And You Are?

"Oh I see, Well i'm sure she will and you'll love it here!" Hariah said encouragingly. She heard what he added at the end and wondered whether to acknowledge it. She decided against it as this subject seemed to be rather personal and it was clear he didn't want to talk about it. Perhaps Hariah called talk to Damien about it at a later time, when they were closer friends or even when Damien felt he wanted to talk about it. She didn't want to push it and was grateful for Damien not wanting to know more about her life. She didn't have a problem telling people but she would probably bore them. She didn't have very positive feelings towards her mom anyway.

Hariah grinned "You should, it would be nice to know someone there! It sounds pretty cool. I'm excited to start" she said to Damien happily. She smiled at him when he started singing too. She was relieved she picked a good song. "'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me, and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be. Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet, and you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street. So I'm not moving, I'm not moving."

OOCOut of Character:
So sorry it's late!
Damien nodded,he hoped he would. Damien was grateful that she hadn't said anything about what he had said under his breath,it had been stupid to say it and Damien started cursing at himself. He knew maybe in the near future he would tell her everything,because it wasn't healthy to keep all your problems to yourself and he flt her could trust her to not laugh at him or tell anyone else.
"Okay so I'll go"He said smiling he would hopefully enjoy this Glee Club,there hadn't been nothing like that in his old school or in his community,if you wanted to call it that.Policeman says, "Son you can't stay here"I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year"Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows.If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go'Cause If one day you wake up and find that you're missing me.And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be.Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet.And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street.So I'm not moving, I'm not moving,I'm not moving, I'm not moving..

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its so bad but I'm in a rush!
Hariah squealed with excitement "Okay good! It's going to be so much fun!" she said grinning at Damien. She couldn't wait to start Glee club, it sounded very exciting and exactly Hariah's thing. It would be interesting to see how many other musically inclined students there would be here at Hogwarts, they were her competition.

Swaying she carried on the song "People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl, there are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world. Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved, maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news, and you'll come running to the corner, 'cause you'll know it's just for you, I'm the man who can't be moved."

OOCOut of Character:
It's fine! Mines bad haha :)
Damien grinned at her excited squeal,that was another thing he wasn't used to and he had to say he actually kind of liked this hyperness around people.It was nice because he almost felt carefree which he hadn't felt since he was about four years old.He was looking forward to this Glee club,he had heard about some tv series called Glee and he guessed that's where the inspiration had come from. It would be nice to see how musically talented another people in the school were,it would be a good way to make friends but there would also be some competition. Some people were competitive and would do anything to get on top,this worried Damien but he knew all that he could do was not become like that or become friendly with that sort of person because it would just end in disaster.

Damien enjoyed singing this song.The only issue he had with the script was that most of their songs were sad and it got to you after a while just singing sad songs so he often listened to other good bands to vary the choice. He wasn't going to bother with the chorus again so he nodded to Hariah to sing the last two lines with him "Going back to the corner where I first saw you.Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Hariah joined in the last two lines of the song in a harmony with Damien as she finished she smiled at him. "That was really good" she said "You have a really nice voice." It was pleasant singing with someone else, she hadn't really done it before unless you counted singing with her dad. But singing properly with someone else was great, especially someone who had a different vocal range to herself. That would be the best thing about Glee Club singing with people who had very diverse voices and tastes, it made it interesting.

"If we choose to sing with each other again soon, I will choose the song and it will be a nice screaming one for you!" she said jokingly. Hariah would love see Damien's reaction if he had to sing something like that. It would be like asking Hariah to rap something. A nightmare!
Damien smiled as she joined in on the last two lines of the song in harmony.Their voices blended together nicely. Damien had never sung with anyone but his aunt before and it was nice.Damien looked out to the horizon. His life was changing rapidly and it had already changed dramatically. Damien wasn't sure what was going to happen over the next year and the years he was at Hogwarts. This was so different from his former life. It was weird having a meal three times a day and know there would always be a meal for you,also having a comfy bed and not having to work all the times was great,but it was like he was a beginner in the deep end of the pool,this was a totally different ball came for him and it was like his life was gone totally out of control.Damien looked over at Hariah and wondered would it be people like her who would get him through this phase in his life.

