Apparation Lesson #1

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
[Irene Finch stood at the front of the room, wearing her ministry robes. She smiled as the students filed into the Great Hall. Some looked nervous while others seemed as if they were ready to begin apparating already. She was pleased to see that the house tables had already been pushed off to the side, leaving plenty of room for the students to gather for their first lesson. It was one less thing for her to do. The school had been extremely accommodating in providing her with space to prepare their students for the exam they would have to take in order to earn a wizarding license.

As the last sixth year entered, Irene patted down her robe and began first by taking the roll. Once she was done, she sent the clipboard away and faced the students. "Hello everyone. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to prepare you for your apparition exam." Irene took a few steps and continued. "Your headmaster has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons."

Smiling at a girl who looked rather nervous, Irene continued to lecture. "In order to apparate successfully, you must focus on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation." She pronounced each word slowly and loudly so that even the students standing in the back could hear her. "First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated to the back of the Great Hall and continued speaking, "you must move with deliberation like so."

Apparating back to the front, Irene checked the time because she was considering having the students to make an attempt today, but realized that they probably weren't going to have much success. "I think that will be all for today. Don't forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next time. Be prepared to put the words into action." She smiled briefly, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. Holding up a hand, Irene asked them for their attention once more. In a warning tone, she told them "And, just as a reminder... the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next week. It would be very, very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then."

Please rp the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place during the Brightstone weekend.
Walking down to the great hall, Lexi was a little nervous as to how her apparation lessons are going to be. This was the first time she would be learning how to apparate and if she didn't pass her apparation's exams, then she wouldn't be able to get her license, which is not good. As soon as she reached to room, she noticed that not many students were there, except for the professor, who didn't really look like a professor from Hogwarts, but rather a person from the Ministry of Magic. It didn't matter to Lexi on who would be teaching, just as long as the person taught good, so that she would understand with clear instruction.

Waiting in the great hall, seeing all of the tables pushed off to the side, she saw more and more student's filling into the hall. It was good to see that there were many other student's who were going to be attending the lesson, however, that was more of competition for her. She could wipe her competition out with ease if she managed to perfect the ability to apparate and get her license. As soon as the last student walked in, she looked towards the professor up front who had began to talk. Listening to the professor was a little boring, but then again, the only way to learn is to listen to professors. Lexi didn't mind listening to professors, just as long as she wasn't bored to death. She listened as the professor Introduced herself as Irene Finch, who is from the Department of Magical Transportation of the Ministry. Lexi had a hunch that the professor was from the ministry, it was pretty easy to tell by the way the professor was dressed.

Listening very closely to what the professor was saying, Lexi wanted to remember all of the information well. The professor talked about three D's, Destination, Determination and Deliberation. These three D's were the most crucial part in apparating and Lexi was going to have to remember all of this. 'Ok, ok, Destination, Determination, and Deliberation.' though Lexi to herself, repeating it over and over again. As she continued to listen, the professor said that the person had to choose their destination, then focus your determination and then all of a sudden, she saw the professor apparate to the back of the room, the back to the front of the room. 'Wow, that is pretty cool. I sure hope I get it down. though Lexi to herself.

Continuing to listen to the professor, she said that what we learned today was enough for us. An important factor was pointed out by the professor and it was that the enchantment spell will be enforced again, meaning we are not allowed to apparate outside the walls of the great hall. It did not matter to Lexi, so wasn't going to try to apparate herself anywhere until she had perfected it. Knowing in the back of her mind that she has to do good in these lessons, she walked off with a smile that she hopefully will do good in her lessons and get the license.
Patricia was more than excited for today. The notice had appeared when school had started again after the holidays to say that Apparation lessons would be starting for sixth years after the first week. Well today was the day that the Apparation lessons would be starting and Patricia anxiously anticipated the time for the lesson to start, sitting in her dorm, a bundle of nerves and excitement. Getting ones Apparation licence was a big thing in the Wizarding World – sort of like your driving licence in the muggle World – and with Pat turning 17 in a matter of weeks the timing couldn’t have been better.

