And You Are?

Damien Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Damien wrapped his thin coat around him as he walked to the cliffs.It was getting winder as he got closer to the top but he didn't mind.He had been bored and he had overheard two students talking about here and he wanted to explore.When he reached the cliffs e walked to the edge and peered over,it was a long way down.He put his hand out and found it coming back towards him.Facinated he did it again and again just to make sure he wasn't seeing anything.He guessed that was to stop kids from either committing suicide or just falling by accident. He saw a huge tree a while back from the edge of the cliff he walked over and sat down.Glad to have some peace and quiet.
Hariah decided to go outside for fresh air, the best place for this? the cliffs. It was very stuffy and cramped in the school and it was nice to get out of there from time to time. She reached the top and it was rather breezy so she wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm.

She walked to the edge of the cliff and looked over, there was a long way down, in fact you could hardly see the bottom. Hariah turned round and started walking back to the castle. She saw an outline of someone sitting under a tree. Intrigued, she walked over the the figure and she saw a boy, who looked about her own age. She was sure she had seen him before.

Hariah smiled at the boy "Hey, mind if I join?" she asked him.
Damien looked up when he heard a voice beside him.She looked vaguely familiar though he couldn't place her "Am sure"He said moving over so there was more space.He wasn't exactly sure if he wanted to talk to someone at the minute though it would be rude to say that. "I'm Damien"He said a small smile on his face. He was trying t leave his old self behind so he was more open with people these days.

OOCOut of Character:
sorry its so short
Hariah smiled "Thanks." She sat down beside him and leaned against the tree, she hugged her knees to keep warm. It wasn't as breezy under the tree but it was still a bit chilly.

"I'm Hariah" she replied, she noticed the boy looked a bit uncomfortable she wondered if she had come at a bad time. She had a habit of just turning up and annoying people sometimes. She knew how irritating it was when people turned up when you wanted to be alone. Nevertheless the boy smiled and Hariah took that as a sign that she could stay. Maybe she just wouldn't talk so much.

"I can't help but think i've seen you before.. What house are you in?" Hariah asked, maybe he was in her house but she couldn't be sure.

OOCOut of Character:
it's fine :)
Damien smiled starting to warm up tp the girl.She seemed nice and as long as she wasn't a Slytherin he was sure he could trust her.He put up the collar of his shirt and put his hands in his pockets.Even though it was rather chilly he didn't mind it up here,even with the wind howling it was peaceful.Well Damien's kind of peaceful anyway.Damien agreed with her she did look awfully familiar "Gryffindor,"He said with a bit of pride in his voice.He didn't know much about houses but he had to say he liked his the most. " Ihave a feeling your in the same"He said smiling suddenly recognizing her from the meeting they had had a few days ago
Hariah grinned at Damien, now she knew who he was. They met on their first night at Hogwarts in the meeting that their head of house called to get to know everyone. She nodded "Yes! I am also a Gryffindor!"

"How are you finding classes?" Hariah asked Damien. She was interested to know how other people were finding them, it was hard for her to adapt to this life, especially hard since she hadn't met anyone else who was going through the same situation.
Damien smiled he had been right.He was glad to of met someone from his own house and who he could be friendly with.So far he had only made two and that was sad in a way but then again Damien was used to only having a few friends. Damien thought about her question "Well since I you know don't really like magic but I have to say they're not to bad maybe with time I'll actually like magic"He said sighing as he said it.He didn't like the fact he was starting to like magic he had always hated it it was because of it he had got suspended from school,had had a long scar down his side and that he had become the bullies target.It was because of magic his life had become a living hell for the past year.He sighed "What about you"He asked.It would be interesting to see what other people thought.
"No way!" Hariah exclaimed. "You don't really like magic? Why?" she asked, wondering how anyone could dislike magic, it's wonderful! she thought to herself. She couldn't imagine it, she grew up in a magical household and she loved it, life without magic would be so strange, and boring.

Hariah realised the question she asked might be a bit personal she added "If you don't mind telling me of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I was just..." she said her voice trailing off at the end. She stopped herself from talking too much, she didn't want to annoy Damien already, especially since she thought they were getting along well.