Damien laughed "I can't wait"he said rolling his eyes. He had to say he was looking forward to that. "So what music do you not like?"He asked raising his eyebrows,if she knew his it was only fair that he knew hers. Damien stood up suddenly and walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. he knew Hariah must be wondering what the hell he was doing but to be honest he didn't know either.He just stood there looking out at the endless sky.He breathed in and closed his eyes trying to ignore the scared feeling he was having. even though he really didn't want to admit it he was scared that he had know idea how his life was going to turn out.
What music do I not like? Hariah thought to herself. "Well..." she began, "I really do not like rap music. I don't know how people can call it music but yeah. Erm... I think maybe 'classical' you know, I like songs with lyrics not just instrumental I guess" she finished. Hariah never really saw the appeal of listening to music with no lyrics in, you couldn't sing along, which was one of her favourite things to do. Also, she couldn't see the point in listening to music where you couldn't understand a word the 'artist' was saying.

Damien suddenly stood up and Hariah was taken aback. She wondered what he was doing when he walked over to the edge of the cliff. "Am I boring you that much?" Hariah shouted to him jokingly. "I have that effect on people. Don't worry!" She wondered if he wanted to be alone over there or not. So far she had got this balance right, but she didn't know whether he would come back here.

Tentatively, she got up and slowly walked over to him and gave him a small smile and put an arm around his shoulders in a comforting way, to reassure him that she was there for him, and she intended to be for a while. "Bit of a change of scenery over here" she commented looking down over the cliffs. Hariah had that funny feeling in her stomach when she looked down. They were very high up and she couldn't imagine falling all that way. Hariah decided to sit down cross legged on the edge of the cliff, it felt a lot safer than standing there swaying in the breeze. It was a bit colder here than over by the tree though.
Damien smiled. He actually didn't mind rapping,especially songs which had a mixture of both singing and rapping.he liked songs like Stereo hearts and Magic. He could understand what they were saying and he liked the meaning of Stereo hearts,he found them quiet catchy. again Damien liked classical music though not all types,he liked the music from the movies like Pirates of the Carribbean, Jurassic Park and Star Wars.he also liked the classics like pieces from Beethhoven and Vivaldi. He wasn't a fan of the slow classical songs though some could be very beautiful. "I like both,though I see where your coming from because some rapping songs are terrible,because you can't understand a thing they are saying but I have to say its a talent being able to rap because it certainly isn't easy"Damien said. He understood where she was coming from and everyone was entitled to their own tastes.

Damien couldn't help the small smile that his lips made when he heard her comment.He was surprised when she came over,none of his old friends would of when he was in one of his moods.he stiffened slightly when her hand went around her shoulders but he relaxed after a few minutes finding it quiet comforting. So this is what its like to have a friend that cares Damien thought. He had never expierence that before and he had to say he liked it. "not yet"he said in reference to her previous comment. He grinned as she sat down "Not afraid of heights"He asked teasingly stepping closer to the edge.He looked down and wondered what would it feel like just falling. Damien decided he would never want to find out so he moved back to where Hariah was sitting and sat down beside her. "Thanks"He mumbled. No one other than his aunt had ever comforted him before,it was a new feeling for Damien and he had to say he liked it
Hariah's eyes widened "I never had you down as a liker of rap" Hariah said jokingly. "I guess your right, it is a pretty good talent, talking fast is.." she said cheekily. "No but in seriousness you do have to be pretty skilled to rap." She said agreeing with Damien, it just wasn't her cup of tea really. "I guess songs that incorporate rapping aren't too bad. I can tolerate them, it's just when you can't understand a word they are saying, it's pointless!"

