Anyone up to this?

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Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
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Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
Looking for Enemies!

It might be crazy, but I, with any of my characters, have never had a true enemy.
As a prideful Slytherin, Hadan has been too nice in my opinion. And Pez Rolin will be her ally, as we have talked over this via PM.

It can be anything, from terrorizing first years or just other students disliking them or something.
I haven't gotten much down, but it would be fun though.
I would prefer the age range to be from first years to third/fourth years.

More than likely, Hadan and Pez would be the bad people.
Like the title says, anyone up to this?
I wouldn't mind, Brian does tend to dislike anyone from Slytherin House anyways XD
So, it would be two against one? Hmm...

First time someone ever asked for enemies...
Tasanee already hates Pez so that could be fun? :)
Sure, the more the merrier, as long as it isn't like, five against two.

**Though we probably need to pause this, until Pez comes back on.
yeah.. well i have to go now.. pm this account to let me know where it is k?
So, it is Pez and Hadan against Tasanee/Nina *whichever* and Brian.
I assume the Slytherins are the bad people, so after Pez and Hadan become friends, then we will start the battle!
Great.. :)
I find it hilarious. Tasanee already hates Pez, and Hadan never really liked Brian, when she shared classes.
This will get interesting. I cannot wait for it to unfold.
Yupper dooodles :)
Just let's not have anyone too seriously hurt. ;)
Yeah that would be an interesting rp with the three of you with Amarante (Tasanee's sister ) :p (If she gets hurt toooo bad.. )
Haha, which side would Amarante be on?
That is not seriously hurt. I meant like....sent to the hospital wing and losing a leg. ;)
=)) Well, here are the rules then.
No breaking needed bones *neck, spine, pelvis*
No killing curses, or unforgivable ones.
Um, no one saying that another has a "dinosaur head".
Other than that, anyone want to add something?
Good thing no one knows about Hadan's past.
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