Apparation Lesson 1

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
As Irene heard the first of the students enter the Great Hall, she turned to look at the latest batch of sixth years. Each year, she represented the Ministry by coming to the school and giving the students the tools they would need to pass their apparition exam. For some of them, the few lessons that they had were enough for them to pass their examination. Others she saw time and again throughout the year in the courses that were taught at the ministry. Only time would tell what group each student would fall into. Removing her Ministry cloak and draping it on the back of her chair, the woman stood in front of the classroom dressed in a smart suit and a pair of heels. Her icy blue eyes took each student in, gazing at each one for a few seconds before she turned to look at the next.

Remaining on her feet, Irene began speaking. "Good afternoon, sixth years. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to attempt to prepare you for your apparition exam." Irene smirked as she took a few steps and then stopped to address them all once more. "Headmistress Davershire has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons."

Crossing her arms, the woman’s icy gaze moved across the students as she continued her lecture. " I will warn you from the start that your ability to apparate will have little to do with what house you are in. Your ability to apparate does depend on your focusing on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation." She pronounced each word slowly and loudly, punctuated by the click of her heels, so that even the students standing in the back of the room could hear her. "First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years and continued speaking, "you must move with deliberation like so." It hardly took her any effort to send herself around the room. Some thought that her slight frame was a result of having apparated so many times. She didn’t think so, though she was certain that it made things easier on her.

Moving towards the front of the room, Irene continued to speak to the students. She knew that some were probably expecting to apparate today but she also knew that the foundation for apparating started with this information. "Don't forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next time. Be prepared to get right to work. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything but yourselves to the next lesson. The lesson you carry, the easier it will be." She smiled briefly, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. Holding up a hand, Irene asked them for their attention once more. In a warning tone, she told them "And, just as a reminder... the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next week. It would be very, very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then." With that, she dismissed the students and began to gather up her things so that she could get back to the office.


RP the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.

Also, whenever you get a moment, don't forget to enroll your student in the gradebook so that he/she can receive their grade. You will earn your house some points by completing these lessons.
The grim expression on Minoas' face was denoting his lack of excitement about his first apparation lesson. He had a nervous stomach and a gut feeling he shouldn't be taking these classes. But apparation was an essential ability of a wizard or witch. He'd apparated many times before, just with the help of adults and he couldn't say he really enjoyed it. It was still hard for him to get used to being sucked into an airless space. Undoubtedly, it was the most efficient way to get to a destination but Minoas would prefer flying, the floo network or even the creation of portkeys. He was aware that there was a big difference doing it on your own and he was already
prejudiced about his chances of success.

His steps echoed in the empty Great Hall. Minoas couldn't recall seeing it this large champer so bare. With the tables off to the side and only one year's worth of students inside, the room looked huge. Minoas stepped forward and found himself a spot near some of his classmates. He noticed the instructor right away, a beautiful woman with attracting eyes but he didn't recognize her as a member of the school's staff. As the lesson began, Minoas paid careful attention to what was said. His stomach stirred again when Ms. Finch demonstrated apparation. She made it seem so easy and he wondered if he'll be ever able to apparate so flawlessly as well. It was such a relief that they weren't going to apparate today. As the lesson finished, Minoas kept repeating the three Ds in his head. He tried to think positively that he will be laughing at his ludicrous fear when he was going to apparate successfully.
The almost first thing that dawned the late night sleeper was the Apparition lesson exclusively for the sixth years. She blinked as she remembered that today was the day she would have to squeeze in a new class into her timetable. Without contemplating anything else further, she proceeded to start her day with her norm routine thinking about the possibilities of this new class. Apparition was not something easy to do for starters. Quite the contrary really, since several of her acquaintances from the seventh year have given some hints of what this first lesson would be all about. The hints were evidently vague though, since who gave hints that were shedding off the mystery to the answer? Artemis had zero idea what to feel too, since apparition was something she was always fascinated with yet to try it herself was different business. Whoever their instructor would be to was a total mystery and to end the suspense, Artemis wanted to simply bolt in and hear the details of their lesson and how the hell did apparition really work. She knew about it through books and her wild imagination however never had she heard its actual process from a teacher. To end the never ending train of questions that were in her mind, she proceeded to the venue of the said lesson with the usual things she brought to each and every lesson she took. The walk was not too long but the curiosity that pounded on her mind influenced her pace to be speedier than usual.

Her classmates were in the Great Hall when she arrived and Artemis headed straight up to that one special person she eyed. She smiled at Minoas Stratis and stood beside him. "Hi," greeted Artemis. She made some small talk with her other classmates; things that were casual and light before flinching as she heard an unfamiliar voice speak. She searched for the direction of the voice and with a turn of her head, blue orbs landed on a woman's. Artemis' slowly gave her sole attention to the speaker with the knowledge of the woman being their instructor for the Apparition classes. Artemis thought she spoke off apparition as something to be cautious and knowledgeable of since there was always the danger of splinching oneself. Artemis gazed at the woman, taking in only things she deemed important.

The simple orientation was nothing something Artemis was all intrigued about however, she made small effort of remembering what those three Ds were. Those three were essential for apparition so to learn properly, Artemis made sure that she would know those three Ds by heart by the end of the day. She half grinned when their "professor" apparated. She did spotlessly and Artemis wondered if she would ever be able to do something like that and make it look easy simultaneously. She thought otherwise initially but hopefully after some practice, she'd be able to do it without any flaw. She listened for a few more minutes and took note of the reminder to better bring only herself (and her wand) for their next lesson. They were dismissed afterwards and she left, an excited feeling fluttering somewhere in the corners of her chest.

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