"I'm liking the classes so far" she told him "some more than others!" she laughed."They are more interesting than I thought they would be, there is so much learning and theory that goes into a lot of what I thought were simple spells, you know?"
Damien wasn't sure whether he wanted to tell her or not.In a way it was kind of personal but in other ways he didn't really mind.She obviously liked magic so he guessed she had grown up in a magical household Luckey Her he though bitterly shaking his head.So far his life sucked the only good things were his music and his aunt if he had't had wither of them he would of committed suicide a long time ago. "Well lets just say where I come from,if you are different you are supposedly weak and well some big person saw me do magic and because of him I have a huge long scar down my side and I have been suspended from school,if I hadn't been able to do magic that wouldn't of happened"He said his voice full of bitterness.Magic had effectively ruined his life and he didn't think he would ever get over that

Damien smiled "Yes your right"he said.even though he hated to say it he did find certain aspects of magic interesting like flying and astronomy.They were also he favorite subjects, "Whats your favorite subject?"He asked wiping the hair that was continuesly being blown onto his face by the wind.
Hariah listened to Damien's explanations. She didn't blame him for not liking magic if it caused him all that trouble. "Are you serious?" she couldn't believe it. "I understand, I never imagined that magic could be problematic for anybody" she explained to Damien. "I mean, i've grown up with magic all my life and it's just always been there and common practise. It's just been accepted. I cannot imagine how you must have felt."

It was strange for Hariah to see the other side of magic, how other people must feel, whether they are new to magic or if they just hate it. It never crossed her mind before.

"Maybe you might feel a little differently the longer you spend here?" Hariah suggested, she hoped he would. "Magic could be really great if you gave it a chance" she finished giving him an encouraging smile.

Hariah thought for a moment "Probably... Herbology at the moment. Maybe Defence Against the Dark Arts... you?" she asked Damien.
Damien nodded it was just what he had expected.It was weird seeing other peoples point of view on magic and their different back rounds.Damien's was not a very nice one,considering he was poor,could barely read or write,he hated his parents and he hated magic.Not exactly normal but it was all Damien had ever known and it was what most of the kids around where he lived had know,except for the magic part of course.He still wondered what type of blood he had.It had to be someone on his mothers side as his aunt knew know one on her side of the family was magical.So he was either,muggle-born or half-blood.Damien sighed he guessed he would never know

Damien smiled,she might just be right though he wasn't sure if he really wanted to like magic yet,the pain was still to raw."Maybe"He said looking towards the distance.He wasn't sure of himself anymore.He wasn't exactly sure who he was or what he really wanted from life.Tis scared him because before Hogwarts he had always just been simply Damien Blade,the kid with no parents but musical now he was Damien Blade the kid with no parents,musical and a wizard.He wondered would he discover anything else about himself during his years here,he wasn't sure whether he wanted to or not. "I like DADA but the Professor would it hurt him to crack a smile some time?"He said laughing.He always wondered why a Professor like him was doing as a DADA professor,he was probably just being prejudice towards Slytherins but over the course of history,it was usually the case. "I like astronomy too"He said smiling.He had never really got to see the stars in New York and he guessed there was different ones her but he loved learning about space and the best thing it didn't have much to do with magic! "So whats your hobbies?"he asked genuinely becoming interested in this girl.Hariah seemed nice and a good friend,exactly what he needed.
Hariah nodded and giggled, she agreed the DADA professor was rather stern and angry. She hoped it was just a front that he put on and in fact he was a very nice person. Maybe in further years to come, his walls may break down and be comfortable enough with them to be friendly. Hariah very much doubted this though, she knew that people put up that front for a reason and some people were simply that anti social and grumpy. Like her mother. "I know right! If your a professor surely your supposed to at least pretend to be happy!" she said to Damien grinning. "Astronomy? Interesting.. So you like star gazing then?" she asked him. Hariah wasn't overly keen on astronomy, it just never really appealed to her. The same way Herbology appealed to her and not to her dad.

