Another year come and gone

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
The events of the last Triwizard Task still had Estrella shaken. Gone was her sense of confidence in the school. She caught herself from time to time looking over her shoulder, although there was rather no need for it. Although Hogwarts New Zealand was large and filled with hundreds of students, it felt simply empty without Professor Barker there. The air of competition had dissipated, replaced with a wariness that was almost nerve wracking. With the Triwizard Tournament at a close, she rather hoped that the students from Durmstrang and Hogwarts Scotland would stay here. While she had come to dislike some people she had made some rather great friends. She wanted to be able, at least, to say goodbye to Katerina if that was the case.

The fifth year girl sat by herself at the Ravenclaw table in the Great Hall, barely having nibbled at her toast. It was her birthday today, February the eighteenth, and she was now sixteen. Two more years and it would be her golden birthday. But even more looming was the fact that in a year, she would be considered an adult, as the trace would be lifted off of her. The fact both excited her and made her a bit nervous. She would finally be able to perform magic outside of school, and on top of that, she really wouldn't have to listen to any parental authority. Or would she?

Upon waking up she had entirely forgotten that it was her birthday, fully not expecting anyone to remember, especially in light of the Triwizard events. She couldn't say that she wasn't frightened. Most of her cold had gone away, leaving her with a slight sniffle, but Professor Barker's kidnapping was on her mind, further alienating her from studying in her classes. She knew that she would have to pull things together eventually, as OWLs were approaching near, but she wasn't exactly ready yet.
Jaken made his way down to the Great Hall. He felt something rather odd, as if he were being watched. Of course he was being watched. With his father being at the school, and probably another Death Eater professor around, something was sure to be up. However, Jaken couldn't say anything. He couldn't risk the lives of others, and he was definitely sure his father would do what he said, if Jaken were to sell him out. He felt guilty for aiding a Death Eater, but he would feel worse if his father what he said he would. Their lives would be on Jaken's shoulders. He wouldn't live with himself after that.

He remembered sitting up and getting dressed, into a casual attire today, feeling like he had forgotten something important. But with his father's unknown plot going on, Jaken was not at ease. He wished he could come open with someone, but feared that Kalif would be lurking about. Jaken snapped back to reality, and he saw Estrella, sitting alone at the Ravenclaw table. Jaken felt his spirits rise a little, but the black clouds in his minds stayed. He approached her and gave her a warm grin, "Why would you be sitting alone here? Especially on a day like this?"
Estrella was pulled out of her daydreaming and looked up, her spirits lifted a bit upon seeing her boyfriend. The last few nights had been so hectic and she had not gotten a chance to talk with him. "Hey you," she replied weakly, her smile small as she looked to him. "A day like what?" She wondered if he had remembered that it was her birthday. She was not going to hold it to him too much, as she had almost forgotten herself. She looked down at the ground, and then back up at him. She was quite relieved that they were not closing the school, at least. While it was rather unnerving that her boyfriend's father was at the school with them, Estrella didn't know what she would do if she would be torn away from her friends and forced to go back to the Herrogard.
Jaken beamed at her. He noticed that he had accidently pulled her out of her thinking. He laughed a bit, "A day like what? From last time I looked at the calendar, it is your birthday, isn't it? Or did I get the date wrong?" Jaken then glanced around to see whether his father was around. Feeling relieved, he continued to be a bit worried over the disappearance of the headmistress. She was the one who made the school feel protected, or was it the auror that resided at the school? "How old are you now?" Jaken teased a little bit. He wondered if anyone else remembered Estrella's birthday. He would be rather displeased if they didn't.
Estrella laughed, her expression brightening a bit. She was quite relieved that someone had remembered. Standing up and giving him a tight hug, she pulled away, grinning broadly at him. She cocked her head to the side, punching him in the shoulder playfully. "How old am I? Why, as old as you, Jaken Styx!" the Ravenclaw fifth year chided. "It's crazy that in a year, I'm going to be able to do magic outside of school! I have to say, it hasn't started hitting me until now." It was indeed insane- next year, a ton of opportunities opened themselves to her. Once she went through classes she could apparate, she could use magic outside of school, and she could drink legally. Plus, she wouldn't have to mess around with having her grandfather as a guardian. Or would she? She felt that she could do as she liked once she turned seventeen, the golden age for wizards.