When the time came for the sixth years to make their way to the Great Hall, Patricia couldn’t help but beam and join in on the excited buzz with the other sixth years. The Great Hall looked so different without the house tables taking up the main part of the floor, it looked even bigger than usual. At the front of the Hall Patricia saw an older woman, she looked very professional so Patricia could only imagine that she was the instructor. With the woman starting to talk the buzz quickly died down as everyone turned their attention to Ms Finch. Even as she talked about the key points of Apparation and that the charm that prevented people from apparating within the castle grounds had been lifted for the purposes of these lessons – it all seemed so exciting.

Destination. Determination. Deliberation She repeated to herself. The 3 D’s. Well that seemed easy enough to remember, but only time would tell. Of course Patricia had side apparated before with her father and other people and she knew that she didn’t like the sensation. She had started to get used to it over time it was still unpleasant. She wondered if it would be a lot different when apparating yourself. Destination. Determination. Deliberation she said to herself again as Ms. Finch demonstrated apparation. Patricia was a little disappointed that they didn’t get to do any apparation today. Of course she knew that it would take a while before she was able to do it properly but she would have liked more than learning the three D’s. Oh well! she thought. It wouldn’t be long until next week and by the sounds of it they would be getting more of an insight into things. After Ms Finch’s last warning about trying to apparate outside of the Great Hall Patricia said goodbye and left for her dorm, looking forward to next week.
Alyssa had absolutely no idea what to except out of these Apparition Lessons she was going to be attending for the next few weeks or so, all she knew was that this was something she really wanted to learn so she was going to have to give it her best shot. Of Course Alyssa was nervous and felt a bit in the dark about how this whole thing worked, all she knew was that it was Sixth Years attending the lessons and that getting an Apparation licence was a big thing in the Wizarding World, especially for the younger crowd who had yet to really live a life with Apparating everywhere. Alyssa had just turned seventeen not too long ago, she was an adult now and having her Apparation licence was something that she wanted so badly to further prove that she was an adult plus make traveling so much more easier that it had in the past. Hopefully she would not screw it up though, one thing she had heard about was the splinching and it was something she didn't really want to have to bother with. Even if she was going to become a Healer, it didn't sound like fun to witness. If she did manage to pull this off she was pretty sure the first person she would tell outside of the school was her boyfriend Vincent, unlike her family he actually seemed proud when he accomplished something.

When the time came for the sixth years to make their way to the Great Hall, Alyssa followed the others with a nervous smile on her face. Even though this was an Apparation lesson and nothing more she still wanted to look good and proper like she always did. As soon as she was fully in the Great Hall Alyssa noticed that it indeed looked a bit different with all the house tables taking up all the space they usually did and to Alyssa it seemed a little big and empty to her. When a an older woman looking woman that Alyssa assumed to be the one teaching them how do Apparate, and it wasn't until the woman started to speak that the group of Sixth Years quieted down. This was the first time the group of them that actually managed to last in school the past sixth years have all been together since the day they were all sorted, it was almost a little sad. Alyssa listened closely to the woman as she spoke about the key points of Apparating and also how the charm that prevented people from apparating within the castle grounds had been lifted for the purposes of these lessons. Oddly enough most of the time Alyssa forgot that the charm even existed because she never had a reason to remember it. Shaking her head softly for a more Alyssa refocused her attention onto the Professor just in time to hear her talk about The 3 D's. Something that would apparently become a very important key if Alyssa wanted to ever be able to Apparate Properly.

