Another date with my sweetheart

Sean Black

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sean got to the beach before Spencer did, as always, but he didn't mind it today. He was just happy he got to see her today, he has been pretty busy with the Children's Hospital, but today he took a personal day. He sat down on the beach with a sigh. He put his earphones in, and listened to 3OH!3 until she got there.
Spencer has another date with her boyfriend at New Zealand and lucky that its already weekend at Bulgaria, so, she's free to go anywhere with a flo powder. Once Spencer got at at New Zealand, the only thing her problem was finding the said beach that where their date will be held. She had to ride muggle way just to find the exact area and when she found it there Sean was, his back against her so she can't see her well.

Spencer bit her lips and slowly walked towards Sean and when she got nearer, Spencer throw herself into him and hug Sean, she gave him a full kiss on the lips and rotated herself to go in front of him, kissing him while she's on the back is not good for her back. When she released from the kiss, Spencer smiled to Sean "How's my teddy bear?" She asked.
Sean was quite suprised at the hug and kiss, but oh was it fabulous! "Well someone is happy to see me. I'm sitting here missing you. How are you sweety?" He asked, but it didn't matter what her troubles were, because he would help her with them if she would let him. "I'm so happy to see you!"
She narrowed her eyebrows at his remark, of course she's happy to see him. "Why wouldn't I be happy to see you ..." She trailed off to near her face to him a few inches again, "I have missed you a lot for the pass few weeks." Spencer told him and moved her face and sigh, she really like Sean. "Anyways, I'm fine and thank you that your happy to see me too." Spencer smiled and moved beside her for her not to block the great view of the beach for him. "How was your day today?" She asked while drawing something on the beach sand.
He shrugged at Spencer's question about if she was happy to see him. He ment to say it playfully, but it came out accusing. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." He smiled and hugged her back, so it would feel lighter. "The day has been stressful. I've been waiting to see you all week! I know you've had a hard time this week, so I got you these." He pulled out a dozen lavender roses. "I bought them at the hospital yesterday when I was thinking of you." He was smiling, that was a relief, because truthfully he had a stressful day with his parents, and seeing her face really brought out his brighter side.
"There's no need to sorry about." Spencer smiled and looked at Sean, he was breath taking. She listened as Sean told her his day was a stress, helping in a Hospital is tiring and she understand that, that's what she likes about Sean, a hard working guy. Spencer's face lit up when he brought her a lavender rose, her favorite color, "Oh my god, thank you, its very pretty and its my color too." She told Sean and took the roses from him, Spencer smelled it gently and smiled, "I'm sorry, I didn't get you anything .. But next time I will." Spencer was a bit down by it because she never had given Sean anything when they started dating and become together, it was always him who give her something. "The only thing I can give you this time is this ..." She trailed off and kissed Sean passionately and lovingly.
He didn't want Spens to get anything for him, but when she kissed him, well he couldn't complain about that! "That was nice," He said teasingly, "but this is better." He drew her closer and put all his heart in that next kiss. He always loved Spencer, and he only got her stuff, because he knew she liked it, and he didn't have anything else to give, but his heart.
The kiss was fantastic and it last long when Sean came closer again and continued the kiss that was interrupted by his remark. But that's only the line they were going, they are young to do the out of the lines things. Sean had to go to school first, Spencer released from the kiss slowly. "Glad to see you ..." She whispered but she couldn't help looking at his lips and buried another kiss to his lips.
He enjoyed his second kiss, or was it the third? He couldn't keep track, but they were wonderful! He smiled at her eagerness. It was so easy when he was with her. He didn't have to worry about anything, didn't focus on anything but her and him. Nothing else existed but her. She has always ment everything to him.

When the kiss ended, he could do nothing, say nothing, nothing but hold her in his arms. He mumbled something that sounded like, "That was nice," but he wasn't sure, and he didn't know if she did either.
It was really relaxing with the one you love is beside you, Spencer went back to her seating position again as they broke apart from the kiss and leaned her head at Sean's left shoulder. "So, what do you want to do this fine day?" She asked him while looking at the waves. Of course Spencer just wanted to seat there with Sean all day long but they have to move or else they will be paralyzed.
He was thinking about what they would do today, when she took the words right out of his mouth. "Well, I was thinking about taking a walk on the sand, and then later we could take a little swim." He glanced down to see what she thought of that.

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