Apparation Lesson #2

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood at the front of the hall, her hands clasped in front of her ministry robes, waiting for the sixth years to enter for their next lesson. Today, she planned to have the students begin practicing right away since there wasn't much time before they would be taking their exam. She didn't really expect anything too much from them as this would be the first time that any of them made an attempt to apparate, but she was hopeful that one or two of them might surprise her.

"Welcome back. I won't waste too much time this week" Irene began with a tight smile and her blue eyes attempting to appear friendly. Pulling out her wand from her robe, Irene gave it a small flourish and a wooden hoop appeared in front of each student. "Ok. Be sure to give yourself plenty of space." There certainly was plenty since the great hall was meant to accommodate the entire school and she had only a small portion of the student body in front of her.

She looked around at the students faces, some of which looked alarmed while others look excited. She hoped that by the end of the lesson they would all be excited. "Alright. Don't forget the three D's that we discussed last week. Destination. Determination. Deliberation." she sang happily. "And, if you feel as if you’re suddenly being pulled through a tube, don't worry. It means you're doing something right." She looked around the room, wondering if any of them were familiar with the sensation from side-along apparition. It was definitely something to get used to. "I'll be walking around in case any of you get splinched" Irene began, wondering how many of the students knew the term. She hoped that there wouldn't be a live example for the class to see, but knew that there was always one person who rushed and ended up leaving a portion of themselves behind. "Not that I expect any of you to" she added hastily, "but just in case. You'll have nothing to worry about if you concentrate."

Irene clapped her hands together twice. "Get started" she said excitedly and waited for them to begin.

Rp the lesson.
I would like to try and make this more interactive, so I will be posting every so often as well, especially if someone gets splinched :r If you'd like to simply post your character's attempts and then leave, that is fine too.
Today was a new day, and it was also scheduled for an apparition lesson. This was something that Hadan had looked forward to for a long time. This time, she wore a casual outfit as she was developing more of a 'bad girl' type of style. This suited her just fine in her opinion, and she did not care what others had thought. She left the dungeons carrying nothing but her mind and determination to apparate, as she made her way to the Great Hall and be with the rest of the sixth years. She entered and found herself to be the first one. She raised an eyebrow but she did not mind. Irene Finch started the class up without making much time for them to talk or anything, which was good in the Slytherin's red eyes.

She glanced down at her wooden hoop, and she decided that now would be the best time to practice. She cleared her head of any other thought except for the three D's that she now remembered. Destination. She closed her eyes and she imagined the wooden hoop just five feet from her. There was her destination, in the middle of that hoop. The next D, Determination. She wanted nothing more but to be in that hoop. She could visual herself in it. Then, it was Deliberation. She concentrated and focused. She felt like she was going through a tube, and then she opened her eyes. Things looked a little different. She had apparated! Hadn't she? She glanced down at the hoop, and she had managed to apparate two feet. Hadan sighed frustratedly, and she tried again, but did not manage to get past the first D. She called it a day, waved at Irene Finch before making her leave from the Great Hall.
Apparation lesson two was today, and Abigail, as much as she wanted to apparate, was a little a nervous at the same time. Well, a little was not the word for it. It was more like colossal, gargantuan, something along those lines. She was more frightened of splinching herself while in the middle of apparating over anything else. Well, that would seriously hurt! Needless to say, Abbey was a little scared when she got herself dressed in a skirt and a fashionable shirt and flats as she made her way through the Slytherin House and into the dungeons. She could barely recall her D's, but she was sure that she would remember them when she entered the Great Hall. When she did enter, she only spotted one other girl, and Abbey made sure that she was far from the other snake. Irene Finch started up the lesson, and then a wooden hoop appeared in front of them. Abbey backed a good seven feet from her wooden hoop.