Looking to a group of students who were talking amongst themselves quietly, she was quite surprised as a letter landed on her head. Giving Jaken an odd look she picked it up, looking to the snowy owl that had dropped it on her. It had made an exit as fast as it had come. Glancing at the handwriting, she held it at her side, figuring she would open it later. She wasn't really in the mood to explain about the sender, whom she hadn't expected any kind of birthday greetings from.
Jaken grinned as he receieved a tight hug from Estrella. He stared at her for a moment, laughing at her reaction to his teasing. Jaken shrugged, "Well, I couldn't be for sure." He laughed a bit. He agreed with her, "It took me a week to process it through my mind. At least I can get my cousin back." He smirked, "If she does try anything." Jaken thought of the wonders that after graduation, he would be out of the house. He wondered if he would retreat back to Bulgaria, or stay here in New Zealand. He still had time to think on it. His father might still try to control his life, but Jaken could always threaten to turn him in.

Jaken watched a snowy owl drop a letter on her head. He chuckled a bit, "I've never seen that before." He quickly watched it had its exit. He grinned at her, "At least someone else remembered other than me."
Estrella smirked at Jaken, leaving her piece of toast unfinished. For some reason the apple she had eaten was filling her up today. But maybe it was just the butterflies that allowed her temporary filling? With everything that had happened during the Triwizard Task she was not in the greatest of moods lately. Normally, she would have been vying for a giant piece of chocolate cake. She had half a mind to sneak down to the kitchens and grab some, as it seemed apparent she wasn't going to get any cake anyways. "When is your birthday again?" she inquired, feeling entirely stupid. Giving him a weak grin, she held up the letter, frowning a bit.

"Yeah," she murmured. She would have recognized the handwriting from anywhere. Her voice not all entirely too warm, she mumbled, "It's from my dad." She wasn't sure if she should open it or not.
Jaken still felt odd about the Headmistress vanishing. He still thought his father had somehow knew about it. However, he wasn't even at the Task, nor knew when it was going to be held. Kalif was busy around the castle and in the greenhouses. Normally, he felt comfortable around his father, but now, Jaken didn't feel protected, but a target for his cruelty. He shook it off. He grinned at Estrella before answering her question, "September 13th. A few days earlier, and I could be a sixth year." He chuckled.

Jaken bit his lip in concern. He heard that her voice was a bit colder than usual. "Your dad? Oh." He didn't know what else to say. He knew that she wasn't comfortable with talking about him.
Estrella frowned a bit as she observed Jaken's expression, wondering what was running through his mind. Giving him a grim smile, she murmured, "I hope Professor Barker is okay." She was rather worried about Alicia. No one really knew the extent of the capabilities of the Death Eaters, but she hoped they would at least show some mercy and let her go free. "Well, it's a good thing you're not a sixth year!" she exclaimed, sticking out her tongue at him.

Her eyes cast to the ground, she said, "I'm sorry, I never talk about him. He hasn't sent me a real letter since early last year." She was more bitter than she was worried, flashing Jaken a weak smile. She clutched the letter, not sure whether to open it or cast it into the nearest open flame.
Jaken sighed, "I hope she is too. I've never met her, but still. They should let her go safely... That is, if she gives them what they want." He hoped that what he said was true. If Asparuh's stories were right about the Death Eaters, then they should...but if they didn't, then things might be ugly and grim. He didn't know about the ones here, but the ones in Bulgaria were rather harsh. Jaken smirked, "Then I would have been the oldest in the school." He laughed at her.

Jaken nodded, "Oh, well, I'm sorry about that." He noticed the bitterness in her voice. He grinned slightly, "Maybe you should open it, just to see what he has to say." He shrugged. "He can't be any worse than my dad. And you have met him firsthand." Jaken regretted having a father like Kalif, but he couldn't choose his own dad.
Estrella frowned, murmuring, "She is very kind. Well, when she wants to be." She didn't have much more to say on the matter, as dwelling on Alicia's absence cast her into a dark mood that she would rather avoid. Pulling a piece of hair behind her ear, the Ravenclaw girl smiled at the Slytherin boy weakly. "Nah, you wouldn't have been able to transfer," she stated, "This is the oldest year you can get in the school. We were the beginning class, you know. Except, there were a lot more people when it first started out." It was true. Along with Jaken, only five students were left in the current fifth year.

