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Sandie Treasure

Well-Known Member
Well, as the title says :lol: , Sandie is in desperate need of friends :( !
I haven't been very sociable with her :erm: I was going to just open up a few threads and see who replies, but most people want a reason to rp, they want a plot planned, so does anybody want to plot with me?
I'm open for anything! I need all kinds of relationships (friends, best friends, boy friends, future love relationship, crush, enemie, rival, annoyance, ect :lol: ), so if you have any ideas, please comment, or pm me, or whatever :lol: .

A little about Sandie:
She's generally a friendly, bubbly, fun, out-going, daring girl who loves to take risks. She loves adventuring and is a trustworthy, loyal friend to have. She would do anything for her friends. The only thing is, she doesn't have any yet :ph43r:
She also has a bit of a different side to her. She's got a short-temper and a bit of an attitude ( maybe more than a bit :r ) But this side of her wont come out unless it needs to. Sandie will be friendly and nice to everyone, unless for some reason there not nice to her. If anyone's deliberately nasty towards her, or if anyone tries to manipulate or walk all over her, she wont stand for it. She would never stand for any wrong doing or attempted wrong doing to her or her friends. She wouldn't back down from anyone and will always stand up for herself. She's a strong girl, physically and mentally :) !

That's me done :lol: , Adios for now.
Rory could definately be a friend, probably even a best friend if you want. They're roomates already too. Rory is alot like Sandie, but more tomboyish. She's loud and outgoing and loves to have fun. Her whole life basically evelvoes around adventure, so they could probably get into plots where they go exploring or try to attempt different things/ pull different pranks or something? She's a kind girl at heart, but she can be rather blunt, which throws some people off a bit. Right now she acts a little cold at first meeting because she's gotten bad reactions from other slytherins and has decided to toughen up a little to survive, but she's really a total goofball with VERY strong loyalties once they're earned.

Let me know what you think!
I have this one but she's a gryffindor whose always talkative to anybody ... But she can always say if the person is being plastic toward her or just simply good. Loves adventure but not dangerous adventures, she prefer rock climbing or hunting or whatever but not dangerous.

That's all to her ...

Rubie could be a friend/best friend... She too is really friendly, and is lots of fun. She is very loyal to all her friends, and will fight for what she believes. She can be a little mischevious in the mood, due to both her siblings being troublemakers, but not that often. She is into fasion, and loves flying.

I recently replied to your RP at the Cliffs, so if you wanna reply, then we can figure out how they get along and all :)
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to these, I totally lost the thread :lol: This sections been mobbed!

Rory: Woo, I think Sandie and Rory could be really good/best friends :D . I've seen that you've replied in my breakfast thread so I'll pop off to reply just now ^_^ .

Elouise: Okay doke, would you like to rp then and see how Elouise and Sandie get on?

Rubie: I think Rubie and Sandie could be really good/best friends too ^_^ Sorry its taken me so long to reply at the cliffs but I'll pop over as soon as I'm done here :D .
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