Open Annoying Party-Goers

Miroslav Petrov

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Boomslang venom Core
11/2049 (13)
Miroslav didn't care for the dance, he certainly wasn't about to go to it. But he had decided to annoy those who were going. He had bought some little stink bombs and was looking for people to throw them at, hopefully ruining their and many other people's nights. He was trying to go for people who looked like they'd really put in the effort to the dance.
Teddy was going solo to the Yule Ball although wondered if he should have arranged a date this year. But had no idea who that would be. The comfortable choice would've been asking Audrey just as friends. He couldn’t think of any girls he wanted to ask romantically, and as for boys, he wasn’t sure yet who would be acceptable to ask. He was still figuring it out, and tonight didn't seem like the time to stress over it.

As he headed toward the Great Hall, Teddy stopped dead in his tracks. A younger boy was loitering near the entrance, clearly up to something. He wasn’t hard to spot. "What are you up to?" he asked him, "You know the ball is that way, right?"
Miroslav watched as a boy approached him, and then nodded. "I know," he said plainly, looking beyond the older boy to others walking into the hall, just looking for someone good to target, which he would do so even if this boy tried to stop him.

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