If only I could tell you, Estrella thought with a sigh. "I dunno, he might give your father a run for his money," she muttered. Deciding to go with what her boyfriend had said Estrella dug her finger into the side of the envelope, ripping it open rather ungracefully. She had left a jagged edge along the top, pulling out the letter. She was not used to tearing open letter in such a manner, accustomed to just pulling back a wax seal.

I know that I can't write to you often, but I'd appreciate if you could send me a note back.

I have to inquire, are you doing alright? I just heard that the Headmistress of your school was kidnapped. Did all of the students get out okay?

Oh, and happy birthday. I wish I could send something more than this. I promise I will make it up one day. Imagine, not a year and you're going to be able to use magic outside of school.

Estrella frowned, looking back to her boyfriend. For all she knew, her father already knew about it. But what if he didn't? Could it be possible he was hiding from them? She noted that her father had not left his name. As for promises, she knew not to believe him one bit. He had not been there for her birthdays when she was younger, why would he now?

Turning the envelope upside down, something light dropped into her hand. She observed it to be a necklace, jamming it into her pocket, along with the letter. She didn't want to look at it right now. The girl was still rather peeved off, and would have to blow off some steam before she could even send him a reply. She felt a bit childish but could really care less at the moment.

Having momentarily forgotten Jaken was there, she blushed a bit. "Sorry," she muttered, giving him a tiny, apologetic smile.
Katerina slowly made her way up to the Great Hall. She didn't usually go up to the Great Hall when it was busy, preferring to avoid people as much as possible. But today was Estrella's birthday, and she had to go and talk to her friend. Estrella was the first person she really spoke to at the school - except for Nina, but that was less of a conversation and more of a few short words. Estrella was a good friend, and Katerina felt terrible about not seeing or speaking to her as much as she'd like. But she was too scared to. She hadn't even really seen Rhyspa or Katalina since the night of the Yule Ball. Nor had she seen Yvan, except to do classes. On the plus side, she'd managed to avoid Nic and Dom like the plague.

She quickly located Estrella, and wandered over to her. "Hey!" she said, happily. "Happy birthday!" She then noticed the person she was sitting with...and froze. Jaken. Someone she definately hadn't expected to see again. "Oh," she muttered, softly. "Um, hi, Jaken," she greeted, not looking at him. He had made her first few years at Durmstrang hell. "I didn't realise you were here."
Cyndi walked into the Great Hall. The past few days had gone by in a blur, with the disappearance of the headmistress and all that went with that. She had spent the last few days in her commonroom mostly with her fellow Gryffindors.

As she entered the Great Hall, she noticed that Estrella and Jaken were sitting together. Cyndi gave a little smile at seeing the two of them together. She thought back to that Ancient Runes lesson that Estrella and Cyndi had had. As Cyndi continued walking toward the Gryffindor table, she suddenly realized that today was a special day for Estrella. She turned and instead headed toward their table.

Katerina had gotten there ahead of Cyndi. "Happy Birthday Estrella!" Cyndi said with a smile on her face as she reached the group. It was good to have something to be happy about for a change. She smiled at the other two people. "Hi Jaken. Katerina" Cyndi said.
Jaken smiled at Estrella, "Sounds a little like Durmstrang's Headmistress. I just hope Alicia is okay. Besides, I am sure she is fine. She might have a few tricks up her sleeves." Jaken hoped that it was true. Jaken laughed a bit. Having only one sixth year in a school would be rather odd. The only one in a class. However, there were only five fifth years. He was glad that he was born on the date he was. "I figured that. I probably would have been sent to Beauxbatons or something." He wasn't really into that school. Everything was just...too weird for his tastes.

Jaken smirked, "As long as we don't have to compare fathers, I think we will do fine." God, I wish I could tell her exactly what my dad does, but she might be terrified of me, being the son of a Death Eater. But, this makes it even worse that he works at the school now. Jaken watched her open the letter and read it. He watched her put the necklace in her pocket. "Is he informed of the kidnapping?" He noticed her being a little upset, and he gave her a quick hug.

