Anyone want to RP a fun detention?

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Aurora Merrythought

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 9 Inch Unyielding Cherry Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Ok, I need to develops Aurora's relationships with students. So Aurora's detentions are not the normal ones, she will often make you bake cookies or help her clean her office, the muggle way, cause' she always does the muggle way of things. Also she gives you a choice of what you want to do for your detention. So any takers?
Emi will :p

She likes Professor Merrythought, but doesn't really care to much about Astronomy, she only likes some parts.

She could get up to some mischief and then get detention for it maybe? :doh:
I need Isabella to get in some more trouble so I'm available. :D
Abby is it ok if we do a detention in the future? :ermm: Cause' you know, it seems odd having 2 detentions at the same time. :S

Emilie, how about you were meant to have a detention with another professor - but they are absent so you had to come to Aurora?
Sounds good :p ! If we need to know all the facts what teacher/subject? It could be because she ditched a class, or didn't do the homework.

Oh and questions,

So you'll start the RP, I'm guessing... Where?
Whats the detention... or is that a surprise?
Finally, open detentions. :D
Alex totally needs one from you Prof, certaintly by now

Please x
Hoshi's trying to be a good girl but she is totaly up for a Detention with Professor Marrythought. She could be like "Why can't you be more like your brother He loves my class."

Emilie: It will be in my office, so you know... nudge nudge xD
Alex: Yes I know... I can set one up for you to, I guess.
Hoshi: After the holidays maybe?
Abby: " "
Theo: " "
See you after the holidays then Professor :D
Can Ares get detention with Hoshi?? lmao!! he could find out shes on detention and purposely get himself on detention! Group detention anyone?? :D :D
Thanks Proffessor. That would be cool though it would probably be catching him on the pranks outside of the class now though, seeing as I don't have astronomy anymore ;'( (so sad)

I don't know, just ideas..
*gasps* Stop stalking me Ares!
Never!! Ares will continue to stalk you even after he finds out you dont like him mwahahahah lol
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