And you will be needing?

Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
When one went to school it was natural for one to make connections whether one wanted to or not. There were always people with the same ideas, the same stories, the same attributes as one's self and those people for better or for worse seemed to come together in the most unusual of ways. Then there where the people that just seemed to force themselves on one and one had no choice but to accept their friendship because they where not the type to have enemies. For Sunako Wantauki this person was Veronica White. Veronica had been there when she was suffering through what she now knew where punishments for goring against what she was being conditioned for. Her headaches instead of getting better had gotten worse because now that she knew where they came from her taskmasters made sure that she remembered her place and her training.

Still Sunako had not forgotten what Veronica had done for her. This is why she was in one of the girl's common rooms waiting for the person that she never expected to be able to trust. What she wanted her for Sunako had no idea but she knew that there had to be something she wanted. She wouldn't say that they where friends. Sunako had no friends. She had aquatints at best and conspirators at worst. Sunako sat with her legs right up against her chest a book sat on her knees so she could read it comfortably as she waited for Veronica.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it took me ages to post here

Veronica walked out of her Astronomy class which was today for once conducted during the day. She certainly did not understand why one studied the stars, couldn't they just admired them and put a full stop at that? Today in her seventh year they were studying very advanced level of Astronomy but she didn't understand it and she could only hope that she wouldn't fail. With a sigh she walked into the girl's room wanting to use the loo and fresh up before lunch.

It wasn't as if Durmstrang wasn't always full of weird surprises, no, she was much used to that but she certainly wasn't expecting to see Sunako Watanuki sitting in the loo like that day when she had found the girl in same situation but today she was reading, much calm and at ease unlike last time when she had seemed under much pain. She wondered if Sunako liked being in rest rooms, she was weird but Veronica didn't know to what extent and it wasn't like they were enemies any more, no but they weren't friends either. "Why would one like to read in a washroom?"she asked Sunako, her eyebrow raised. Not that she expected a straight answer because that would mean she was an idiot but she certainly was hoping Sunako to talk something, explain her presence.

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