Open Anything But Idle Hands

Nikko Blackwood

Macaws Keeper 🏄 Independent 🏄 '57 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
07/2039 (24)
It had been awhile since Nikko had found himself in the kitchens. Which was good, because it meant he hadn't been stressed enough to hide out down there. He only liked to bake or cook when something was bothering him and with the next quidditch game fast approaching, his nerves were growing by the day. He had managed to do well enough in the last game after being pulled off the bench at the last minute but he was still but he was still nervous. It didn't help that he was pretty sure the actually keeper on the team hated his cuts. Not to mention the semester being almost over, which meant exams and going home for the break. He was excited to see his family but he wouldn't be able to practice all break and he just hoped he wouldn't get too rusty by the time he came back to school. He finally made the team this year, the last thing he wanted to do was somehow get worse during their time off and not make it next year. Nikko took a deep breath as his thoughts began to spiral again. He had assembled all the ingredients he would need for some cookies. It was one of the few recipes he had memorized after making them with his mom so many times. He dumped some flour into a bowl and some of it flew up into his face making him sneeze.
The kitchen was the right place for Claras. She had made some donuts. The pancakes had a nice pink glaze and next to the pink donuts were chocolate donuts. They had glaze and sprinkles on donats. Clara finished her place and walked. She didn't know that she will be see Nikko. She stoped for moment and her hands was donats. "Hey! You need help?" Clara smiled Nikko.
Nikko rubbed his nose with the back of his hand when Clara approached him and asked if he needed help. "Hey." he smiled before noticing the donuts she had just made. "Wow those look amazing!" he said, sounding truly as impressed as he felt. He was a pretty good baker but that seemed a little complicated for him. "Sure. If you want to. Can you pass me the sugar?" he said with a shrug when he remembered she had asked him a question.
"Thanks. You can take it and eat, if you want to" Clara smiled Nikko and she walked closed and put her donats on the table. She fast find sugar and she alredy know where can find all thinks. "Here" She smiled ans gave him sugar.
Nikko had just grabbed the flour and began pouring it into a bowl when Clara brought over one of the donuts. "Oh, nice. Thanks." he said excitedly and took a bite. He had never had donuts not from a shop and he was surprised how good it was. "Wow these are great!" he mumbled with his mouth full. "Do you make these a lot?" he asked. Nikko wondered if he could get the recipe for his mom. Maybe it could be something they could start serving at the inn. "Thanks." he said, grabbing the sugar and he started to measure it out.

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