Angela Onyx Marion

Angela Marion

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OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
♥The Basics♥
•Name: Angela Onyx Marion
•Current Age: 14
•Birth date: June 14
•Appearance: Angela is a short-statured girl with a curvy appearance. She recently dropped a lot of weight (she's now only about 120lbs). She used to have raven black hair that hung down to her shoulder blades, but has dyed it to a vibrant red since then. It is now about shoulder length, and she straitens it most of the time. She has bright blue-green eyes, that tend to be more toward the neon blue side. She has many issues with the way she looks, constantly complains. If asked how tall, she'll answer 5'1 and 1/2", because she's so proud of that 1/2 inch that she's grown since her first year in Hogwarts. She wears a lot of bright cloths that now vary in styles. Ruffled skirts, skinny jeans, and band t-shirts make up a majority of her wardrobe, but she does have a few sophisticated outfits, and formal dresses left to her by her late Aunt.
•Five words to describe your character:
1. Shy: Angela used to be outgoing, strong, and hard-headed; however, she has changed into a meek girl. She was tossed around and learned to be quieter. But, if you get her into the right crowd, she will be as bouncy as she used to be.
2. Responsible: Angela has taken responsibility for her entire family after the death of her Aunt. She now constantly takes care of her baby cousin, and her cousin whom is her age.
3. Untrusting (*Teehee, I love making up words to fit my needs!): Angela needs time now more then ever, to build trust with someone. So many people have left, hurt her, and used her that she doesn't know who she can really trust. But, if given the time, she'll come around.
4. Caring: If you take time to get to know Angela, you will notice that she really does have a big heart. Being her friend comes with the constant 'are you okay's or the 'do you need some help's. She will always be there to give a hand.
5. protective: This is honestly one of her strongest traits. She is very protective over friends, family, and younger children. She is keeping an eye on all the first years now, and sees each one of them as her little brothers and sisters. She also will hurt anyone who makes anyone in her family or circle of friends, cry.

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•Mom: Helena Calles Marion (Decest)
Occupation: N/A
Race - American
Looks - Light brown hair, high cheekbones, and a thin, underdeveloped body

•Dad: Angelo Arron Marion (deceased)
Occupation: He was a medical adviser, or Chief Of Staff as he called it.
Race - Part Japanese
Looks - Black hair, light brown eyes, and a very strong steady body.

Aunt: Sarah Xu-Marion (Decesed)
Occupation: N/A
Race: Part Japanese
Looks: Long black hair, dark brown eyes, petite build, smile lines.
•Name: Angelo Arron Marion II (deceased)
Age he died at: 12

•Name: Ally Norma Marion
Age: 16
Occupation: Serves food in her half-way home

•Pets if any:
She no longer has any pets of her own, but she really wants to own a dog again, because she experienced so much joy, and often considers strays her pets.

•Area of residence: She goes from her school to her Foster Father's flat in NZ

•Short life story: Angela is the youngest in a very high society family. They used to live in Germany, but shortly after "the accident", they moved to Tokyo japan to help her grieving mother. Shortly after her father died leaving the family tearful and in pain. After that Angela, the serious one, took over all of her household duties. She hadn't really wanted to but she had to. As the years went by and her mother slowly lost her mind, it was obvious Angela wouldn't be there much longer. She got a letter saying that she would be living with her aunt in New Zealand. That was about the time they got the other letter. Her mom hadn't seemed surprised. Before Angela knew it she was being shipped off to a place in NZ and now on her own, she awaited school to start up.
Her first year came so quickly, she thought her head would spin off. Her, her cousin, and a friend (Kala Kelly) were put all in Ravenclaw, and remained close together. Skyle and Angela were great friends, and Skyle even encouraged her to date Adam Simmons, a mutual friend. They dated until her second year, in which Darian, another friend and Adam's cousin, confessed his feelings in a kiss. Adam had trusted her that she didn't kiss back, until a boy who had been off and on friends (Teddy Cameron) told him about her cheating problem. Angela was left devistated and her cousin refused to speak to her, since Darian was her boyfriend.
Third year was uneventful as Angela dyed her hair and stayed out of everyone's way. She talked to Teddy again, and he and she went to the yule ball together. She had known that her cousin and he we talking, and was very jealous. She kissed him and was turned down quickly. Heartbroken, she ran into the forest, where a boy named Ryker was able to talk her into believing just how beautiful she really was. She didn't forgive Teddy, and he left quiet quickly to another school. Then in forth year, Angela puled herself out of the slump and tried to go back to normal. She wasn't mean in the hallways, she wasn't even mean to people who didn't say excuse me. She was home more often, and is to be pulled from school and be home schooled. Soon after receiving that news, she found herself speaking to Teddy in the park while Kairi kelly played with his little brothers and sisters. They became friends again, Angela his loyal puppy dog; hoping there was still a chance for more.[/color]

•What would her Patronus be: Her Patronus would be a tigress; they are strong and hunters. They are also very beautiful.
•What would her Boggart be: Her Boggart would be a wolf, because when she was young and in the mountains, she was attacked by one.
•What would their Animagus be?: Her Animagus would have to be a panther. they are strong and they are predators. they don't attack for fun they attack to live.
•What memory would create the Patronus: The memory that would create her Patronus would be her first memory of the sun. She loves it and the warm feeling was like the love she had found herself without.