Jaken heard a familiar voice. He faced a Durmstrang girl he knew all too well. His mouth dropped open in shock. He muttered, "Hey...Katerina." She wasn't making eye contact with him. Well, no wonder! Look what I have done to her in the past! Jaken winced at the memories. He gave her a small smile, "Well, I transferred..." Oh god, what am I going to do? I wanted to forget about the past! I knew she was here, but I rather would have avoided her as much as possible.

Jaken nodded at Cyndi, recognizing her instantly from his classes. He had never spoken to her. He smiled and greeted warmly, "Hey, Cyndi."
Estrella smiled weakly. "Hopefully," she murmured, but she didn't really want to talk about the subject anymore. Heck, she was supposed to be happy today, and this was one of the very days she wanted to avoid talking about the Headmistress and her disappearance. Thoughts of it were plaguing her mind 24/7 without the aid of anyone else. Shrugging, she smiled at Jaken, hoping that she didn't seem like much of a prat for cutting off that piece of conversation so quickly.

She could only smirk at Jaken's comment. "Yeah, wanted to know how things were going here. And to wish me a happy birthday." Like he ever has before. As with the subject of the Headmistress she wished dearly not to talk about this anymore. While thinking of the Headmistress made her sad thinking of her father made her angry. She was almost glad for Katerina's intrusion, grinning to Jaken. They probably remembered each other from school.

"Thanks Katerina! I'm quite flabbergasted that anyone has remembered actually." She moved forward, giving the Durmstrang girl a quick hug. She didn't know how she would react to physical affection, and hoped that she would receive a positive retort. Sometimes, she was a bit too impulsive. Pulling away, she grinned. "How's it going? I haven't talked to you in forever-" She clamped her mouth shut when she observed the wary glare Katerina was giving Jaken, and thus assumed that their relationship at school had not been pleasant. Feeling a bit awkward, she chuckled nervously. She had known Jaken for a short bit of time and Katerina for even shorter, hoping that she wasn't stuck in the middle of some long running feud.

A look of pleasant surprise shot across her face as Cyndi strolled up to her, wishing her birthday greetings. "Thanks, Cyndi!" She at least thought she was growing a good friendship with the Gryffindor girl. They were pretty much the only girls left in their year and thankfully got along. They had both had some pretty interesting conversations, including the Ancient Runes lesson. "It's awesome that you remembered. I wasn't expecting anyone to!" She beamed, glad to see that people, well, at least Cyndi in any case, were so happy. It was rare to catch an expression in the school these days that wasn't angry or somber.
Cyndi noticed that Jaken and Katerina did not seem happy to be around each other though they both greeted her warmly. She wondered why that was, but knew that it was none of her business. "Well, of course I remembered" Cyndi said, "We all need something to be happy about for a change."

Over the past few days, the school had taken a somber tone. It was much quieter than Cyndi ever remembered it to be, and the change was not good. Cyndi missed the noise that the carefree students made as they went from class to class. At HNZ, however, they were no longer carefree. "So, do you have any special plans for today?" Cyndi asked Estrella.
Katerina nodded at Jaken, registering what he said. "Oh, okay. Um, how is Hogwarts New Zealand going?" she asked, politely. "Hello, Cyndi," she added, a little more pleasently. She didn't really know Cyndi, but she seemed nice enough. She was very grateful for Estrella's hug - it seemed like ages since she'd spoken to another person, even longer since she'd recieved anything like a sign of affection. Katerina smiled and pulled a small paper bag out of her bag. "I got you a little something for now, don't eat them all at once!" she said with a chuckle, as she handed Estrella the bag, which contained red licorice. Katerina had managed to find some, and she'd tried it herself, finding it rather sweet, but quite nice. She knew Estrella liked it, too. She intended on finding something nicer for her, but things at the moment had been difficult, with all the study to do, as well as the atmosphere of the school, with the headmistress of Hogwarts New Zealand being kidnapped.
Jaken noticed how uncomfortable talking about the kidnapping had made her. He shook his head, realizing how stupid he must have been. He didn't feel nearly as bad as the rest of the Hogwarts New Zealand students felt. He gave a hopeful grin to Estrella, "At least he remembered. It would have been horrible if he didn't." Of course, Jaken had never seen his own father remember his birthday on his own, without his mother reminding him.

