Another Ravenclaw Rose

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Amber's last rose was for yet another Ravenclaw, so she set off for a second trip to their table. The ravenclaws seemed to be popular today, and she was losing some of her initial shyness around the older students at the table.

"Hi!" She said loudly. "Does anyone know a Silus Hollister? I have a rose for him!" She cheerfully waved the pink flower around so it was clearly visible. It was the only rose she was delivering today that wasn't a friendship yellow, and that idea was exciting. Maybe she was really helping someone confess to someone else! Though... there was no card, so she could only hope Silus would know who would send him a pink rose.

Silus sat at the very end of the Racenclaw table -- with plenty of space between him and the nearest fellow housemate, as per usual. He'd been stabbing at his food all whilst having to listen to the delighted chatter of those receiving roses. It was all silly, he thought, taking a sip out of his goblet. He about gagged on it when he heard a seemingly young voice loudly asking for him. Dear lord, why... He groaned, rolling his eyes. He was planning on ignoring her, but he doubted she'd leave until he spoke up. "I don't care to have it." He stated, annoyed.

Amber's eyes widened in surprise when people pointed her to where Silus was sitting. He was scary! Even the other older students didn't seem to come near him. The worst part was, that when he saw her approach with his rose he didn't seem excited in the least. In fact, he seemed annoyed to see her there. Everyone else that had gotten a rose had been delighted, why did she have to have the one person didn't want one? What kind of person would be annoyed to get a pretty rose?

"But someone sent it to you." She protested when he rejected it. "I mean, it's pink which means a crush." She said the word crush in awe, her voice lowering a little. It had been Amber's only rose to deliver that wasn't yellow for friendship and she had been so excited to see the reaction. She couldn't help but feel slightly crushed.

Silus sighed and glanced at the rose the younger girl carried with her. Well, where would he even put the thing? And what the hell would he do with it? Thankfully he'd put his goblet down or he would've choked this time. "Crush?" He said, truly puzzled. Rolling his eyes he gestured for her to come closer. "Fine. I'll take the flower, but I want to know who sent the bloody thing." He said firmly.

It took quite a bit of bravery for Amber to step closer to the other boy, especially because she had no idea who had sent the flower. The sender hadn't even left a note! What if he got mad if she told him that? Still, she could hardly lie. She held out the rose to him nervously. "I don't know who sent it." She said, her voice remarkably steady. "They were anonymous, not even a note. I'm ... sorry? I was hoping you would know."

Silus plucked the rose from her outstretched hand, and twirled it gently between his fingers. Anonymous, huh? He thought, amused. He was originally planning to toss it somewhere like he had the other one, but something drew him to it, and for some odd reason, he decided it was worth keeping. Silus looked
back at the girl. "Well how the hell would I know?" He said, his voice sharp. He carefully tucked it into the front of his robes, and promptly went back to stabbing at his plate, ignoring the girl.

While Amber was normally a cheerful and friendly girl, she felt herself grow angry at how mean the boy was being to her. It wasn't her fault he didn't know who sent him a stupid rose. It probably wasn't from a real girl with a real crush on him anyway because no girl would like someone so mean and angry. "You're being very rude." She said as she glared at him. "All I did was give you a pretty flower. I don't understand why you even get one because you obviously aren't a very nice person. Whoever sent this must not know you very well." She hadn't really thought about her words before saying them, but she was sort of glad she had said them. Her heart was beating fast in her chest and she realized it was good they were in the Great Hall surrounded by people. Without another word, she turned away from him. She didn't want this mean boy to ruin her fun Valentine's day any more than he already had.

Silus let his fork clatter loudly in his plate, his icy blue eyes cold and hard. Who was this girl who thought she could speak to him in that way? Obviously, she thought wrong. "You know, I'd like it better if you'd keep that mouth of your's clamped shut. I didn't ask to be pestered during my meal by your shrill voice, and stupid offering of a flower." He snapped, angrily tossing a roll at her. "Here. Use that to stuff your pie hole, and leave me be."

All the boldness Amber had felt when she had said those things to him seemed to disappear in an instant. She was near tears. He was so mean! It didn't even matter that there were other people around, he would just say awful things to her and all she had done was what she was supposed to do, something that was supposed to be fun and happy. She was still trying to think of something to say back to him when the roll bounced off her head. It wasn't hard and didn't hurt, but it was enough to make her close her mouth and hurry away without looking back, willing herself not to cry. She would not cry on such a nice day, not even for this jerk. She was going to enjoy this holiday and forget about this rose.

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