She felt Damien go a bit stiff at first when she put her arm around him, but he soon loosened up and Hariah smiled to herself, she felt that they were getting pretty close now and she wanted him to feel that he could be open with her. In the same way that Hariah felt she could be open with him, which would be a first since she hadn't talked about her home life or feelings towards her family to anyone. Not even her father, who she admired so much.

"Not so much 'afraid' more 'concerned'" she said to Damien "It's a bit unnerving looking over the edge of the cliff and swaying in the breeze, if I ever lost my footing..." she shivered "I feel much safer sitting down here." Hariah heard a 'Thanks' mumbled by Damien she smiled and whispered "Your welcome."
Damien smiled "I'm more a fan of the slow type of rap where you can actually understand them"He said grinning. Damien nodded it was a talent and a hard one at that. He knew he wouldn't be able to talk that fast.he had tried and had failed miserably.Damien laughed "You have quiet a fixed opinion on it,you know I'm gonna find a song with rap in it and we are going to sing it together"he said grinning. There was quiet a lot of nice songs that had both rap and singing in them,he would ask his aunt to send him a few songs for Glee club and Hariah.

Damien smiled "Don't worry you can't fall,there's a charm stopping us from falling off"he said not that he'd let Hariah or himself fall off. when Damien had sat down he lay down on his back and looked up at the sky,it was kind of warmer lying down as the wind was going over you."So do you want a little family history"Damien asked. He realized that he trusted Hariah not to laugh of judge him on his past and financial situation. he wanted to be close friends even best friend with her as he really liked her and they had a lot in common as well
Hariah shook her head "They day you do that is the day we scream together" she said laughing. "It will be very interesting, my attempt at rapping. I can just see it now. It will not end well, just so you know" she said to Damien grinning. It was true, she had never attempted to rap herself but she knew it wouldn't work out very well. Saying that she had never tried to sing a 'screaming' song so who knows how it might turn out but it might be pretty funny in the process, especially since Damien would be joining her in this.

"Oh is there? Well that's a weight off my mind!" she said pretending to wipe her head while laughing. She looked down and realised it seemed foolish to think that they would let kids run around the grounds by cliffs and not have any safety in place. She shook her head at her own naiveness.

Damien lay down and Hariah thought this was a good idea but instead she lay on her side facing Damien and rested her head on her hand. Hariah was a bit shocked at Damien's question. Did this mean that he was opening up to her? Were they becoming close friends after all? Potentially best friends? It seemed so even though about a couple of hours ago they were practically strangers. It was a great turn of events. She felt that he was the one person who she could trust at Hogwarts. Hariah smiled gratefully at him and nodded "Yeah, okay."
Damien laughed that would be rather amusing.Damien had a feeling it would end badly but it would be funny. he had never attempted to scream a song before or rap for that matter. But it would be great fun and he knew it.Damien smiled it was an easy mistake to make,there was no visible signs of anything stopping anyone from falling off. He had been told by an older student about it.

