. Happily Sage walked into the great hall where most of the other students were already. In her mind she didn't really compute the fact that they were heading towards the exam season and soon they'd be in seventh year. Sage was looking foward to graduating. She was looking forward to being able to wave goodbye to this school. She was pretty excited for that. Happily she stood with the rest of the class and waited for the last few students to arrive before the professor got started.

Listening to what the professor had to say reminded her that there was actually an exam as part of this class. She had completely forgotten that that was something she'd have to do. Though it was one class she didn't think she'd really have to study for. Since they couldn't really. The professor started talking about what they'd be doing in this lesson, and it seemed pretty straight forward get to that X in front of everyone. Sage knew she could do it, and while these people hadn't been watching her before they had been in the same room, so surely that was really no different. Sage was however fairly pleased that she wasn't the first one to go and that it was that new Slytherin transfer. She was however next up, and so Sage spent her time focusing and then she finally had to go. Standing in front of the rest, she just blocked out the other people in the room. Focusing on the X in front of her, and the fact that she wanted to be at that X. She focused hard. Concentrating hard on it. Then, she felt that pull and focused harder letting it pull her. Once it stopped she opened her eyes and glanced down. She'd done it. She then checked herself over quickly to make sure she had all her limbs and then walked away pleased to no end. She'd ace that exam.
Aaren arrived a bit later than she had intended. She had been hoping to make herself comfortable before the class, but seeing that she was almost late, she had no time for that. Instead, she quickly found her way to where the rest of the sixth years were. She didn't have to wait long before their Professor addressed them. The Gryffindor took a deep breath a she listened to the older woman talk. This would be their last lesson before the exam. Honestly, she wasn't that confident of her ability to apparate. But considering that she was able to succeed last meeting, she supposed that she should give herself more credit. Doubting would only cause her to fail. She had to believe in herself.

The prefect, along with the rest of the class, formed a neat line beside their professor. She was the third in line, with two Slytherins before her. She recognized the one standing in front of her. She faced the Slytherin on a duelling match held by the SDA before. She took another deep breath to calm her nerves. Having to perform next to Sage made her nervous. The girl was talented, she had no doubt that the Slytherin would succeed. She had to succeed too. She had too. It might be a one sided sense of rivalry, but she didn't want to lose to the Slytherin again. Determination burning in her eyes, she watched the two apparate to the other end of the room, and then it was her turn. She stood in font of the rest of the class, her eyes focused on the spot at the other end of the room. She blocked out the other residents of the room. She had to focus. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. She had to concentrate. She succeeded before, she would succeed now. She wanted to be at that X. Soon, she felt that familiar feeling of being pulled through a tight tube. This time, she was prepared. She didn't resist it. Once the feeling stopped, she checked her body, making sure that she still had all her limbs, before she glanced down. There's the X. She did it. She succeeded.​

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