Apparation Lesson #1

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had been in the Great Hall for some time making preparations for the lesson she was about to give. The woman's cloak was leaning on the back of a chair that was at the head of the room and she stood in a comfortable dress and heels. As the students stepped into the empty Great Hall, her icy blue eyes took them all in, judging them and guessing at their proficiency for this type of magic. Apparation was not something that a book smart student could easily master.

Taking a seat, Irene began speaking. "Hello everyone. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to prepare you for your apparition exam." Irene crossed her legs at the ankle. "Headmistress Davershire has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons."

Irene stood up and began to walk around the seats, her red heels clicking on the ground as she walked. "In order to apparate successfully, you must focus on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation." She pronounced each word slowly and loudly, punctuated by the click of her heels, so that even the students standing in the back could hear her. "First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years and continued speaking, "you must move with deliberation like so." It hardly took her any effort to send herself around the room. Some thought that her slight frame was a result of having apparated so many times, but she didn't think so. Her slight frame did make it easier to apparate though.

Strolling back to the front, Irene checked the time and realized that more time had passed than she’d realized. "I think that will be all for today. Don't forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next time. Be prepared to get right to work next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything but yourselves to the next lesson. The lesson you carry, the easier it will be." She smiled briefly, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. Holding up a hand, Irene asked them for their attention once more. In a warning tone, she told them "And, just as a reminder... the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next week. It would be very, very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then." With that, she dismissed the students and began to gather up her things so that she could get back to the office.
RP the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.

Also, whenever you get a moment, don't forget to enroll your student in the gradebook so that he/she can receive their grade. You will earn your house some points by completing these lessons.
Everything seems to be happening so fast, who would have known that this would be his sixth year in Hogwarts New Zealand and for today it would be taking his apparation lesson. It wasnt his first time to be hearing such thing, of course he knew what apparation was and means. His whole family have tried it, well except for his two younger siblings of course, and now it's his time to learn apparation as well. It would be really convenient and handy to apparate anywhere he wishes too. Dressed in his robes and uniform the prefect made his way through the corridors and to the Great hall as it would the setting of their apparation lesson. To his surprise, no one was there yet except well maybe him. His eyes scanned the whole hall until he saw a woman of age and poise, perhaps she would be instructing them for today and so forth. He stood there on the vast space for a moment and wandered his eyes for a bit, until he approached the woman and waited for the rest of the students to arrive.

It was actually awkward to stand there in front of a person he never knew, when some students arrived it made sense to him. He isn't sure if they'll be seated or they remain frozen in front of her. "Three D's, right right. Okay, I got it." he thought to himself as he started to memorize the three D's for a moment. As for the location, he isn't sure where to go. Perhaps he could apparate within the school? Or is it better to dream big and apparate away from the castle? He wasn't sure where to go. It made him wonder where will the rest of the students apparate? He could go home but, it would be a risk to. He settled with the thought to apparate outside the castle, somewhere in New Zealand but not too faraway. Yerik Rhys decided to think of how everything looks outside, the streets, the roads, the shops, muggles. Once he visualized everything, it began to clear his mind and led him to somewhere. And just like that before he made his own world in his mind, class ended. Pity. Really. He left with a blank expression, hoping to get a hold of himself and learn a lot of things for the upcoming lessons.
This was going to be interesting enough. Hades looked forward to being able to apparate. Hades arrived in his sixth year, well aware of this knowledge that he would be getting this done and over with. The Prefect looked up as he walked down the stairs in his regular school uniform with his prefect badge attached to his chest. Hades walked over to the Great Hall where he saw that for the most part, the hall was empty. He looked around with his onyx eyes and saw one other prefect in here. Yerik Rhys Price. He seemed quiet, but Hades did not know him or care to know him. He shrugged and knew that some of the sixth years would struggle, but would he be one of them? He excelled in the classes he cared about, which were the classes that he needed for his job. Even some classes he did not like at all such as Muggle Studies. It was simply dreadful. There was nothing worse than that class.

