Angus Greenwood

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Angus Greenwood

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OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash

Angus Greenwood


Partners In Crime
Best Friends
Close Friends
Average Friends
Student Friends
Distant Friends
Family Friends
Protective Over Me
Protective Over You
Former Enemies</COLOR>
<COLOR color="Crimson">


Former Friends
Name Basis
Met Once


Mortal Enemies
Hardcore Enemies
Average Enemies
Mutual Dislike
One Sided Enemy


Puppy Love
Like Family
Mutual Crush
I Have A Crush On You
You Have A Crush On Me
I Look Up To You

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House & Year:
Our Relationship:
Our History:
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments):
Link To Your Relationship Thread:
Name: Violet Bellamy
Age: Fourteen
House & Year: Hufflepuff, Third Year
Our Relationship: Siblings, Best Friends, [I am] Protective Over You, [You Are] Protective Over Me, You Look Up To Me
Our History: Well...I think we have the most convoluted sibling history EVER. Considering we were born to the same parents but didn't know that until recently! But we've always been close, even when we lived on other sides of the world.
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): What kind of a sister would I be if I didn't say I loved my little brother? (I'd be a cousin masqurading as a older Angus, you're awesome, and you have such a drive to succeed that I really respect. Sometimes I think you are like Grandfather (I bet you didn't want to hear that!) but you're completely your own person, and I admire you a lot. I only wish you'd do your homework and take better care of yourself. ;)
Link To Your Relationship Thread: In time, my friend, in time.

Name: Bianca Felicity Petrescu
Age: 11+
House & Year: Hufflepuff First Year
Relationship with me: I look Up To You, Like Family, Average Friends, Student Friends and I Have A Crush On You (Which girl doesn't? Lol ), You're my date to the Yule ball 2020
Our history: Hmm..when did i meet you?
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): I've seen you around and you've been a really really great friend and a good buddy at spamming. And you're really fun to joke with too. And Bianca has a secret crush on you. And you're like a big brother :)
RPs we have together: Later.
Link to your Relationship Thread: Click!
Name: Annamarie Rousseau
Age: 11 years old
House & Year: 1st Year Gryffindor
Our Relationship: Friends
Our History: Well....We first met in the back compartment of Hogwarts Express and partied it up at Isabella's unsorted party where we decided that we would take over the ministry of magic one day and you dared me to cluck like a chicken (haha good times).
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): I think you are wonderful Angus (even though you are in Slytherin =p)! Thank you for reminding how to make friends. I hope our friendship stays strong over the next couple of years. =)
Link To Your Relationship Thread: *~My Thread~*

Name: Alyssa Snow

Age: 11

House & Year: Slytherin First Year.

Relationship: Average Friends, School friends, Housemates.

Our History: We met on the Hogwarts train and instantly became friends. Which I'm sure we'll continue throughout the years.

What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): Alyssa thinks Angus is wicked awesome. Although she doesn't have a crush on you, she stills thinks your awesome non the less. She also thinks he's really fun, and totally easy to get along with.

Link To Your Relationship Thread: I already filled it out....
Name: Luna Paramore
Age: 11 (12 in a few days!)
House & Year: Ravenclaw 1st year
Our Relationship:Student Friends (For now! ;-) )
Our History: We met in the Ice cream parlor and I hope to talk to you more in the future, You're easy to get along with and pretty interesting. (Not to mention cute!)
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): You're an awesome person from what I've gathered. As I said above you're easy to get along with, interesting, and fun. (and cute!)
Link To Your Relationship Thread: (Might do later.)

Name: Andromeda Fiorelli

Age: 12 years

House & Year: 2nd Year Gryffindor

Our Relationship: Average friends / students friends

Our History: We met through your sister Violet Bellamy at the ice cream parlour and have thankfully met up at the school again.

What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): Andromeda thinks you are cool and different, you aren't the usual Slytherin type she has gotten to know up until now. She likes the fact that you are possibly as clever as your sister yet have a certain streak running through you that makes you more Slytherin than any other house. She's itching to know what that part of you is like.

Link To Your Relationship Thread: link

Name: Isabella Chaos
Age: 11
House & Year: Slytherin First Year
Our Relationship: Student friends, Average friends, (hopefully) Close friends, PARTNERS IN CRIME (don't act like you don't remember!....planning to take over the Ministry and have 3 Minsters of Magic hehehe)
Our History: Aww Angus, you were my very first friend here at HNZ :) We met at the Hogwarts Express and had many adventures "on the way" to school, just read Annamarie's reply to give you a reminder hehe
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): Wow, who DOESN'T like you?! But it's that charm you've got :) As I said above, you were my first friend here and I couldn't have picked a better person! You are so cute, awesome, cool, and friendly. It's no wonder you're so popular hehe.
RP's We've Had Together: Party for the Unsorted
Link To Your Relationship Thread: Click for the Chaos :)
Name: Antoinette (Emily) Greenwood.
Age: Fourteen.
School & Year: Beauxbatons, Third Year.
Our Relationship: Cousins, Hardcore Enemies, Annoyance.
Our History: Unfortunately you were adopted by my parents when I was only two years old, after mum had a miscarriage and found out that she couldn't have more children, and after Violet became very ill. And I do not appreciate this at all. I'm glad you've gone back where you belong, because frankly, I could not stand being in the same immediate family as you a second longer. It's bad enough that we're related and live on the other side of the world!
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): Angus, I can't believe you made Slytherin. Grandfather's actually proud of you, imagine that! Then again, it's easy to believe. You've never been as smart as me and you've always been a sly, sneaky, horrid child. I can't stand you and I never want to see you again, you drive me insane and I absolutely detest you.
Link To Your Relationship Thread: ((none, suckers!))
Name: Libby Barnett
Age: 12
House & Year: Hufflepuff 1st year
Our Relationship: Not sure, haven't RP with much :p
Our History: Erm...none i dont think RPing hehe
What Do You Think Of Angus? (i.e. general comments): Funny, easy to talk to.
Link To Your Relationship Thread: Under my siggy
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