She ran her fingers through her hair and thought about her hobbies. " I guess I dabble.. a bit.. in singing" she said timidly looking at the ground, determined to not look at Damien. Hariah spent a lot of her childhood passing the time by singing and performing, her dad paid for her to have singing lessons so she could improve. She took after her mother, that was the only thing Hariah was grateful for from her mom, her voice. "But I haven't had much practise, so i'm probably not even that good" Hariah said lying. In fact, she had a lot of practise singing, she often performed in her local area and she knew she was a decent singer. But Hariah didn't want to admit this to Damien, she didn't want to sound arrogant. She wanted Damien to have a positive opinion of her, it meant a lot to Hariah.
Damien smiled when she giggled,that wasn't a noise he heard much back at home the girls were usually to tough for that.He had to say he liked the girl back in New York they had been pretty sound.Damien sigh none of them would talk to him when he came back.They would think he was to posh.He would have no friends.Another reason to hate magic. Damien laughed,she was right they should at least pretend was it really that hard.He did it for most of his life though he had a feeling there was something dark about Professor Kyx. Damien smiled "Yeah,see you can't see the stars in New York and the stars here are different"He said his voice taking on a new tone.He was like this when he talked about music too.They were the two things he was passionate about. "From your tone I'm guessing its not on your top five list?"He asked grinning

Damien raised his eyebrows.It was obvious she was lying.She loved singing and she was good.It was scary the way Damien could read some people sometimes.It was also due to the fact that she wouldn't look at him.Damien gave her a sceptilce look. "Do I look like I believe that"He asked grinning.She just didn't want to seem arrogant and Damien understood he felt the same way. "If you have a good voice don't be afraid to tell people,so what if they thing your the smallest bit arrogant,once they hear you sing they'll forget all about it"Damien said a smile on his face.He liked giving advice,for some reason he found it amusing. "Now what songs do you know? I'll sing with you if you like"He said
Hariah listened to Damien and wondered what it was like in New York. It seemed so very different to where she grew up, it seemed she had it easy. They might have one thing in common though, the lack of friends. Hariah only had a couple of friends in New Zealand and even then, they were not very close. "You can't see the stars? wow!" Hariah said. They were always very clear here, she was sure Damien would be happy to study these stars. She shook her head and smiled weakly "Afraid not, it's never been that fascinating to me, but perhaps you could show me what i'm missing out on sometime?" she suggested looking at Damien and smiling.

She watched Damien's reaction and laughed when he raised his eyebrows "You might have believed it!" she protested. "If I came all out and just said, look i'm an AMAZING singer, you'd probably think I was really conceited!" she explained to him. Hariah learnt not to appear all that confident because people always disapproved. She smiled gratefully at Damien "Thanks, I just don't want people to not like me before they've even spoke to me or even heard my voice, you know?" she sighed. Hariah raised her own eyebrows this time and grinned "You sing too?" she said shocked. "Well I know a range.. I guess.. What's your preference?" she asked him.
Damien sighed. "I know,when I first came here it was the first time I had ever seen stars"He said looking up at the sky,but there was only clouds there now.He was still getting used to all the time differences and the seasonal differences.Like back in New York they were in the fall but here they were in Spring.It was funny, he couldn't wait for a hot Christmas.He might convince his aunt to stay on New Zealand for the holidays.He would like to explore this new country.He had never been anywhere but New York so this was like a holiday to him and on holidays you explored the new country.Also there was nothing he wanted to go back to in New York except he had liked the sounds of the city and the bright lights.It had also been great sneaking around the streets at night.It had been exciting growing up there he had to admit.He loved New York though he often wondered what it would be like to stay in those big hotels and eat in the fancy restraunts and shop in those expensive shops.He had been jealous of all the kids his age going around happily with their families and all their money.One of the things had had always wanted was a nice normal family with parents that loved him.He did love his aunt but she hadn't given birth to him or carried him for the seven months.Damien shook away the tears that were threatening to fall.There was no point getting emotional because he would never live with his parents,they had abandoned him and immediately he hardened.He had totally missed what she had said and he felt bad.He concentrated on the conversation at hand.