Okay, so, first was Destination. She knew where she wanted to go. The center of that wooden ring. Determination was next. Abbey focused with all of her might that she would apparate into that ring. Finally was the hardest step, and that was Deliberation. Abbey focused and could feel the magic at work however when she glanced around, nothing had happened. So, Abbey went back to trying the whole three steps over again. This time, she felt something, a pull. She panicked and stopped before she ended up getting splinched in half or something. Abbey needed to get a hang of her nerves before she could apparate. This time, she calmed herself, and when she repeated the process, she managed to apparate, but that feeling remained. It made her stomach turn. And...she had to go to the restroom and greet breakfast. With a hand covering her mouth, she bolted from the Great Hall. So much for a good lesson.
Apparation lesson two was today, and Theodore could honestly admit that he was so not ready for it anything big to happen today but thats probably what was going to happen. The probably was that no matter how hard he tried to focus and remember he couldn't seem to recall those The Three Fricken D's that one should try and remember while Apparating. 'I'm going splinch myself and get laugh at, I just know it.' The blonde shook his head as he walked into the Great Hall and nervously swallowed to himself. He wondered if there was anyone else in the room that was worried about splinching at all, he couldn't tell with his sister because she seemed absolutely fine this morning. Irene Finch started up the lesson and Theodore wanted to just crash to the floor now due to nerves and the fact that he knew right away this had a good chance of ending in a disaster for him. In less than a moment or so a wooden hoop appeared in front of each them which made Theodore raise an eyebrow tiredly. He backed up a fair amount before he decided that he needed to try and relax before he actually harmed himself.

Clearing his head Theodore thought about the first D carefully, destination and he knew exactly where he wanted to go. He gently closed his green eyes and he imagined the wooden hoop just about ten feet or so feet from him. He wanted to end up on the other side of that hoop so he also pictures the area around the hoop. The thing D was also another one that he could easily remember and that was Determination. And to put it bluntly being on the other side of that Hoop was what he wanted, he was so ready to Apparate to the other side. Finally the one that Theodore had a hard time remembering and that was Deliberation. He concentrated and focused to the best of his ability and before he knew it he felt the strong sensation that felt like he was being pulled through a tube or something. Opening his eyes he noticed that the area around him had changed and rolled his eyes when he saw that he had not made it through the hoop like wanted. "Stupid D's...I give up." He sighed because he had gotten as far as he could before he had become frustrated and realized that he needed more practice with those stupid D's he kept forgetting. With a sigh he brought his fingers through his thin hair before he headed out of the Great Hall.
After reading about apparating in the books at the library after the first lesson, Alexandra was feeling less nervous, and she had gotten sleep the night before the second lesson. She was sure that they would get into the apparating today, since they only had two more lessons to go until the exam, so she didn't put on any jewelry and opted out of putting the ribbon around her ankle. Alexandra got dressed, wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts with her green converse sneakers. At the Slytherin table, she noticed a few of her yearmates were still very nervous, and it made Alex even more glad that she read about it. She now knew and understood that only a few people managed to fully apparate on their first try, and that splinching, a term that means part of the body stays behind, was common and fixable.

She got down a bowl of her favourite crunchy cereal with bits of fresh strawberries and blueberries, then went through her day until it came time for the second lesson. This time, she arrived with the bulk of her yearmates, and again she was up in the front to pay attention. They were instructed to spread out from each other, and Alex moved towards where the Hufflepuff table usually is. Throughout the lesson, the 3 D's were racing through her mind like runners. Destination. Determination. Deliberation.

Alexandra took a deep breath, and was ready to take things one step at a time. "Destination, first." She quietly whispered to herself; she found it more reassuring to hear a voice outside of her head talking to her. "My destination is over there." She whispered, keeping her eyes on the inside of the hoop that was just a few feet away from her. "Next, Determination." She said quietly, shutting out the rest of the people in her year. "I can do this. I can do this." She repeated in a low whisper, over and over again, and she actually believed herself after a few times. She took another deep breath in, and cracked her neck from side to side.

Alexandra closed her eyes, and imagined herself being teleported to the inside of the hoop just a few feet away from her. The next thing she knew, or felt, she was being sucked through a tube, and she heard a blood curdling Crack! and she had only apparated 6 inches away from her starting point, though hadn't noticed yet. A wave of relief swept through her, but she kept her eyes closed in fear that she had splinched somehow, and waited a moment to hear if Irene Finch would come running towards her saying she'd messed up.
Miriah was beyond ready ready for today, or at least she thought she was because she had indeed practices those Three D's that Irene Finch told them to practice. By this point she had all three of them firmly stuck in her head to the point where she could repeat them to someone who asked in her sleep. Walking into the Great Hall she stood next to her sister and let out a minuscule sigh, she had a slight headache not to mention she was a little hungry but decided she would forget all of that for now so she could focus on this darned Apparation lesson. Today they were actually going to be trying to Apparate which made the ruby-eyed girl a little nervous but she was trying her absolute best not let anyone see it. Irene Finch started class and Miriah felt herself beginning to feel more and more nervous when she heard that their actual objective was to apparate into a hoop today. Before she knew it a wooden hoop appeared in front of each them and Miriah backed away from it so she was nearly five or six feet away. 'I need to relax myself or else I'm going to get hurt.' She swallowed and repeated the Three D's to herself over and over again until the woman was finished explaining and she knew that now she actually had to get less lazy and do something. Miriah's red eyes turned to the hoop before she mentally wished herself luck and prepared herself to try and get this right.