Damien breathed in,he knew he had t do this tell someone else. It would be healthy for him and he knew he could trust Hariah even though he had just met her today. "Well as I said I'm from New York but the poorer parts"He said sighing looking up at the sky. "I was a surprise to my parents,they had no jobs and were into drink and all that sort of stuff. They hadn't finished school when they found out I was coming. I don't know much after this, only that my parents gave me up to my aunt. They didn't want an annoying baby who would make them grow up so they gave me to them and I haven't heard anything from the since.My aunt and I have enough to get by though I usually work in three places in the one day trying to get extra money. The school I went to was crap,they didn't teach my much so its kind of hard to read and write though I'm getting better at it. Last year I was suspended from the school after a got in a fight resulting in this"He said before sitting up and pulling up his t-shirt. There on his side was a long red scar that went from below his shoulder to his waist. The knife had cut through his top and gone the whole way down. Luckily that was when the teachers had come out. "He had seen me do magic and I guess he had felt threatened or something but after that I was home schooled by my aunt but all I really focused on was my music. Its because of that incident that I hate magic it had also made me feel different when I was growing up,made me feel weak which wasn't a good thing"he said lying back down and staring at the sky.It had felt good to say that out loud but he felt a tear fall down his face.He missed his parents even though they hadn't wanted him,he had always wondered what it was like to have two loving parents,he did love his aunt but she wasn't his birth mother. After a few minutes Damien spoke up again "So any drama in your family"he asked almost as a joke. He wanted to hear about Hariah's past though it probably wasn't as colourful as his.
Hariah could sort of relate to Damien's situation with family. With her mother at least. She always got the impression that she was never wanted. At least not by her mum and sister. Her dad was the only one there for her and she was so glad when he took her with him to New Zealand. It was the best thing that had ever happened to her, getting away from her mother. The dislike was mutual. "Do you like living with your auntie?" Hariah asked Damien curious as to what he thought. "Have you had any contact with them? Or wanted to have contact with them?" she wondered. If it was Hariah, she would like to know who her parents were, even if it was just a glimpse of them. Her eyes widened when Damien said he worked three jobs, Hariah hadn't worked a day in her life yet. She felt very spoilt at this moment, especially when he said he went to a bad school and Hariah had an established and expensive tutor to teach her everything she needed to know before she went to Hogwarts. She had an idyllic start in life, she couldn't compare it with Damien's.

Hariah sat up and put her hand to her mouth in shock. "Oh my god. Damien!" she said worriedly tracing the scar with her eyes. She had never seen anything like it. She felt pure hatred to whoever did that to Damien, she had never been targeted for being magical. If anything it was celebrated and praised, saw as a positive thing. "I am so sorry" she stated. She didn't know what else to say to him, she was lost for words. Hariah understood, "I can see why you don't like magic. But believe me, you will like it, it will get better and easier. There are so many positives, they outweigh the negatives. And I pray you see that soon because I do not want you hating being here. Hogwarts is the best place for you, you will soon see that I am sure" she said almost begging him to see that it was a good thing being here. Damien had finished his story and Hariah felt she understood him better now, she knew why he disliked magic so much and it just made Hariah upset that he didn't appreciate it the same way she did. Almost instinctively she grabbed him and gave him a big hug. She felt like he needed it and she felt that he needed to know that she was here for him and how grateful she was for sharing his story with her.

Sighing she said "You want to know my story? I must warn you it's not that interesting." Hariah crossed her legs and started. "Well I live with my dad, who is the greatest man I know. He and my mother split up four years ago, it was the best decision that he made. I always had the feeling that my mother didn't really want me, like she favoured my sister over me. So I was so glad when I moved to New Zealand away from her. She still lives in England with my sister and now I'm here with my dad. He told me that he broke up with my mother because it just wasn't 'working' out which was probably true. I remember the arguments they used to have, I believed that up until recently when I found out that my mother had cheated on my dad with this other man. And I'm quite glad that she did, it finally brought the family to an end and my dad saw sense to leave her. I really don't want to see her again or my sister. They made it clear that they didn't want to see my dad or me ever again. So my dad taught me about magic and all about Hogwarts back in the UK and I just couldn't wait to start here. I'm so happy I'm magical like he is and my grandmother. He was a Gryffindor like us you know!" she said fondly. "We're very close. Like I imagine you and your aunt are. I think that's about it" she said finishing and looking at Damien. It was strange talking to someone about it. Even though Hariah and her father are close she had never talked to him about her mother and how she felt towards her.
Damien loved his aunt,she was the best person in the world.If it hadn't been for her he would probably been abused by his parents or would of turned out just like them. he wouldn't of found his love for music and her certainly wouldn't of come to Hogwarts. he had to say he liked Hogwarts but only because of the actual castle and the people here. he didn't like the classes and he often didn't go to them though classes like astronomy he always went to. "Yes I love my aunt and I love living with her its because of her I am who I am"Damien said smiling.Even though times were hard they usually found reasons to laugh or be happy. You could always here the two of them singing or playing their instruments even down by the street. Mostly people didn't complain unless it wasn't nice music or it was during the night time.Damien liked most of the adults where he lived,they were nice except for some of the men there who scared him. There was often supicious men hanging around their flats though no one could prove it. Sometimes Damien would hear gunshots though that didn't happen often,the best thing to do in those situations was to keep quiet and not say anything because you usually ended up being killed. "I don't know,sometimes I do but other times I feel hatred towards them for not wanting me"Damien said looking into the distance.Damien smiled at her widening eyes when he said he had three jobs,she had obviously grown up with a much better lifestyle then Damien.