He smiled and again raised his eyebrows "Well you didn't have to say you were amazing you could of just said I like singing and I'm fairly good at it,see not to cocky but you are saying that you believe in your singing abilities"Damien said a smug smile on his face.He liked it when he was right it gave him a small satisfaction.Damien nodded he understood where she was coming from. "As a matter of fact yes I do"He said grinning.He loved singing and playing the guitar.Hariah was the second girl he had met that liked singing.Damien's mind started swirling with ideas. "Hmm well I like anyone really,The Script and Coldplay would be my favorites but I like to many songs to name them all"He said
Hariah gratefully smiled and looked at the ground. He was right, but it would be hard to get into saying that to everyone. It wasn't as simple as that though. Some people would think she was being modest and some would think she was being arrogant. Hariah had to strike the right balance, but to do this, she had to be able to read people, something she wasn't that good at. It was easier to just lie and to just say she dabbled. No-one would think less of her that way, it was better for everyone. Hariah could, if needs be, to show them her voice. So they could make their own mind up about her, instead of taking her own word for it.

She nodded in agreement "I see, yeah I know a couple of their songs. Coldplay can be quite hard to sing sometimes though." Her dad used to play songs by them back at home and she enjoyed singing and dancing around the house with him. He really built up her confidence and then her mother would just break it down again. Hariah was glad she was at Hogwarts, totally free of influence. Being independent was very different, but she liked it. It suited her, even if she did miss her dad sometimes.

"So what are your favourite genres to sing?" Hariah asked Damien. She wanted to know what type of music he was influenced by before they started singing. It would be interesting to know since he was from a different part of the world to her, he may know bands and singers that she wouldn't know. "Have you had much experience?" she added. Hariah liked to know a lot about a person's musical background.
No one but his aunt,Jade and Hariah knew of his musical abilities and well Hariah only knew he liked to sing didn't nessecarily mean he could actually sing in tune.If anyone knew at home that he could he would be teased till the day he died.That was only something girls liked to do,it was gay for boys to do that.stereotypical jerks he thought angrily.His old school was full of 'em.He was extremely glad that he was not going back there though it would of been kind of hard since his aunt wouldn't let him near the place since the fight and she didn't blame her because he was wanted by some seriously bad people and he felt safe here where none of them could get him.

Damien nodded "True,ever heard of the song 'fix you'"He asked? He loved that song,and it was easy to sing and play on the guitar but sadly he did't have his guitar because he had given it to Jade.Damien sighed his missed just twanging it and inventing new songs. "Well i don't mind really though I'm not into rock or heavy music"He said he didn't get rock concerts all they did was scream down the miscro phone run around the place and took their shirts off,he really didn't see the attraction. "Well I've kind of played the guitar and sung my whole life but not properly until I was around seven,my aunt was able to afford a real guitar then and I thought myself,she taught my to sing properly and how to play the piano"He said smiling remembering fondly those musical lessons they had been the highlight of his day "So what about you"He asked.His hands playing and imaginary guitar with out him even realizing it.
Hariah nodded "I have indeed, I like it, it's alright to sing. Not too hard like their other ones" she said to Damien. She found 'fix you' the easiest out of all the Coldplay songs to sing. Their songs were very unique and interesting which made their songs hard to cover. She smiled "Rock music's okay.. Some songs aren't bad" she commented. Which was true there was some rock songs that were reasonably good, but others that were classed as 'screamo' couldn't possibly be considered as music.

"Wow!" Hariah said. "I'd love to be able to play the guitar. Like you, I know how to play piano" She had learned from her tutor, her mother would never trouble herself with something as trivial as teaching her to play piano.

"I was taught to play the piano by a tutor that I had and my mum is also a singer so i've sort of inherited her genes I guess?" she answered laughing. "I have just done some local.. singing.. Not much experience if i'm honest" she said. Hariah sang often at home by herself or with her dad who couldn't carry a tune!