Clearing her hurting head Miriah thought about the first D carefully which was destination. She wanted to end up in the middle of that wooden Hoop and no where else but there and there only. Her eyes locked onto the areas as she thought of it in her head as well, Next was Determination and she was feeling pretty Determined to get where she needed to go. And the last step was Deliberation. . She concentrated and focused with every fiber of her being until she felt as if she was being sucked though a tube. "Gah!" Miriah had successfully apparated but not well because not only did she miss the stupid hoop but she had managed to fall onto her butt as well. With a frustrated sigh Miriah pushed herself onto her feet. At least she had apparated in general even if it wasn't done well.

When the class was over Miriah trotted after her sister crestfallen that she had done poorly, she hated not being the top in the class. Maybe next week she'll do better and look like less of an idiot in front of everyone.
Skipping through the hallway, it was time for Lexi to attend her apparation lesson again. Today, she was pretty excited for some reason, mainly being that she might be able to actually practice apparating today. She was still a little scared because she didn't want to screw up, but at the same time, she was still confident that she will get through it safely, she hoped. Making her way into the great hall where she say some of the student's whom were waiting for class to begin, Lexi joined them and prepared herself for the class to begin. Soon enough, she noticed Irene Finch coming and starting the lesson.

Today, they were to going to be practicing with Wooden hoops. 'Oh god, I just hope I don't get splinched' though Lexi to herself. She was confident and was eager to get started and be over with it. She listened to Irene as she explained to try and remember the three D's in her mind when trying to apparate as those were one of the key elements. 'Ok, Destination, Determination, Deliberation, and one more time, Destination, Determination, Deliberation.' thought Lexi to herself a few times. She really didn't want to hurt herself, so she decided to fully concentrated. Closing her eyes, she thought of the three D's over and over again, trying to concentrate hard and all of a sudden, she had apparated successfully without hurting herself. "Yay! said Lexi with a smile. She instantly covered her mouth as she said it too loud. Walking out of the great all with a smile, she was glad to have made good progress.
Patricia made her way down to the great hall. Today was the second day of apparation lessons and the Hufflepuff Prefect was beyond excited. For the past while she had been thinking about how quickly she was growing up and how she would be leaving Hogwarts soon. Well these apparation lessons were only added to the fast approaching days of adulthood. In a few weeks she would be 17 and as such legally become an adult in the Wizarding World and with any luck gain her apparation licence. It was all so exciting for the young Hufflepuff but it still scared her slightly. She was of course nervous about everything; apparation, graduation, growing up in general. She knew it was too soon to be thinking about her childhood, she was only 16 for crying out loud, she was still in her childhood.

As Patricia entered the Great Hall her stomach started to knot slightly as she saw the rest of the sixth years standing around the Great Hall that once again had been laid out to make more room for the sixth years by means of the four house tables been moved to the side of the room. Standing in the vast space Patricia turned her attention to Ms. Finch, the woman from the Ministry that was taking the Sixth Years for their apparation lessons. As the woman began to talk Patricia saw her make a small movement with her wand and as she did so a wooden hoop landed in front of her; as well as every other sixth year in the room. When Ms. Finch said to make sure that everyone had enough room Patricia looked around and figured she had enough room. Patricia bit her bottom lip as she listened to the woman talk; they were actually going to do this? Patricia had side apparated many times and the person who she had been with made it seem so easy so maybe it wasn’t going to be all that hard; she hoped.