Damien winced slightly at her outraged cry.No one except for his aunt knew about it,well not including the person who had done it and the few kids close enough to see.Damien shook his head there was no point being sorry it had nothing to do with her and it certainly wasn't her fault.Damien didn't correct or contradict her statement.He looked around as she started saying how wonderful magic was."Maybe sometime"He said,he wasn't sure if he would or not begin to love magic,he would find out soon though he was sure.He was surprised when sh gave him a huge hug.Strangely he found himself hugging her back just as fiercely.It was nice to have someone to lean on to,to have someone who understood your pain.

Damien listened to Hariah explain her life's story. he felt annoyance towards her sister and mother,how could they not like Hariah,she was on of the nicest people he had met,he had to say he would like to meet her father sometime,he seemed like the dad Damien had always wanted."Your lucky to have someone like him"he said almost a hint of jealously in his voice. she was so lucky to have a dad that loved her and not have to work for money and have a good education but then there were people who were better again,who had all their family and had everything they wanted but took it all for granted. Damien nodded he suspected they were just as close.He felt closer to Hariah now they had both told each other their lives story.As he looked p into the sky the thought of something "I wonder is there really someone watching us from up there"He said,he wasn't Catholic he had no real religion or belief though that thought sometimes popped into his head.
Hariah realised how different people actually were. There were people like Damien who had unfortunate circumstances growing up and there were people like Hariah who was born into money and everything she wanted. It didn't seem very fair, but she wasn't the type of person to take it for granted, she was truly grateful for her dad and grandparents for working so hard to give her dad and herself the best, it meant a lot. "Your auntie sounds like a wonderful person, she must be since she brought you up so well! Your incredibly lovely and a good person" Hariah complemented Damien. They deserved the best also, she hoped things would pick up for them. Hariah nodded, situations and people change. Maybe Damien would feel differently in a few years.

She felt Damien reciprocate her hug and smiled to herself. She hadn't had a friend like this before, someone she could talk to about her past or someone who could tell her things in confidence. It felt nice to be this close to someone, back home she only had a couple of friends and she couldn't really talk to them like she could to Damien. It felt good to know that someone could trust her.

Hariah nodded "I am. I couldn't imagine my life without him. I owe him so much" she said to Damien smiling. If Damien remained in New Zealand at the end of the school year she would love to introduce him to her father. She was sure that her father would like him, and that Damien would like her father. She sighed and lay down on the grass.

Damien's comment made her wonder. "I'm not sure if i'm honest. If there was why do terrible things happen?" she asked "I suppose it would be nice to believe in a higher power that watches over us, but i'm not quite sure I can believe that" she said looking up at the clouds.
Damien smiled his aunt was amazing.Damien smiled shyly at that,it wasn't everyday you were complemented like that.No one but his aunt had ever told him that and he had to say it gave the self confidence a bit of a boost.Her dad had done a pretty good job on Hariah too.he had never told anyway his full family story before though plenty of people had guessed and started rumors,he and his aunt had ignored them but sometimes its was hard not to listen.He was glad that she trusted him and he was surprised at himself for trusting her as he didn't do that often,trusting people.He had to say it was nice to know you could trust someone.

