
Syrus Stilinski

Kaikōura Kea's Seeker 🇳🇿 Drummer 🦁 Erica's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Ramasexual)
Sexual Orientation
12 ½' Dogwood Assorted with Phoenix Tail Feather
Syrus had marched all the way back to the castle after that whole incident at the lawn. He didn't stop till he found an abandoned classroom to let out all his frustration. Lucky him he didn't have to go anywhere farther than the second floor. He found the room and just started banging things against the walls. With the use of his wand, he started sending things in their opposite direction. A long table hit the wall then collapse on the ground. He sent two sets of chairs to another wall and they snapped into two. Each act relieved him and made him feel a little better. He really didn't have a reason to be this mad. Guess it seemed obvious to Corrine why he had stuck up for April?! Had it been?! Flustered, he sighed as he summoned a chair to his side. Syrus slumped down. He might be getting in trouble for this, if he was to get caught. At the moment he didn't care. Syrus would like to know what really was bothering him. He didn't get it. His head was all mess over something so stupid. He would laugh if he wasn't so annoyed with himself.
Violette was not ready yet to go back to her dorms. She'd written her mother, and then decided a stroll down to the courtyard might tire her out. The petite goblin made the long hike down the flights of stairs, trying to count as she continued to walk. Her striped dress while comfortable, was hard to walk down stairs with and she couldn't help but hod it down, distracting herself from her counting. Which floor had she been on? Swearing to herself the fourth year decided to walk around the floor she was on now in order to find a landmark, though her legs were tired so she must have at least made it halfway down to the courtyard. For a moment Vi couldn't help but think that she'd have much more luck if she wasn't so damned short. Instead she was blessed with the height of a seven year old, nearly four feet tall now she'd be taller than her mother by the time she was full grown.

These thoughts clouded Violette's mind until a loud crashing sound next to her brought her to her senses. "What is going on?" She asked no one, as she was alone in the hall. She turned and opened the door of the abandoned classroom. She hadn't spent any time there, and while now didn't seem a good place to start she couldn't help her curiosity. "Yo, you alright there dude?" She asked the person whom was seated in a chair, looking around the classroom. it was semi-trashed.
"What?" The boy looked up from which where he was seated at. His face a little red, again he thinks it's for no good reason. A girl, tiny girl that he might have seen in the common room and maybe in class, he didn't put much effort to coming up with a name. "Yeah, I'm fine. A little ticked off with my mom." He lied to the girl. Again, he couldn't come to a conclusion why he lost his head in the first place. "Parents, the usual." He muttered. He looked down at his hands, his wand was right back in his pocket. So, maybe it was jealousy and quidditch? Maybe it was that, that fired him up? Syrus shook his head, the curls he had once possessed had been cut down short. A lot of the innocence went away with it.

"I'm cool. Don't worry about it." Syrus added on. "May get in trouble, I think." The Gryffindor reach out to his neck, scratching as he uncomfortably lied to the girl's face.
Violette took notice that when the boy looked at her, his face was red. The room was more torn up than originally thought, he'd knocked some things in the room around, broken a few chairs. Something had made him quite mad. "I don't know what the usual means." She spoke, bending over to come face to face with the boy for a moment, only around six inches from his face. "I don't believe you." She finally spoke, standing back up and giving a nod. She moved across the room toward the broken chairs. "Reparo." She spoke, waving her wand. However the chair did not seem sturdy once it was fixed. "oh.... well don't sit in that one." She laughed. "You're in my house aren't you?" She asked him, sure he wouldn't tell her the truth.
"Ah, what are you doing?" She had bend over, too close too comfort then back away. Just what he needed, another little twerp stepping boundaries. What were they feeding in the first years cheerios, that's what he'd like to know?! Syrus coughed, looking the other way. "Ummm, that's the truth. What are you some kinda lie detector or something?" He looked at her oddly, despite the truth was telling in his eyes. He really didn't want to tell her what was wrong. It really was stupid reason to be mad at. In a way, some ways justifiable. It was a jumble mess in his head at this point. "Can you read minds?" He asked coolly. He sighed, then nodded. "Yup, Gryffindor. You've caught me." She was small, but oddly developed in the face. He guessed wrong. She wasn't a first year, not with a dress barely touching her knees like that. What he was lacking in words and mannerisms, he was doing better in observation.
