Apparation Lesson #2

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood at the front of the hall, her hands clasped in front of her ministry robes as she waited for the sixth years to enter for their next lesson. Today, she planned to have the students begin practicing right away since there really wasn't much time at all before they would be taking their exam. She didn't really expect anything too much from them as this would be the first time that any of them made an attempt to apparate, but she had the feeling that one or two of them might surprise her. The group from the previous year had been slow to start, but by test time they had all succeeded. She hoped for a similar result here.

"Welcome back. I won't waste too much of your time as I know you are all eager to begin" Irene began with a tight smile. She wasn't in a particularly good mood especially not after the night she'd had. Sick babies equaled no sleep, and the unsightly bags under Irene's eyes made it clear that she was running on fumes. Pulling out her wand from her robe, Irene stifled a yawn before she gave it a small flourish and a wooden hoop appeared in front of each student. "Ok. Space yourselves out." There certainly was plenty of room since the Great Hall was meant to accommodate the entire school and she had only a small portion of the student body in front of her.

She looked around at the students' faces, some of which looked alarmed while others look excited. "Alright. Don't forget the three D's that we discussed last week. Destination. Determination. Deliberation" she stated clearly. "And, if you feel as if you’re suddenly being pulled through a tube, don't worry. It means you're doing something right." She looked around the room, wondering if any of them were familiar with the sensation from side-along apparition. It was definitely something to get used to and any of the students who had never done it were in for a huge surprise. "I'll be walking around in case any of you get splinched" Irene began, wondering how many of the students knew the term. She hoped that there wouldn't be a live example for the class to see because she didn't want to have to do any rudimentary healing or deal with any blood today. She didn't have the energy for it. It was also rather annoying. And Irene knew that there was always one person who rushed and ended up leaving a portion of themselves behind. "Not that I expect any of you to" she added hastily as she noticed a few horrified looks from the group, "but just in case. You'll have nothing to worry about if you concentrate."

Irene nodded her head and waited a moment to see if anyone would realize that it was time for them to begin. "Whenever you're ready" she added a beat later. She didn't expect them to do anything much for at least the first little while. Wanting nothing more than to sit in a nice comfy chair and nap, Irene crossed her arms and stood at the front of the room. She stifled another yawn as she waited for them to begin.

Rp the lesson. Have fun with it :D
Today was probably going to end in disaster for Ariah. 'Crap I can't remember those three D's!' Ariah thought bitterly to herself as she quickly entered the Great Hall behind the other students that were learning to Apparate and looked around. The tables were once again cleared out for them and that meant that for the second week in a row she was able to look at their Great Hall in a different light, it looked so lonely in here right now. All week long she had been practicing those three D's and boosting her confidence so that she wouldn't back out at the last moment and end up getting hurt or anything. But by all week she really meant she practiced for a day or so then forgot all about doing it. With a million other things going on this year, Ariah just wasn't finding it easy to manage her time. Then Irene Finch started to speak to them as soon as everyone arrived and it turns out that today they would practice actual Apparation. A worried smile rose to Ariah's face before she mentally smacked herself and forced confidence to rise back up onto her face. It was a fake smile because she knew that she was probably going to mess up. Clumsiness and Apparition didn't seem like a very good mix. The blonde glanced around her to make sure she had enough room around her before a bunch of Wooden hoops appeared in front of each of them, they were going to be practicing with these today. Soon they were all let go and Ariah knew that it was now or never to get going and show everyone that she could do this and earn her Apparating License. Or get her leg ripped of and lift the rest of her life as short little gimp. The second one sounded very un-appealing though so she hoped it would the license that she gained instead.

Ariah tried to forced herself to remember the three D's in her mind when trying to apparate as those were one of the key elements and would end up being what helped her out. 'I think it is Determination? Next it was D-....Del- Oh yeah it was Deliberation!' Ariah smiled to herself when she remembered all three of them. Now it was time to actually apply them to what they were doing today. The first D she needed to focus on was Destination and that was in the center of that Wooden Hoop. Her dark mint green eyes took in the hoop carefully and even the area around it before she closed her eyes and tried to picture it in her head once again. Ariah was always good at imagining things in her head after she had taken a good look at them. After a few minute's she finally had it fully stuck inside her head and smirked, she was ready to give it a go. The next D was Determination and that was something that Ariah was sure she had enough of now. Ariah wanted to Apparate to that middle hoop and she was going to do anything she could to make it there. After all she was a Slytherin and she loved to get her way and be the best, and a simple Apparation Lesson was no different for her. Or so she thought. The last was deliberation and that was probably the trickiest since Ariah wasn't fully sure that she knew what it meant. With a breath, she closed her eyes and suddenly felt like she was being squeezed through a tube or something. With a small puff of smoke she gasped when she opened her eyes and saw that she had indeed ended up somewhere different than before. Nothing appeared to be missing either. She had apparated! Actually freaking apparated! "Ahhhhh, so freaking cool!" Of course it wasn't into the hoop like she had wanted but it was close enough, maybe next week she would do better. No not maybe, she would be doing better no matter what. With a grin Ariah high-fived another student and followed the others out of the Great Hall, she was very eager for next week to come around so he could practice some more.
--Though surprisingly, Ryuu was able to remember one single D from the previous lesson. Ryuu could really barely remember much anymore with so many other things on his mind and his Prefect duties. Ryuu remembered Destination, and that was it. The other D's were out of his Gryffindorian mind. Ryuu waited outside the Great Hall for a moment with some other sixth years, nervous about actually apparating this time around. Once he finally entered, he glanced over at Irene Finch, at least remembering her name though not what she had taught before which he felt rather bad for at least. They were going to be practicing. Ryuu was not very talented with magic so he was worried. Ryuu spaced himself away from everyone else, and then wooden hoops appeared before them. Ryuu was highly nervous, and he thought that he would never be able to apparate properly. What if he splinched himself? Then Irene Finch kindly reminded them that the three D's were Destination, Determination and Delilberation. And if they felt like they were going through a tube, they were doing it right. That did not sound as pleasant as it looked.

--Especially with the fact of the matter was that he had never side-along apparated at all. This was completely new to him. She would be around if anyone managed to splinch themselves. That did not sound good for the young Gryffindor. He most certainly did not want that to happen in a million years. Ryuu stood in his spot for a few minutes, wondering what in the world was he supposed to do? He closed his eyes, and inhaled softly, and exhaled slowly. Destination. He wanted to be in that wooden hoop. Determination. He wanted to be there more than life itself. Deliberation. But nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see that he was in the same spot as he started out with. Sighing, he did the process all over again, and he could feel the magic pulsing through him. Then he felt as though someone was tugging him through his navel, and when he did not feel that sensation anymore, he opened his eyes, and he glanced around. Well, that was something. He apparated six inches to the left. Better than nothing. So he would have to practice next time. Because that somehow...he felt as though a part of him was missing. He glanced over in the spot that he was in before, and there was a chunk of hair. Ryuu had enough to cover what he lost though. So he hurried from the Great Hall.

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