Hariah noticed he was playing an imaginary guitar and giggled "I see your missing your guitar" she said to Damien nodding at his hands.
Damien nodded "I like the actually music and the lyrics have a nice meaning too"He said the song immediately playing through his head.Coldplay was one of his favorite bands,he liked the Script too. Damien raised his eyebrows "I see you like people screaming their heads of and running around like wild buffalo,very attractive"He said sarcastically though he meant it in a funny way,he didn't want her to take it personally "Only joking"He said quickly hoping he hadn't insulted her that wouldn't of been very smart. "Its a great instrument,its eas to carry around,play and learn"Damien said.He loved his guitar it was his most prized posetion,if anyone did anything to it,he would push their heads into a wall. "I can teach you the basics sometime if you want"He said,remembering he would have to arrange a lesson with Jade soon. "So how long have you been learning the piano"He asked curious.The piano was his most preferred instrument but he knew it would help him in years to come when people needed pianists to play at shows,it was how his aunt got most of her money. "Same,my grandmother was an unreal singer and my granddad was a great pianist and guitarist,though they never bothered to pursue it"He said bitterly knowing if they hadn't been so lazy he might of had a different childhood.Damien looked up when she giggled and then realized he had been playing his imaginary guitar.He laughed "I do that sometimes,out of habit really"He said looking at his hands.They were always playing chords,he knew music was the thing for him and he was going to live his dream unlike his parents and grand parents. "Okay so do you want to sing the song fix you?"He asked feeling the urge to sing.
Hariah nodded in agreement, their songs were meaningful. Hariah laughed "I do actually, it's what I like to do myself. I aspire to be as crazy as them!" she said jokingly smiling at Damien. "I know" she said playfully pushing him.

"Yeah that would be great thankyou!" she said to him. She had always wanted to learn how to play the guitar so she would love to take Damien up on his offer. "About 3 or so years, I think" she answered him "What about you?"

Hariah tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled "Wow, that's amazing! I don't know if there is anyone in my family that can play an instrument well like that! That is like my mom though, she didn't pursue her singing. But it wasn't really her passion she's much more academically inclined" Hariah explained to Damien. All of her family is very academic actually. Hariah knew she would take after them, it was like her life was set out already on what she would do.

Hariah took a deep breath and said "Okay, you start" Damien seemed more confident than Hariah was so it seemed the better option.
Damien smiled,glad to be having a laugh. "You know it must be really fun on stage just acting wild and making a tonne of money for acting crazy"He said shaking his head in disbelief.It amazed him how people who couldn't even sing make more money than people who had actual talent.Young people didn't know what real music was these days.

"No bother"He said glad to be teaching the guitar.He liked passing on his tips and love for it because it was a handy instrument and it would help you earn some money from busking and so on.It also proved that he wasn't useless,he had a talent at something and that was what was most important to him because growing up he hadn't been good at school and there was no sports where he lived. "Well I had a lot if free time last year so my aunt started me on the piano,I don't mind it"He said bitterly knowing the reason for his free time.In a way he had benefited from suspension,he had learned more off his aunt in one year than his teachers after six years,iut proved what a rubbish school he had been going to.

Damien smiled "Its more my aunt,she's going to study music in college while I'm here,its her dream"He said the pride clear in his voice.He was extremely proud of his aunt who had given up her dream to mind him and now she was re living it. "Oh I see"He said,his family weren't exactly academic,he wasn't sure had any of them finished high school.The only good thing he had got from them was his musical talent and parts of his personality.

He rolled his eyes "Sure"He said.He sat a bit straighter and started to sing "When you try your best but you don't succeed,when you get what you want but not what you need.When you feel so tired that you can't sleep,stuck in reverse and the tears start streaming down your face when you leave something you can't replace when you love someone but it goes to waste, could it be worse. Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you He then looked at Hariah to join him
"Exactly! That's what's so good about it! You just go crazy and scream!" Hariah said laughing. She wondered how much that must hurt their throat screaming non stop, all day every day. There must be some sort of skill involved. But she couldn't listen to it. "It's just noise" Hariah said out loud.