Patricia was too busy running the 3D’s over in her head as Ms. Finch gave the rest of her speech, she hoped that she wasn’t saying anything important because Patricia couldn’t exactly hear what the older woman was saying. She heard the signal for them to start practicing. Just as they were given the go ahead to start practicing Patricia couldn’t remember what the 3D’s were. She had just been saying them moments before, how could she forget them now? “I know it starts with D.” she said to herself. “D! D! D! D......Destination!” She said happily that she remembered it; thankfully she was talking into herself so she didn’t disturb anyone else. Destination was easy; she wanted to get inside the hoop. Not in front the hoop. Not beside the hoop. Not anywhere else in the Great Hall but in the hoop! With that clear in her mind she tackled the she tackled the next D...Determination. Patricia imaged that to get inside the hoop was the most important thing in the World; that everything depended on getting inside that hoop. Deliberation was next. Patricia concentrated with everything that she was being pulled through that tube and landing inside that hoop. With a blink of her eye Patricia felt the familiar sensation of being pulled through a small tube. Before even looking around to see where she was she beamed from ear to ear. She had done it! She had successfully apparated. Looking down at her feet she saw that her toes were sitting on the edge of the hoop. She had apparated a few centimetres. “Oh dear sweet Merlin!” she mumbled to herself as she hit her forehead. Oh well! I still apparated! she thought happily as she thanked Ms Finch and left the Great Hall feeling exhilarated with herself.
'I am so ready for this!' Alyssa thought confidently to herself as she quickly entered the Great Hall behind Hadan and Miriah and looked around. The tables were once again cleared out for them and that meant that for the second week in a row she was able to look at their Great Hall in a different light. All week long she had been practicing those three D's and boosting her confidence so that she wouldn't back out at the last moment and end up getting hurt or anything. Irene Finch started to speak to them as soon as everyone arrived and it turns out that today they would practice actual Apparation. A worried smile rose to Alyssa's face before she mentally smacked herself and forced confidence to rise back up onto her face. The blonde glanced around her to make sure she had enough room around her before a bunch of Wooden hoops appeared in front of each of them, they were going to be practicing with these today. Soon they were all let go and Alyssa knew that it was no or never to get going and show everyone that she could do this and earn her Apparating License.

Alyssa forced herself to remember the three D's in her mind when trying to apparate as those were one of the key elements and would end up being what helped her out. 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation.' The first D she needed to focus on was Destination and that was in the center of that Wooden Hoop. Her blue eyes took in the hoop carefully and even the area around it before she closed her eyes and tried to picture it in her head once again. After a few minute's she finally had it fully stuck inside her head and smirked, she was ready. The next D was Determination and that was something that Alyssa had plenty of. Alyssa wanted to Apparate to that middle hoop and she was going to do anything she could to make it there. After all she was a Slytherin and she loved to get her way and be the best, and a simple Apparation Lesson was no different for her. The last was deliberation and that was probably the trickiest but Alyssa could handle it, closing her eyes Alyssa suddenly felt like she was being squeezed through a tube or something and knew that it had smirked. With a puff of smoke she gasped when she opened her eyes and saw that she had indeed ended up somewhere different than before. She had apparated! Actually freaking apparated! Of course it wasn't into the hoop like she had wanted but it was close enough, maybe next week she would do better. With a sigh Alyssa dusted off her skirt and followed the others our of the Great Hall, she was very eager for next week to come around so he could practice some more.
Aiden made his way down to the Great Hall for the second apparation lesson. He didn’t really care for lessons on his day off, even if there was only three of them and this was his second one, he would have much preferred to stay in his bed today but he knew that he needed to get his apparation lesson so he let that sink in when he forced himself to get up that morning. Entering the Great Hall he wished the tables and chairs were where they usually were so he wouldn’t have to walk to the other end of the Hall to sit down while he waited for the rest of the sixth years to show up and the woman from the Ministry to start the whole thing. The quicker it started, the quicker he could do something and leave again. These lessons were like any other sort of lesson where he would cram in everything before the exam. Really how hard could it be to remember three words and just poof to a different place. He side apparated with people plenty of times before and it didn’t look like it was that hard at all. Only time will tell he thought with a shrug as he saw the Ministry woman starting the lesson.

Aiden leaned against the far wall as he listened to the woman go on about their apparation lesson and other stuff, he just really didn’t want to listen. He looked down on the floor to see a wooden hoop. Looking at it with a raised eyebrow he wondered what the hell they were meant to do with them. He looked over at the woman to see if she was going to explain what the wooden hoops were for. He heard her mention the three words that began with D once again, splinching and a few other words that had nothing to do with the damned wooden hoops. When the woman stopped talking and began to walk around the Hall he looked around the Hall to see that the rest of the sixth years seemed to be concentrating really hard on these wooden hoops. Shrugging his shoulders Aiden decided to just follow everyone else and stare at the hoop. After a few minutes of doing so he still had no idea what he was supposed to be doing. What kind of apparation lesson is this? he thought to himself. Looking up he saw a few people had already left the hall. He figured that he wasn’t going to get to know the hoop any better than he already had so he walked out of the hall very annoyed that he had gotten up early for practically nothing.

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