Damien smiled it was nice to say the love some people had for their parents. He would like to meet her dad,he thought they would get along. "And all the wars religion has caused,but then look at all the wonderful things that happen on earth"Damien said looking up at the sky. "I don't know what to believe anymore"Damien said sighing,it was hard to have belief in something that didn't seem real
Hariah hadn't really thought about things like that, religion wasn't a big thing in her family. They didn't really have a faith or any real beliefs. She nodded in agreement with what Damien was saying "I agree entirely, if there was a God why does he cause all the bad things to happen? But I see what you mean about the good things. But was that created by God?" Hariah wasn't sure, she didn't like to talk about such controversial topics. She admired the people that did have faith in a god like figure, but she couldn't bring herself to think the same.

She sat up and stretched her arms while looking round. Since they had been here, students seemed to have dispersed. There was hardly anybody around now, compared to the number that were there a couple of hours ago. As the famous saying went 'time flies when your having fun.' "Would you look at that, we're the last students out here." she said to Damien grinning.
Damien thought about that "I don't know"He said,he simply didn't. It was a difficult subject religion.He was a supposed Catholic,but he had never once gone to mass and to be honest he wasn't sure what he believed in,he thought some people were silly though.They believed to much or devoted too much of their lives to him. You shouldn't spend your life trying to be perfect or pay back God. Your lifes your own do what you want and don't let things like that influence you.But then that was Damien's point of view and he could possibly spend the whole day arguing with someone about religion,it was a very controversial topic.

Damien closed his eyes and listened to the wind and the waves crashing beneath them.He always loved the sea,it was so powerful,could wipe out a whole city,town,village in seconds.This made Damien respect the sea,he was always afraid of that tidal wave that was supposed to come crashing into New York,if that thing hit New York it would be nearly as bad as 9/11.Damien's eyes opened when he heard Hariah speak. He sat up and looked around.She was right they were the only two left "Well I guess we are,time flies when your having fun"Damien said grinning,looking out to sea. "So doing anything for the Halloween feast?"He asked
"It does indeed!" Hariah said in agreement. The time with Damien certainly had been fun and enlightening. She felt she had a made a really good friend, which was quite an achievement in a few hours, she never imagined it would be this easy. Hariah never really had experience of getting a best friend out of Hogwarts, because she was home schooled she didn't really meet anyone her own age, only her dad's friends who were a lot older than she was.

She shook her head "I don't think so, I just plan to turn up in costume and eat all the food" she said laughing. If she was at home Hariah and her dad would be planning a rather large Halloween party, it was her favourite celebration. "I think i'm going to go as a mermaid this year.. I know it's not very scary but I haven't really had much time to go out and get or make a better one" she replied smiling. "What about you? Any plans?" Hariah asked Damien.
Damien had had a great time,he really hadn't noticed the time going by,it was probably nearly dinner time now. It was also getting colder and Damien wrapped his jacket around him.Damien looked at Hariah and smiled.He had made a best friend,and that was an achievement for Damien,he had never had a close friend before,someone he could trust.His aunt would be proud of him.

Damien smiled "Me too,maybe we could meet up?"Damien suggested. He was looking forward to the feast,it was always a big celebrations in New York.He would sometimes take a walk in central park and look at all the wonderful decorations.Damien grinned "I've never seen a walking mermaid,i'd enjoy seeing one though"He said,a fin and walking shouldn't be used in the same sentence and Damien was going to enjoy seeing her walking,that was if she had the traditional costume."zombie"He said smiling.he looked at his watch and suddenly remembered the pile of homework he had to have finished for tomorrow. "Listen I'm really sorry but I have to go.I've had a really good time and i'll probably see you in the common room later"Damien said giving her a somewhat awkward hug.He then got up and made his way back to the castle.
Hariah nodded "That would be great, I'm excited to see you in your costume now!" she said grinning at Damien. This would be her first Halloween celebrating with friends and without her father, it would be very strange. She laughed at his comment "I'm not going to be able to walk fast that's for sure" she joked. Her costume would be very difficult to walk in as she could move her legs very well. The costume got thinner as it reached her feet so there wasn't much room.

"Okay. Yeah probably will, see you then. Have fun!" Hariah said winking at him and gave him a hug. She sat back down by the tree where they first met and smiled fondly while thinking about what a good friend she had made that day.

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