Hariah smiled at Damien "You sound like your pretty close with your aunt" she said. Their relationship reminded her of the relationship she had with her dad. "Oh wow, that's great! So how long have you been in New Zealand then?" she asked him.

Hariah watched Damien as he started singing. She smiled at him, he looked very confident and he had a very good voice. Hariah didn't know what to expect, obviously she knew he would be good, it was a nice surprise. She wanted to hear more. She saw Damien gesture for her to join him. She crossed her legs and faced him, Hariah felt that looking at him gave her more confidence.

"And high up above or down below, when you're too in love to let it go. But if you never try you'll never know, just what you're worth." Hariah quickly glanced at Damien and continued "Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you."
Damien laughed.She was right though their throats must be destroyed from screaming every night and at practices.Maybe there was a skill involved,a very strange one though. "You can say that again"He said grinning because she was right,it was just a high pitched, screachy noise.

"Ya,she took me in when my parents didn't want me"He said trying to hide the hurt,he sometimes felt when he thought about his parents.Doesn't matter how tough you are getting rejected by your parents is extremely hurtful.Only for his aunt he would of wondered how would anybody like him if his parents didn't.He felt sorry for people who didn't have an aunt like him.She had given up everything for him and he would be forever grateful for that. "Well not that long,I came here about a week before the school year began"He said,they had only enough money for the two flights and accomadation for a week.It had taken all his aunts savings though and he wondered how they would pay for college,his school supplies and those flights for the next seven years.There was only so much money he could earn from busking and getting park time jobs over the summer. "How long have you been here"He asked,he didn't even know where she was from he realized.

He smiled back at her as he sang.He smiled when she joined in.She was a nice singer and their voices mixed well.He then continued on with the song
"Tears stream down your face.When you lose something you cannot replace.Tears stream down your face.And I.Tears stream down your face.I promise you I will learn from my mistakes.Tears stream down your face.And I.Lights will guide you home.And ignite your bones.And I will try to fix youIt was much shorter as they couldn't do the instrumental bits.But he liked singing with her,it was nice and he loved the song anyway. "That was fun"He said hoping she would like to song one more song.
Hariah giggled and shook her head "I don't know how it is considered music."

"Oh I see" Hariah said biting her lip wondering whether to ask this question. But she saw that Damien looked sad and it looked like the memories were still pretty raw and close to home so she didn't ask it in the end. She didn't want to bring it all up, especially since she had the feeling that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Oh nice, so are you still living in New York then? Have you ever thought living over here permanently?" Hariah asked him. "I've lived here for about 4 years I think? I'm originally from Warwickshire in England and after my mom and dad split up I moved here with my dad" she said.

She nodded "It was, you have a really nice voice! Have you heard about the Glee club here?" she asked Damien. Hariah had already signed up for it and couldn't wait to start. She saw the longing in his eyes and she rolled hers "You like the script right?" she said as more of a statement, and without notice she began to sing "Going Back to the corner where I first saw you, gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move, got some words on cardboard, got, your picture in my hand, saying, If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"
"Nether do i"He said shaking his head. Though he would like to go to a rock band concert for the laugh and just act all crazy.Must be great fun,that was another thing to add to his list of things to do before he died

Damien was glad when Hariah didn't ask any questions,maybe when he was older he would be able to tell his friends about his complicated relationship and life.He didn't like the fact that he was poorer than others,it made some people look down on him and his aunt,when in reality he and hi aunt probably worked twice as hard as them.Damien clenched his fists and breathed out slowly letting out his anger slowly. He pushed it aside quickly not wanting Hariah to see. "Yeah,I have but it depends if Chloe gets into the college"He said 2and if we can afford it"he added accidently voicing his thoughts out loud.He didn't notice that he had done it though. Damien smiled "That;s nice"He said deciding not to ask questions about her private life as she hadn't asked him anything about his either

"Thanks,no I haven't but I suppose I'll join"He said secretly glad that there was a place he would be able to practice his talent.Damien couldn't help but feel extremely please when she started singing one of his favorite script songs
"Some try to hand me money, they don't understand.I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man.I know it makes no sense but what else can I do.How can I move on when I'm still in love with you

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