Anyone want to give away character(s)?

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Xavier Littlefield

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Hey guys. I'm looking for characters, maybe 2-3 that I can RP. I would like them to be at least in their 4th or 5th year. I'm stuck with 1st year students right now and can't really get much action from them. Or maybe we can do a trade or something?

Let me know what you have. ^_^
I have Darl Jay Romanban, his currently inactive but you can activate him by PMing Nick or Livvy ... He stopped at being 4th year and should 5th year now, his from Ravenclaw. I could give you the password :)

And I have Clover Alfred, she is too currently inactive, she stopped at being 3rd year and should be a 4th year now, she's from Slytherin.
I have Vanessa Caja, I think she's in her 5th year. She actually dropped out of Hogwarts, basically because I didn't have the time to maintain her character. She was in Slytherin, but I guess if you want to RP with her back at hogwarts you would have to get her transferred back in. Or you could send her to Durmstrang or Beuxbatons if you want? Just an idea. She is listed as family, and you can check out any of her documentation (depending on how much I did for her) and my (Jade's) background might have some detail in it about her also. She is ofcourse Jade's sister, and it would be great to RP her with Jade once in a while. The person who originally RPed Vanessa was my sister, but she passed her to me to look after.

I hope all this blurb wasn't too complicated, but shoot me a RP if you want clarification.
Catherine :)
I can offer you one of the Watanuki brothers. Takanaga hasn't been made yet and you can do with him whatever you want. Yukihojo is up for grabs too :D
Ally - I'll take them both. :) Do you mind PMing me the passwords?

Jade - I'll take her. I have a good plan for her getting back into hogwarts. :D

Zazuka - I'll take them both as well. :) Do you mind PMing me with Information/Passwords?

If anyone else has any to spare, please let me know.. Thanks.
How is Vanessa going Hamza? I haven't seen any posts lately... I would'nt mind having an rp with her any time you're not busy with the other chari's. :)
I know Riley would love to rp with Braxton sometime as well!
Braxton can be brought out. ;) Just setup a thread and let me know. :)
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