The part goblin shrugged. "Trying to get a look at your face to see why it is you're hiding it." She spoke candidly, not ashamed or embarrassed by her own behavior. In her mind she had no reason to be. "Do I need to be a lie detector. The only reason you'd need a lie detector is if you're lying right?" She inquired, placing hands on her hips. The brunette before her with gangly arms asked if she could read minds, and Vi gave a smile. "Who knows what kind of training I've had. Maybe I can, maybe I can't. Only way to find out is by being honest." The girl spoke with a nonchalant attitude, obviously not quite taking herself seriously. She watched his eyes flicker to her knees and gave him a glare. "Hey! No checking me out I don't even know your name!" The aussie girl exclaimed.
Syrus scuffed. He hid away with help of his large set of hands to his face. Syrus couldn't make any sense to this girl, she was all over the place. From wanting to help, to trying get him talk out his problems. "I'm not hiding anything that doesn't concern you." He felt his face flushed again, and tingle crawling up his back. This is his way of being embarrassed. So he lied, he didn't think it matter to trust someone with truth upon meeting them. "Okay, I'll tell you if you sit down. And I'm not checking you out! I'm not a pervert, believe it or not. I like girls around my age." Syrus pointed at the chair, directing her to sit there or else she won't hear a thing from him. The boy pulled at his hair, sort of missing his crazy curls. That tangle mess he use to pull on at odd times to calm his nerves down. It's missing as he pull down on few strains of hair. "Okay, I'm jealous about a friend of mines. She on the team, Hufflepuff. And I've lucked out of tryouts. Stupid nonsense. There, you're happy?"
Violette knew he was lying the moment his overly large hands covered his face. The gangly Gryffindor was obviously trying to be a strong "man" but Vi wasn't buying it. When he mentioned liking girls around his age she laughed. "So then obviously you'd like me. I'll be fifteen soon." She remarked. She knew the was short. She sat on a chair, small legs tucked beneath her. Her part goblin blood was quite the concern these days it seemed, as many people mistook her for a first year. "So you didn't make the team and you're jealous? That's totally reasonable. As long as you know that the reason you didn't make the team is just because you have to practice more." She remarked, reaching out and placing a petite hand on his shoulder. "I bet if you practiced a little more you'd be a star played next year, kid." She gave a large grin, hoping her positive attitude might run over onto the grumpy a** in front of her.
"Oh, is that so?" The way she said, the way she said that he obviously had to like her, made him laugh. "You're assuming my age? I could be seventeen, for all you know." Syrus shot back. It's safe to assume she was a midget? He didn't know the correct word for it. Half breed? "That's something she would say." He muttered under his breath, but he knows that's not all of it. Syrus rather admit he was jealous of his friend, than speak of the truth behind it all. Craning his head back, he let his shoulders drop to the side. Her tiny hand cup his shoulder looking out of place there. "Yeaaaah, thanks for the support, but I'm not getting on any team if they see this place trash the way it is." He says as he gets back on his feet again. He pulled out his wand, picking up where she started to repair things and rearrange the place back in good standards. "You're more then welcome to help, if you want to help."
Violette raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Nah, ye ain't got enough hair on your chin to be older." She laughed, sitting back in her chair. It was obvious that he wasn't easy to comfort, but seeing as she said the same words his friend did she thought she was making an impact. However he seemed to be more convinced that this room would keep him from the team. "If I help what to I get?" She asked, laughing. She did however, take out her wand and began to help with cleaning and repairing. She didn't care if she got anything out of helping, she only liked to joke. "Hey kid, what was your name again?" She asked, adjusting some chairs to set where they were before.
Her comment had him reaching at his chin, caressing at the bareness of it all. He rubbed it roughly, then went back to fixing up his mess. "Nothing? You were so quick to come into this classroom and stick your nose into my business, it's the least you can do?" He snorted. He restore the long table and sent it back along the wall. He may have actually fixed that thing, it had squeaked right before collided with the other side of the classroom. "I'm joking." He says before it's a minute too late. He refuse to have someone else mad at him for another stupid reason. He glance in her direction, biting the corner of his lips before saying anything else. "Syrus, we have class together. I think?" Syrus squint his eyes, pocketing his wand as he did. "Is it Charms?"