•Angela knows three languages, growing up in a family that was all over the place. She knows fluent Japanese, and English also. She knows a bit of french, but really wants to learn Latin.
•She is a talented singer, but is too afraid to sing in front of anyone. Her aunt is teaching her guitar, and she wishes to get it over with.
•Angela has a short attention span, but she is very smart for her age. She is also a very happy girl (on the outside)

•She is afraid of most older men. Anyone who resembles her brother in any way, or someone who intimidates her.
•She is a big push over, people step all over her. She's so nice that she can barely say no to anyhting. This caused problems back home, and might cause problems in the future.
•She has an extremely short attention span. She can't pay attention to just one thing, which makes sitting in class very hard for her.
Hello Angela,

a few questions...

1. How is your mother coping with the death of her son and her husband?
2. How are you coping?
3. Do you get on with your sister?
4. Does she attend a magic school as well?
5. You seem to have lots of pets, were you able to bring any of them with you to New Zealand?
6. You're very tall for a ten year old, do 'tall genes' run in your family?
7. What hobbies and interests do you have?
8. Any particular house you think you are more suitable for?
okay here we go!!

1. Angela's mother isn't coping well. She is unstable mentally and has to take many pills. She cries herself to sleep mostly. Angela is kind of taking care of her, but she can't do much, only being ten.

2. Angela is usually busy with things and doesn't have time to think about it. She copes by distracting herself with cleaning and cooking, and taking care of her mother.

3.Angela's sister is a bully, plain and simple. Angela has scars and bruises from her sister beating on her. They used to get along very well, but now, since her brother's death... things have changed.

4.No Angela's sister is a muggle

5. Angela took all of her animals, except the parakeet (which keeps her mother company). She also picked up a stray black cat to keep her company.

6. Angela's mom was also tall so i guess you could say that. But Angela hit her growth spurt early, she is done growing for a while. Plus, her mom had something strange happen at Angela's age, that will happen to Angela. She shrunk a bit. It's weird but it is possible, and Angela, currently is now only 5'2 1/2"

7. Angela loves to play with her animals, sing, and she plays the ocarina, and even some flute. She loves to listen to classical music also, and does ballet.

8. Angela is most suited for Slytherin. Why? Because she is only nice to whom she chooses is good enogh, and if she doesn't like something; it will change. She's not stuck up she just doesn't like things that aren't what they're supposed to be. But other than that she'd be suited for Ravenclaw, because she is smart and well adapted.


((Note Number six was changed because recently, i shrunk! And so i thought it would be cool to give the same problem to my character, which will make her a bit less confident. Yeah i used to be 5'3" Now i'm only 5'1"))
Hi there,
Here are some few questions

1.How did your sister die? You say she beat you, was she elder, by how many years?
2.How exactly did the accident happen?
3.Will Angela be going to Tokyo for holidays?
4.Will it be easy to be friends with Angela?
5.Could you write a short RP of the wolf attack?
6.What are Angela's future plan, or does she not have any as she is muggle born?
7.Ally, what does he/she do?
8.Did Angela have friends in Tokyo or no because she just moved there?
9.Are you poor, since your dad died and mom is ill, who works?
10.Would you like to get into a realtionship straight away when you start HNZ or will Angela be 'too young to care?'

Thats a bit for now, I will find few more once I read your bio :D
1. (i think you mean her brother :) )Angela's brother died because he was pushed from the attic window of the Marion's summer home. Her sister is older than her by quite a few years (six years to be exact)

2. In short her brother was just as bad as her sister. He was a bit of a abuser. one day when Angela's parents weren't home, he chased her through teh house. She ran to the attic to save herself and he found her there. He grabbed her arm, trying to hit her... and she pushed him. He fell out the window and died with impact. She blames herself completely for the accident.

3. Angela wants to go to Tokyo for the winter holidays, but is wanting to stay here in NZ as long as possible, even though she misses her mom.

4. Angela is a sweet girl, and she can make friends quickly. So yes it will be easy. But if you are a much older man, like an adult, she might be a bit cautious about it. Ever since her brothers death she has been afraid of older men.

The day air was extremely cold on her back. She had loved vacation so far, but she was sad she would be leaving soon. She was so happy to be there, though she didn't quite know where "there" was. She walked on trying to keep her balance on the rocks. At least they were dry, instead of wet. She walked on and found a nice flat place to sit. It was a flat rock, close to the trees of the forest.
"Na, na, na," she began singing the lullaby that her dad had taught her.
A rustling from the trees brought her back to reality. She was hoping it wasn't her sister again, looking for a "pipsqueak". She looked at the trees and bushes, and nobody came out. Maybe it was her mom.
"Mom is that you?" she asked.
She heard growling and she approached the bush. It wasn't her smartest move, but she was curious. As she got closer she saw the eyes of an animal. She got a bit closer, was it her dog? Before she could think the animal jumped out of the trees. It was a gray timber wolf, and it was a mad one. It tackled her to the ground and she let out a high pitched scream. The pain was unbearable and soon she knew she was going to die. Was this revenge from her dead brother? She didn't know, but this was the end.