'Destination. Determination. it!' Alyssa carefully repeated to herself in her mind before she smiled and looked around the room. Watching people Apparate was so cool, it made her want to learn to Apparate more with everytime she saw someone else do it perfectly. She had of course side apparated with someone before but she didn't like the feeling all that much. In fact the first time she had done it as a little girl she distinctively remembered getting sick right after they had landed wherever. After a few times she learned how to control the nausea enough to where she would no longer get sick whenever she traveled by apparating with someone. Hopefully if you were just Apparating alone it wouldn't be as bad. Although though they didn't get to do any actual apparating today Alyssa was just happy the lessons had begun for her, she still needed more practice and confidence before she tried anything in this class anyways. Right after listening to Professor Finch's warning not to try apparating or anything Alyssa nodded and left the Great Hall, repeating The 3 D's over and over again in her mind.
Miriah made sure to dress herself in Casual clothing for this whole Apparation Lesson going on, then again all she owned was pretty much Comfy Clothing for her her own sake so no matter what she wore she'd be fine. Unlike most of the other Sixth Years that were taking the Lesson Miriah was as excited ad everyone else was. Of course she wanted to learn to Apparate but there were far more important things on her mind then getting her stupid Apparation Licence, like passing all of her exams, finding a future job, and the fact that Aiden Lorka was back to drive her up a wall even now after she had just got rid of him not to long ago. Hopefully this lesson would allow her to take her mind off things for a little bit, she knew she needed to Concentrate and get this down so she wouldn't screw up and splinch herself or anything among those lines. Following after her sister and into the Great Hall where everyone else was Miriah suddenly remember that she had told Aiden a certain someone was her boyfriend when he really wasn't, it didn't take him long to figure out that she really wasn't but it seemed that he assumed that she still liked Theodore or something. Of course she sort of did but everyone knew he had a thing for Aleyha and was barely seen without her by his side, it was sort of cute actually. As Miriah glanced around she noticed that Aleyha wasn't here today, most likely because she wasn't a sixth year but still..Miriah was mostly doing this just to keep Aiden off her case. A small nudge brought her thoughts back to earth just in time too because the Professor started to speak to the class.

The Great Hall looked way different than it had before, most likely because all the Table's were pushed to the side but it still looked away different. The older woman who Miriah assumed to be the Professor introduced herself as Irene Finch, who was from the Department of Magical Transportation in the Ministry. Miriah wasn't even aware that there was a department for that but was thankful that someone had come out to teach them, it was something that most Wizards and Witches needed to know if they wanted to get far into their jobs. In order to successfully Apparate apparently she would need to remember The 3 D's as well. The Professor listed off what they were an dhow each one of them worked, after hearing her explanation of them Miriah was easily able to see why it would probably help people Apparate successfully. 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation....Destination. Determination. Deliberation...Destination. Determination. Deliberation. Gah I'm probably going to forget them!' Miriah shook head softly once she figured that she was not going to remember those three words. Maybe if she remembered to write them down or something and look at them a few times she would get them down. Ms. Finch demonstrated an Apparation and the ruby eyed girl had to admit that it looked pretty cool to see someone Apparate, it wasn't as cool looking when you side apparated and such.

Although no Apparating was done by Miriah this week she figured next week would be when the fun actually started, she still wasn't going to get fully excited like everyone els was about this though. After a small smile with the last thing the Professor said Miriah flicked some of her long brown hair out of her face, hopefully next week she would remember those three words like she was supposed to.
Almost completely forgetting about today being the day that the apparation lessons were to begin, Aiden Lorka had slept in. It had taken him almost the full week to get used to everything again. Nothing had changed, apart from a few Professors and there was so many new students that Aiden got annoyed just looking at them. With his dorm mate waking him up as he went to the apparation lesson Aiden groaned and finally got out of bed. He got dressed and made his way down to the Great Hall where the lesson was to be taking place. He was a little annoyed that when he got to the Great Hall that all of the tables were moved out of the way and that there was no food on them. He had missed breakfast so how did they expect him to focus on what he had to do.

Rolling his eyes he sat down on one of the far benches and waited for whoever was running this joint to hurry up and start already. As he sat down he watched everyone else mingling but he didn’t feel like it; well he didn’t feel like it most of the time but especially not today. His return to Hogwarts hadn’t gone down the best with a lot of people but he really didn’t care. Looking as people around the Hall his eyes landed on Miriah, a smirk crossed his face. Why isn’t she standing with her boyfriend? He thought to himself. Of course he knew that Theodore and Miriah weren’t dating but he didn’t want Miriah to know that he knew that she was lying; it would be more fun for later on. As Aiden got up to approach Miriah he heard someone at the front of the Hall call out to them. Oh! So now you start he thought to himself, as he rolled his eyes, sitting right back down again.

