Apparation Lesson #3

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch stood in the front of the room, her ministry robes neatly pressed and hair hanging perfectly, waiting for the students to arrive. Today, she was in a fairly good mood and wore a natural smile on her face. She had gone on a date the night before, one that had gone well. The last lesson had gone about how she expected it would. Sure, some of the students were having a bit of trouble with their aim, but she knew that with practice, they would be able to pass their exams easily. She hoped that before the end of today all of the students would succeed in apparating directly to their target, especially since this would be the last practice they would have before the exam took place at the end of the semester.

Gesturing for the students to gather closer to her, Irene spoke, her voice carrying throughout the empty Great Hall. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her face growing more serious, her icy blue eyes staring at the students as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last week will do so this week. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one shot to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate, so today, I'd like everyone to line up beside me." Irene gestured for the students to begin lining up next to her.

By now, she knew that the students must know the three D's, so she didn't feel it was worth repeating. If they didn't know by now...she figured they might as well have not shown up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall.

"The X marks the spot" she added, knowing that if they really looked over to the other end, they would notice an X etched onto the floor with magic. Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be few splinchings today. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line.
You can practice attempting to apparate one by one.
Hades Styx the Second walked toward the Great Hall, knowing that the exam of Apparation was upon them soon enough. And he was positive that he was going to pass it with flying colors. Well, when he would pass it, he would be one of those that would in fact apparate on the first try. Although his apparating could use some work. He had not been able to practice except when they were in the Great Hall with the Finch woman. She was not a professor but it was really hard to call her something when she wasn't. He didn't know what to refer to her as. Well, he just hoped that he would pass it anyway. Hades entered the Great Hall with the other sixth years and he smirked a bit when he looked at the other classmates and wondered if they were going to be apparating even more and for farther distances this time.

The Hufflepuff Prefect got even closer to the woman teaching, and she spoke that they were going to be practicing some more. He lined up with the other sixth years, and he already knew the three D's by now. If no one knew them, then they were in trouble. They had to attempt to apparate from one end of the Great Hall to the other. Now that would be difficult but interesting. It was his turn, and he looked at the X on the ground. It was his turn to apparate, so he focused on the destination, and then the second of the d words. Finally, the last one. He had apparated, but he had only gotten half way there. Walking back, he went to the back of the line to try again. It took him a total of three tries to finally make it to the X, and by then, he was exhausted. Sighing, he ended his practice and left as soon as they were able.
Zayne Baros was definitely ready for another lesson of Apparation. The walk from the dungeons to the Great Hall was extremely short. That gave him some relief as he walked up the stairs. One could say that they were nervous, but none were as nervous as Zayne was. He just did not have a good feeling about apparating, but he was going to do it in order to see Kaia more often. After all, they were going to be married one day. He could not wait for that, and remembered the expression on Hades' face when he saw the answer. It was simply hilarious to say the least. Zayne pictured it in his mind, and from there on out, the other prefect did not seem to hate him nearly as much. Hades did not seem too mad at him any more so both were going their own ways, both with the respective siblings as companions, which he still found eerie as hell.

He entered the Great Hall with the other sixth years, and he walked up closer to Irene Finch, or Ms. Finch. He did not see a wedding ring on her finger, so he assumed that she was not married. Zayne made sure that he looked polite enough to see her today, and he did not forget anything that she had taught them. Which was another reason why he did not bring anything. He did in fact remember the three D words, so he was good to go on that. He lined up with the rest of the students, and looked toward the X where they needed to apparate to. He could see the destination, almost as if it were in reach. Then the determination which was easy to come by, even for this Slytherin. He then used the final D, and he apparated but he did not get very far. He went back to the line, and just before it was time to leave, he managed to land right on the X. He left and hoped that when it came down to exam time, he would get it right.
The sun unfolded behind the stony blanket of the grey painted walls. The morning air whipped through his lungs, cold and sharp. The sky was clear,his legs carried him quickly across the room. His arms pumped in time with his legs. The muscles in his chest and core flexed and relaxed with every stride. Even his heart, today a captive in a ribbed prison of anatomy, was pounding against his own flesh for a chance to be a part of the sunshine. Yes, the eagle was alive. In almost every way he could think of. The sixth year made his way to class, with a smile painted on his face. Ready to face the day, ready for a new challenge. Apparition. It was that kind of thing that seemed to keep happening, a recurring event. The first flood of people were coming into the Great Hall as he entered the Great Hall. Finally, he wasn't the first one to arrive. The prefect made his way, silently as he can while his footsteps left no mark. He noticed two familiar faces, two prefects. Then there's their instructor for today, he hoped they would be apparating today, like actual apparate. Following her intructions, Yerik Rhys fell in line just like the rest of the students. He watched as others straight face covered the chillness of the room. Watching her, the Ravenclaw looked at her hands as she pointed the end of the hall.

They'll be apparating from the end to the end of the Great hall. How exquisite. "Destination. Determination. Deliberation." he thought to himself and before he knew it, he's next in line. Some did splendid, some failed. Crossing his fingers as he stepped forward, Yerik braced himself. The first time he tried it, failed. Pity. The boy didn't managed to reached his destination during his first attempt. He was half way but something grabbed him and he had to walk back. He returned back to the line to try again, this time he seemed to manage to reach the X-mark. Slowly but surely, the tube like sensation conquered him and in a blink of an eye, he felt his feet land on the mark. Luckily, he didn't get splinched like the rest as that would be dreadful. When he landed safely, he couldn't help but smile at himself for finishing and succeeding the given task. Yerik Rhys hoped that during their exams he'll make it, just like what he did for today. Practice, practice, and he'll get it right. When they were allowed to leave, the prefect left the premises.
It was the third apparation lesson and Samual was excited for it. He was a little more confident about apparating now that he'd had the chance to try it by himself. he was glad when he didn't get splinched his first try, it just made it easier to sleep at night. Ms. Finch beckoned them closer, and Sammy conplied. She said what he hoped she'd say. They were to be practising again today. He just wanted to get this down pat as soon as possible with as little injury as possible. He frowned slightly when he discovered that this was going to be the last time. What if he didn't get it? Sure, he'd managed it last time, but that could have been a fluke. What if he splinched himself this lesson? He had a bad feeling. She asked that they line up beside her, and Samual shrugged. What was the worst that could happen? They had to get this right next week or he might as well have not bothered the entire time.

Samual stood in the line beside his fellow Sixth years, still trying to create some form of moral support for himself. Nadia did this, Amanra did this, Jack, Ben, Tess, Hayden, they would have all done this and they all passed it. The only sibling able to have done this but didn't was Tamalia, but she was expelled. She didn't count. Samual pursed his lips as he thought about the three D's, he looked at the distance. It wasn't that much. He smiled slightly when he saw the X on the floor over there. It was soon his turn, and Samual looked at the X and remember the three D's. When he finally apparented, however, he got there in one piece, but hadn't quite hit the mark. He sighed and returned to the line. He was lucky enough to have a second go. He felt the weird tube effect and smiled when he felt his feet hit the X. He squealed quietly to himself and clapped. When they were dismissed, Sammy happily left.
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