Violette let out a laugh when she watched him rub at the smooth skin of his jaw. It was quite hysterical in the petite Gryffindors opinion. "You're not wrong, mate." She responded, fixing up the position of a few more items and repairing them with her wand. "I can't help being nosy when it involves a fellow lion; gotta help where i can. Call it restoring my karma." She insinuated of her bad behavior only slightly, before she went right back to working. The classroom looked almost brand new once they were done, if not a little better. Once more the girl hopped into a seat, now on one of the desks. "Yeah i think. i kinda skip that class half the time. Long as i pass the exam it doesn't matter." She admitted. "I'm Violette, but Vi is easier, trust me." She remarked with a smile. "So this friend you're all bent outta shape, you and them an item or something?" She asked brazenly.
"Restoring your llama?" He mused. Syrus took a good look around, everything was in order. If he didn't care so much about quidditch he probably wouldv'e not had bother cleaning up the mess he made. He dragged his feet back to nearest surface and sat down. "Vi? Well, thanks for all your help. I really dodge a bullet there. My mom like, does a lot for me and my siblings on her own. I don't want to bring any problems with me during the break. And, yeah." Syrus rambled. His eyes went roaming around the room, like he had just gotten there all of a sudden. Vi seem to be interested in him, and he didn't understand why?! "No." Syrus voiced. "She just...a friend, and we like quidditch. She really good at it, like I think she won two matches so far because she play seeker position. Besides that, she a show off and big headed. Not a good mix."
Violette gave the boy a playful glare. "Karama." She corrected before swearing under her breath in her ancestral tongue. She only really knew swear words from her mother, whom occasionally used them when she was frustrated. "My mom is like that too. Maybe they should take a spa trip together considering they have to deal with us." She spoke, swinging her legs. His explanations about his friend did little to assuage her, and Violette tucked the idea in her back pocket to tease him later. "Sure, a friend. Sounds legit I guess." She spoke, obviously trying to hint that she didn't believe him. "If she's just a friend, then I'm part giant." She laughed at her own joke, her demure height quite the opposite of giant.
"My mom and your mom? Maybe. If she can get pass the whole half breed thing." Syrus spoke truthfully. His mother never encounter any other magical folks, besides him and his siblings. And occasionally someone from the government here. He still unsure how all that really works. "Mom a muggel." He added. Syrus shook his head, shifting his body some. "It's not like that at all. Not even close." Syrus jaw tighten a little, and shook his head again. "Anyways, I'm telling you too much about me. Think that's fair? No. What about you, little Vi?" Syrus questions his rather annoying new found companion. Don't think he'll be able to get rid of her that easily.
Violette laughed at his remark. The teen wasn't ashamed of her blood status, and wasn't anywhere close to making a big deal out of being called a half breed. It was what she was. "She's almost Normal height sort of!" She defended while laughed. "I would love the look on your mom's face!" She said, determinedto get brought home by him at some point during their friendship. The dark haired student raised an eyebrow. Now, looking him up and down. "I am not little! And I don't suppose you have proof of your 'just friendship'z" she held up air quotes. "I have a twin sister I'm sure she'd think your 'just friendship' was strange too." She teased only revealing a little about herself.
"You are to me." Syrus gesture to his lanky body. He was taller than his brother and he was the youngest out of three Stilinskis. "Ah, there another of yous? Now I feel bad for your mom." He bother her with this new revelation. "My friendship with her or any other girl is really none of your business. I mean, what are you trying to get out of me? I really don't get it? Can't guys be friends with girls without others assuming anything? It's the year 2045, and this is still a problem? Way to go with that progression!" Syrus rolled his eyes. He felt like a hypocrite just now, or not. He was working this out on his own and didn't need Vi forcing it out on him. "Anyone ever tell you, you're a persistence little sh*t? I'll be surprised if they haven't."
Violette rolled her eyes when he remained persistent that she was little. "I come up to yer chest at least, maybe you're a part giant!" She spoke with a laugh. However it seemed she'd touched a nerve and Violette hopped off the table with a little pat noise. "Hey, my sister is a delight, I'm the little sh*t." She defended firstly. "Of course they can, but you just seem so defensive and grumpy!" she insisted again. The petite Gryffindor threw her hands up in defense and looked up at the fourth year in front of her. "Hey, I was just trying to help. You're welcome for the assistance anyways." she shrugged with a nonchalant smile on her face. "You need anything else you let me know, like maybe something more interesting than destroying Chairs." She said with a laugh before turning to leave. Once almost out the door she peeked back in, only her head through the door. "Oi, and i like to call it perseverance!" She spoke before leaving and shutting the door behind her, not any worse for the wear from the boys words.

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