Aiden listened to the older woman go on and on about something or other, he wasn’t really focusing all that much. He heard something about the 3 B’s or was it D’s? He didn’t know. Then again like every other lesson he would just ask someone later. As the lesson went on and on he gathered that he wouldn’t need to know what she was on about for today anyway. What was the point in having an apparation lesson when they didn’t learn how to apparate? It was so pointless. Soon enough the woman dismissed them all and give some silly warning about not trying to apparate outside of the Great Hall. “Well duhh!” he said to himself as he left the Great Hall to go to the kitchens, he was hungry and lunch was too far off.
Theodore walked into the Great Hall and let his emerald green eyes scan the room carefully, it looked a lot different without all the students and tables everywhere. Today was the first Apparation Lesson that all the Sixth Years who were hoping to pass and get an Apparation Licence were going to attend and he was included in those bunch of students as well. Of course he wasn't going to lie and say he didn't want one. Theodore wanted to be able to Apparate so badly that he was even willing to go to these lessons without argument from his sister or inner conscience for it. He had just turned Seventeen less than a month ago and already he was loving that he was able to preform Magic outside of school and not get in trouble because of it. Being an adult had it's perks and had it's downsides just like everything else in the world, being able to travel in a less irritating way like Apparation would do nothing but improvement his enjoyment of not having magic restrictions on him outside of school. When an older woman spoke and introduced herself as Irene Finch Theodore lost focus in looking at the room and made sure to take in every word she said carefully.

The enchantment was lifted so they could Practice Apparating by the Headmaster, Theodore hoped that someone else besides him thought that potentially that removing the enchantment could be dangerous one of these days. Shaking his head softly Theodore attempted to forget whatever it was he was thinking about and continued to listen to the woman was supposed to be teaching him about to Apparate and such. He really wanted to learn this so he hoped he could learned what he needed, pass his exam and not have to worry about these lessons again. Learning stuff was always a pain in the butt for him because he was often one to just jump to things whether he knew them or not, and this was something he couldn't risk jumping to. Ms. Finch explained something known as The 3 D's to them, it sounded a little childish but if it helped him Apparate he wasn't going to go around complaining or anything. "Destination. Determination. Deliberation?" Theodore asked aloud, mostly to himself. How on earth was he supposed to remember those? Repeating them slowly in his mind he realized that he kept getting the order wrong and groaned. After a quick example of how it worked Theodore knew he would need to practice, Irene seemed to have it down but then again she had probably been teaching this for years as well.

'Determination.Destination...dang I got the order wrong. Destination. Determination....GAH WHATS THE LAST FRICKEN D?!' Theodore huffed and started to follow his classmates out of the Great Hall, good thing there was non Apparating done today because if there was Theodore would be splinching himself left and right. Stupid D, he needed some serious practice before next week or else.
Abigail Lurken entered the Great Hall excited though she hid that part cleverly about learning to apparate. Today was the first lesson, and Abbey was sure to eat a big breakfast so that she could pay more attention in class today. She was wishing to know how to apparate so that she would not need Professor Black to take her to see her mother. Now, after she got her license as she was confident enough to want to receive her license and pass this successfully. However, she had yet to turn seventeen, but she would be an adult in a short month away. She could not wait to be seventeen and perform magic outside of school. Some of her peers were already technically adults but she could not wait until it was her time, and her time only. The great hall looked foreign to Abbey, as all the tables were moved, and there were just a handful of sixth years in here.

She did not see Hadan anywhere so she went and stood by Alyssa. However, her purple eyes caught the figure of someone who looked a bit like Hadan and could have sworn it was her, before she saw the difference of emotions in the eyes. Hadan had another sister? Abbey shrugged it off and she turned her cold gaze to the woman named Irene Finch that would be teaching them today. Abbey adjusted her skirt absentmindedly, and she made sure that her prefect badge was standing upright. Abbey failed to catch the first part of the lesson, and she mentally hit herself for not paying attention. How could she not? She was a prefect, a role model to her peers, and here she was, not paying attention.

