anyone want to be friends?

"Bellatrix here seems to think that her pure blooded values are the only values that should be accepted around the school. If you could possibly go back in time to listen to the conversation we were having, she believes that the majority of the school is filth. According to her all muggle borns and half bloods don't deserve any respect."
Liz needed to tell Courtney something. Right then, and there. Something only she could understand.

Then the idea hit her. She whispered something to Courtney, disguised by a sneeze. She whispered it in Parseltongue. ((I'll PM you what I said in a sec))

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion." Liz said. "Although I disagree with this certain opinion, it's her own right to voice it. As long as there wasn't magic thrown around, isn't it fine for now?" she paused. "If you don't like hearing what she has to say, you don't need to listen."
Courtney smiled, she did not know how to respond to Liz.

"I find it rather hard not to listen to students that are speaking directly to me." Courtney shrugged.
"Maybe you should have left then. She clearly didn't want your presense." Liz added.

Liz wasn't sure what to say. Mixed motivations, for sure.

She knew what she told Courtney, but she also didn't want to take it over the line.
"She was the one who should have left. I was here first speaking to punghan. We weren't disrespecting anybody."
Liz opened her mouth to say something, and thought better of it. She couldn't bring herself to say that to Courtney- or anyone for that matter.

"Well, then maybe Bellatrix would allow me to escort her somewhere more to her tastes." she turned to Bellatrix. "Does that sound acceptable? The Three Broomsticks maybe?"
Bellatrix picked up her wand and looked very angry. "Fine," she said in a sharp tone, she started walking off then turned around quickly pointed her wand towards Courtney and preformed the Bat Bogey Curse on her then walked off towards the Three Broomsticks.
Elizabeth had kept her wand out, expecting this to not be a quiet affair.

"Protego!" she said once again, shielding Courtney.

She turned to follow Bellatrix the the Three Broomsticks.
Courtney saw them walk off into the distance, "You'll be sorry once the headmistress finds out about this."
"Oh it's as good as ever" Courtney smiled. "So, whats up with the sudden friendliness towards Bellatrix?"

"You know you got 5 points for blocking her curse."
Liz grinned. "Hey! More house points- always a good thing!"

"As for Bellatrix- a book has a cover and a back cover. You can't see both at the same time without bending the spine. I figure having a friend might help her bend the spine."
"I already tried to befriend her, that resulted in a bat bogey curse." Courtney laughed. "She is quite the character, you know."
"She is." Liz laughed "If nothing else, she's fascinating."

"Also, pardon my saying this, but it might be easier for her to befriend a pureblood- one with a longer line than her own."
Courtney smiled. "I don't mind you saying it. I'm proud of my 2 muggle grandparents. Even the great wizards and witches have muggle relatives. I'm sure she will accept it one day, once she gets used to all of the muggle borns here."
"I believe that's true- she has the capacity to do great things." Liz paused for a moment. "Maybe soon she'll see that capacity."

Liz grinned "Someday she might even be up to pulling a prank with both of us."
"Ahhh. I hope so, but for now, the only contact I see between me and Bellatrix is her attempted curses."
Liz smiled, "Don't worry. I've been practicing the shield charm that the Professor taught us in the mansion. I'll be around to protect you." she grinned. "We could go practice casting later. Maybe in the dueling chamber? I heard that dueling rules are up now. Otherwise we could go on the lawn and try simple disarming and shielding. That's pretty harmless"
"Sure, I say we duel within the next couple of days. It should be fun. I also think we should probably practice for quidditch try outs. With everyone wanting seeker, I can't see my chances of getting the position. Maybe we'll both get beater though."
"Well, Fred and George were beaters in their time" Liz said with a wink. "Anyhow, I could help you if you like. I know a lot about seeker training, since my father wanted me to be one."
"Going against father and trying out for beater?" Courtney mocked jokingly.

"Seriously, I think we should be able to help each other out . I could be your bludger target. Haha."

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