The woman introduced herself as Irene Finch, and said that she was here to teach them how to apparate for the most part. Hades already didn't like her so much with the clicking of the heels, because to him, they echoed throughout the hall. It was quickly to become annoyed. Now they had to focus on the three Ds? Destination, determination and deliberation. The three Ds would need to be imprinted in his mind, which he repeated over and over, and how each one worked. Destination seemed easy enough, and then determination. He watched her apparate as a demonstration. With his constant training on to become an animagus, he knew that determination would be no sweat to him. Hades knew better than to forget the three Ds that they had to remember for apparating. He would not bring a bag or anything with him next week, then they would attend another lesson. Oh well, he listened to her warning before he left the great hall to find his girlfriend.
Zayne Baros would be lying if he said that he was calm and collected for their first apparation lesson. This was something he had been dying to do ever since he saw his family do it, and even Mylie. He was sorely jealous anyway. And now after this year, he would be able to apparate. That was going to be as fun as ever. Well that was his opinion anyway. Zayne walked up from the dungeons, and he walked up to the Great Hall where he stood with the other sixth years before he entered, being one of the few first students to arrive. He was normally like that, even though he was never the early type in his life. He was normally right on time, or just early. Never too early like he was now. Zayne shrugged anyway. He was looking forward to having another lesson, and he looked upon the woman that was going to be teaching them, wondering what to call her.

When everyone was in the Great Hall, they were told who she was, which was Irene Finch from the Ministry.The enchantment on the great hall was lifted so they could practice apparating within the walls, which was awfully nice. They needed to practice as much as they could, to avoid splinching. That was something he had always dreaded to do, since he believed that everyone did that at one point in their lives, right? They were given three words that began with the letter D. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. That seemed easy enough. That really seemed easy enough. The first one would be simple. Destination, where someone wanted to go. Then there was determination, which was not too bad either. Just had to want it enough. And then there was deliberation. Irene demonstrated in front of the class, and he was amazed on how easy she found it. They were then told not to forget the three words, and not to bring anything. Zayne nodded before he turned and left the Great Hall.
Athena wouldn't say that she was excited to head to her first apparation lesson, but she was curious about it. She'd apparated many times before, the side-along version that was common among wizarding families with young children who weren't near a floo that they could use. She didn't mind it much, not since she'd gotten used to the feeling of being sucked into an airless space. It was over quickly enough and was a good way to get to a destination quickly. Still, she knew that there was a big difference doing it on your own. Her brother and sister had told her so. They were good at apparating, and Athena just hoped that she would be as good as they were. She wouldn't be able to stand it if she somehow sucked at this very magical task.

As she stepped into the Great Hall, Athena couldn't recall seeing it so bare. Even when the house tables weren't present, there was always a lot of other stuff, so it never seemed so empty. With the tables off to the side and only one year's worth of students inside, the room looked huge. Athena stepped forward and found herself a spot near some of the other members of her house. She noticed the instructor right away, though she didn't recognize her at all. As the lesson began, Athena paid careful attention to what was said. Athena wasn't overly impressed when Ms. Finch apparated to the back of the room because she had seen it done many, many times before. As the lesson finished, Athena knew that the three Ds would be stuck in her head for the next week. Heading towards the doors, Athena chuckled as one of her house mates mimicked the woman.
Samual was excited to finally learn how to apparate, he had been looking forward to learning how to apparate for a very long time. He had seen many of his family members do it, some of his older siblings never forgot to rub it in his face, while others would say that he only 'had to wait a little while longer'. He felt it was finally his turn to be able to learn how to apparate. Besides, it was far more convenient and quicker to just apparate everywhere when he was older, rather than having to rely on someone else to get him somewhere. The Gryffindor headed towards the Great Hall and once he entered it, he looked around. It looked so... spacious. Usually the Great Hall had so many things in it, but now it just had a few students in his year and nothing much at all. It was a little surprising for him. He stood beside the other students of his year and smiled. This was going to be so much fun!

Samual quickly noticed a woman. He did not know who she was, but luckily she quickly introduced herself as Irene Finch. The Gryffindor listened carefully to everything Ms. finch had to say. He knew that apparating could easily turn bad. Splinching was not something Samual wanted to happen to him, ever. It was a nasty thing. She mentioned 'three Ds' and at first, Samual was not sure what she was going on about, but she soon explained them. Ms. Finch then apparated herself and continued as if nothing happened. She must apparate very often to do so that smoothly. Samual smiled slightly when time had run out. It didn't feel like long, but they were soon given a recap of what Ms. Finch said during the lesson, and were given some advice that Samual was going to take for next lesson. He was about to leave, but was stopped by Ms. Finch's hand. They were given a reminder about the enchantments the school hand, before finally being allowed to leave.
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