The more Irene Finch spoke, the more determined and excited Abbey got. She allowed a smile to enter onto her face, and she grew more and more excited with finally learning how to apparate. The three D's were most important. The first thing Abbey thought of were grades, until the three D's were revealed as Destination, Determination, Deliberation. Abbey would have to repeat them in her mind all the time so that she could even attempt to remember them. She let out a nervous sigh. This was not going to be easy, and she wanted to pass it with an Outstanding...well, if it were possible that she could. It was either license or no license. When the class was over, Abbey muttered, "This will be harder than I thought." She excited the Great Hall to write down the three D's, in case she forgot them. She was praying that she would not forget as she walked to the Slytherin House.
Finally, learning to apparate had finally arrived. Unlike all the rest of her peers excluding her sister Miriah, she had waited an extra year to learn how to apparate due to repeating the second year over again. Hadan got dressed in her Slytherin robes as per usual. She wore comfortable flats and she brushed her hair. Finally, it was time to get to the Great Hall and be with the other sixth years of the school. She walked down the dungeons, and she ascended the stairs. She arrived with the rest, and she entered the hall, and went to be with her sister. Hadan was the oldest of her two sisters, and one had died. She didn't want the same thing to happen to Miriah, and she was rather protective of her sister. She pat Miriah on the shoulder, gave her a sisterly smile, and turned to the front of the hall to see who would be teaching them how to apparate.

Hadan listened to every word that passed through the woman's mouth, including her name. Irene Finch. Hadan wanted to get her license so that maybe her and Raffael could leave the apartments from time to time so that others would not complain about them anymore. Once she received her license, she wanted to apparate to the Bahamas and go swimming in the beautiful ocean over there. Hadan kept that in the back of her mind to maybe ask Raffael to go to celebrate their anniversary of getting together. They have been together for almost two years now, and it was heaven on earth since then. She adored it, and her father Chavdar approved of him...finally. Hadan kept her mind focused on the lesson, though drifting off on her boyfriend happened from time to time. It was not abnormal for someone like Hadan to think of him. How could she be so lucky after all?

Destination. Determination. Deliberation. Destination. Determination. Deliberation, thought Hadan in her mind. Those were the keys to apparating. She repeated them over and over, and knew that she would remember if she kept it up. They were dismissed, and Hadan was excited to learn how to put those three D's into action in the next lesson. She just hoped that she would obtain that license to apparate to the Bahamas after the end of her sixth year.
[I had no idea this was going on -.-]

Alexandra had no sleep the night before; she was nervous for the first apparation lesson that the sixth years would be taking today. So many different thoughts raced through her mind as she got dressed that morning, and she wore no jewelry, and not even tying a ribbon around her ankle. This whole apparation business sort of scared her to death; what if they were forced to try to apparate today? What if her feet were left behind? She was worried about all of the 'what-ifs' that she didn't get much down at breakfast.

Alex was probably the most scared person there, everyone else was already so excited about it. Most of them weren't yet 17, but Alex had been an adult almost all year. She could now do magic out of school, and would be able to apparate-once she learned and passed the examination. She arrived last out of her classmates, but made sure to squeeze her petite self all the way to the front of the group, understanding that whether she liked it or not, she would have to learn.

She sent out a few dirty looks from her strong facial expression at the people who were talking, and it shut them up almost immediately. Alex listened to their instrutor talking about the three D's. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. The nervous Slytherin repeated multiple times in her head. This skill was necessary for her to learn in order to become an auror. What good would she be if she couldn't even get to the bad guys in time?

Soon the brief lesson was over, and Alexandra was relieved when they weren't going to attempt the apparating yet. Her nerves eased, and she was calm. She went to the library to read a few books on apparation, so she could be more mentally prepared the next lesson.

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