Jaken glanced back at Katerina and answered softly, still ashamed of what he had done to her in the past, "It's different... A lot warmer than Durmstrang." He missed the cold weather, but today wasn't the day to be acting all sad or whatnot.

Jaken smirked at Estrella, "Yeah, what are we going to do?" She needed something to be happy about, and anything to take her mind off the kidnapping, and maybe her father, assumed Jaken. He was curious whether Estrella wanted to spend her birthday here, or go elsewhere to celebrate.
Estrella gave Jaken a semi warm smile, and while somedays she wished to spill to him about her father in any case, this wasn't the day. "I suppose-" she stated, trailing off and grinning at her two friends that had arrived.

"Well, I'm just glad all of you remembered! I agree." She was attempting to make herself happy on her birthday. She wished she could do something to loosen up. Beaming at Cyndi, she turned to Katerina. Her eyes lit up as they feasted upon the bag of licorice. "I'll try not to eat them all right now," she snickered, jamming them into her pocket with the crumpled up letter.

The Ravenclaw girl bit her lip as she attempted to answer the question that Cyndi and now Jaken had asked her. "What do I want to do? Really, I have no idea. I could really go for a chocolate cake right now." She snickered. "Although that'd be pretty impossible to get one's hands on." She could not erase the joyous expression from her face, as she was absolutely elated to have such great friends.
"Chocolate cake? Hmm..." Cyndi said thinking and she broke out in a smile as an idea came to her, "Maybe we can make that happen. Let's go down to the kitchen and see if we can get the house-elf there to help us make a cake." Cyndi wondered what the other three would think about this idea. She hoped they would go for it because she really could go for some chocolate cake too.
((wow, sorry guys! i got distracted. :p ))

Katerina gave a slight smile at the idea of chocolate cake. "That sounds really good," she agreed. "This occaision calls for cake." She wasn't sure of the protocol of going to the kitchens at Hogwarts - at Durmstrang, she had never gone there. She never had any reason to. Katerina shrugged. She was up for trying something new - and she could always be tempted by chocolate cake.
"So, I guess we're going to the kitchen?" she stated, softly, glad she was part of this small group.
Jaken thought of chocolate cake, and shook his head to it. "I'm a health freak, so, you guys can chow down on cake. I got a bottle of water with me, but nonetheless, I wouldn't miss out on my girlfriend's birthday." He flashed a charming smile to Estrella. He reached for her hand and gently held it, wondering if she would pull away. "To the kitchens then?" Jaken gave a glance to Katerina, seeing her smile. He had never seen that before, and was glad that she did.
Estrella's eyes brightened as Cyndi suggested they go down to the kitchens. "You know what- that's a great idea!" she exclaimed happily, grinning at her friends. "Wow Cyndi, I never would have thought of the kitchens. I do hope a house elf is in, I don't exactly remember whether we have to use baking soda or baking powder!" She was absolutely thrilled to be surrounded by such great friends, and on top of that, the prospect of a cake for her birthday was not such a far fetched idea. The very idea of chocolate made her mouth water- she would have to be careful not to salivate all over herself, as that would be wholly embarrassing. She hadn't had a cake in who knew how long.

The Ravenclaw girl was quite enthused to see Katerina smile- her soft spoken friend did not seem like she smiled incredibly too often, but it was nice all the same. She was rather sobered by the fact that Katerina would be leaving in less than a year. Why not spend this time with her friends while it lasted? Heck, she had a little over two years of school left. She did hope that she could keep relations with her friends after she graduated. "Definitely, I haven't had a cake in so long!" she exclaimed, grinning at Katerina. She remembered the first time they had met they were talking about food, especially food they had not eaten in a long time. It was not something she would normally expect of a first conversation but the uniqueness of it could only tell of a good friendship, right?

Estrella grinned at Jaken. "Health freak? I don't believe I've ever met anyone who's turned down a chocolate cake." Laughing, she took his hand gently, not wanting to make the situation too weird for Katerina and Cyndi. Personally, being around mushy couples irritated her herself and she didn't want to put her friends in the same situation. She gave his hand a tight squeeze and an encouraging smile before pulling away. "To the kitchens!" she declared.

((We can continue with this thread if you guys want, but I'm making one in the kitchens. Sorry if I am slow replying, RL is biting me in the behind lately. :( ))

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