6. Angela doesn't know what she wants to do in the future. But whatever it may be, it will have to do with animals.

7.Ally, Angela's sister, is in a detention home so she does nothing.

8. Angela didn't make any friends in Tokyo because they knew what happened to her brother, and they blame her.

9. Her grandmother is rich so they get money from that.

10. Angela isn't too young to care, but she has trust issues so she doesn't know whether or not she wants a relationship.
I loved your RP :wub:
Here are some more
1.Which house were Angela's parents in?
2.Does Angela have any other relatives(cousins, aunt, uncle, grandparents?)
3.Where does your grandmother leave, do you ever go to visit her?
4.How did Angela know she was a witch, I mean before the letter, where they any signs, mention
5.Your hobbies?
6.What would Angela do on a free day at hogwarts?
7.Are you good to house elfs n other creatures or do you consider them as inferior?
8.Would Angela be very evil, a prankster, sulky or a friendly Slytherin?
9.Have you thought of any plots about Angela's coming life that you'd like to share?
thank you.... :D

1. Angela's mom went to Beuxbatobs so she wasn't in a Hogwarts house, she doesn't know what house her dad is, but will find out soon.

2. Angela has an Aunt who ios coming to stay with her, adn she lives with her cousin.

3. (i didn't say anything about a grandmother...?)

4. Angela hadn't really thought she was a witch. I mean once she stood some pencils on point tip, but she thought it was a talent!

5. Angela loves singing, dancing, horseback riding (which she hasn't done in a while), taking care of pets.. and lately getting lost seems to be in that category too.

6. Angela would probably explore the grounds and see what sites there are. She doesn't know much about Hogwarts so she really hasn't thought about it (though i think getting her lost in the woods might suffice, she seems to be prone to it!)

7. Angela knows how it eels to be hated for what you can't change, so she would show them compasion. But to things that aren't nice she would be mean to.

8. Angela isn't really suited fro slytherin anymore... now that I've developed her more. But she would be a friendly slytherin if put in that house.

9. Plots, you mean like things... wait could you define plots... i'm haveing a blond moment XD
Well yeah there are a few..

1. She needs to tell whoever she has as a bf (most likely in fourth or fifth year) about what really happened to her brother.

2. her cousin is going to hit he in the face son, causing one of her eyes to change color because she was a twin, that was Sarah (her aunt has to tell her.)

3. She needs to get over her fear of older men, which will happen later on.

4. Get's lost somewhere in the woods.

5. Finding out about how her father died

6. And her first REAL kiss!

A few are really far away but like when i write, i always think of the ending before the beginning ^^
HI Angela i have one question.

1. How did your brother die?"
Rose that question was answered above, but he tok a fatal fall fromt eh attic window.
oh my bad thanks
I finally got it,
Imagine you have a journal, post an entry that is close to your life and can be found there.
Okay, I know it was just one question but I need to think alot, maybe if I read your RP's I can find something to ask you
Are there any rps that you have done in Obsidian or Brightstone that arent concerned with sales, can u list them so i can read and help you :D
here are some that i have going on:

and then i have tons int he unsorted section!

And here's the journal entry. this is kind of a sad one, but she had to write about it, because she couldn't tell her mom. It's about the time her brother attacked her. i tried to make it as least graphic as possible.

Dear Journal,

It happened again, but this time worse. He tried to attack me today. Since mom is all the way in the other houses, she couldn't hear it. Ally was busy with her new boyfriend to care. He tried to drag me into his room this time, where he keeps his weapons, the ones dad gave him. I clawed at the floor so much that i broke my nails and scratch the floor. As soon as i could i kicked him. It wasn't very hard but it knocked him back a bit. i ran up to the attic, where i'm not supposed to go. I locked the door and went over by dads favorite window. I cried a lot in the moment i was there. But i could hear him banging on the door. That stupid twelve year old baby. I just wanted him to go away! But my wish wasn't granted, he broke down the door. The lock was old, so i wasn't suprised. He came closer to me and i didn't know what to do. When he grabbed my arm, i pushed him with everything i had, and he fell. The glass breaking was the only thing i heard before he hit the ground. I just sat down, and cried. I'm a monster now, what am i going to do. i killed someone, my mom will hate me. And now, she has to go through with him dying. What is wrong with me, i'll never do anything right!
I have just got one
1. you say your brother was your identical twin, however identical twing have the same genes, this means that they have to be eather both male of both female. might they be fraternal twins?
Oh sorry bout that :d i thought it was the other way around, yes they are fraternal twins! Really got confused :)

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