And the bullets catch in her teeth

Severin Matthias

Well-Known Member
Severin Matthias was relieved to have finally lived his dream of traveling. Right now, Severin was in Milan, Italy, a huge city that was the biggest, second only to Rome. It was a pretty big city, and Severin was thoroughly enjoying his time here. The first thing he was going to do was find that one lake around this city, and soon enough, his amber eyes gleamed with happiness as he saw the lake. Not one did he doubt his decision to leave the United States. Sure, he didn't go with his friend to France, but who needed France? That might have ended their friendship then and there, but Severin was sure if she wanted him back, she would come running to him. He just hoped she would have dumped that Durmstrang fellow already, and probably end up with another jerk. Oh well. Stuff like that was too long to wait for. He needed something now. Severin needed to go to college or something for his fashion designing. He was an artist, and he needed to be expressed, loved. Severin craved it. But the issue remained with the fact that he had a wizarding diploma, not a muggle one. He might have to get something so he could go to college. Severin sighed as he looked over at the waters, before hitching a ride to go back into the city. There was something about this place that he really loved, and he did not want to have to leave it. Severin wondered if he could build a future here. Severin however did not know any sort of Italian. He had a little booklet that would assist him, but that was it. That was how he got a ride. In fact, something caught in his amber eyes so he quickly got out of the vehicle and he looked down the street to see a roadside festival. It must be some sort of celebration! At first he thought that it would have been because of him, but that was ludicrous. Severin was hoping to find some good food here, because if he did not, then his stomach would surely eat through his muscles. Making sure his hair looked perfect, his outfit looking good, he started to walk down the sidewalk. His amber eyes were enough to catch attention. He looked up ahead, and he could see various activities throughout the place. Oh he loved Italy so much now. Everything was festive. Was there nothing in his life that did not seem happy? Severin was actually a rather lonely kid. He never got the right appreciation from his parents, then there was that thing with the French woman years ago that he told no soul. One reason why he hated sharing his poems now. It was something that he had cherished, and it was ripped from him. He would never, ever let it happen again. Perhaps that was why he craved freedom so much. Freedom from the past he had managed to screw up because truth be told, it was his own stupid fault for letting himself get so close. Severin was a fool once, and it would never happen again. Hell he was terrified of relationships now.

He was terrified, but he craved the romance. He yearned for the kisses, the touches, everything. Severin just continued to remember that French woman. Gorgeous, looked like a movie star, and she was seductive. Seduced him without getting him in bed. He was controlled, manipulated, and then spat out like someone's unwanted gum or something. He hated thinking over it, and then there he was, in Italy, escaping his problems when he could be making money from the things he wrote. Well, he actually did. He sold one of his poems to a book, and that's how Severin got the money to come to Italy. He earned this way into Europe, following the path of his own. His brothers were all around the world, but here he was, in Italy. It was like a dream come true. And walking down the streets, he could feel some girls checking him out, which made him only check out the boys that were around them. Some of these people were smoking. Wow he loved it here so much already! There was nothing that could hold him back now from traveling the world! He walked right up to the cart that was selling drinks, and he decided that he wanted something that he was familiar with. A simple coffee. This stand did not have any peanuts around it, so he did not see any sort of allergy risk. He was deadly allergic to peanuts, and it was an allergy that he hated, but it was the only allergy he had. He took the paper cup into his hands, and he continued to walk down the sidewalk, looking at the different people and how they reminded him of some of the Americans over in New York. Some things just never change, but the fashion here was in tip top shape. He could see the latest styles then grimace a bit at those that were not in style. Oh the nerve of some people wearing those shoes with that shirt. He rolled his amber eyes and he took a drink of his coffee. It was a bit stronger than he imagined, but he liked it none of the less. He walked over to a seemingly empty bench before sitting down. He slowly looked over to his left and he saw a younger girl sitting there. Severin gave a polite smile, "Sorry miss, if I bother you. Just needed a little break from all of the walking." He nodded at her once before he looked ahead. Then came a realization. She might not know any English. He groaned and muttered to himself, "Oh you probably look like an idiot just there. Good job, Severin." He rolled his eyes to himself and he took another sip of his coffee. If she knew some English, then he could talk to her, and maybe even hang out. But for now, he honestly did not know if she was a local.
Zoe Snow pulled a crisp bill out of her purse and handed it to the vendor. In return she was handed her drink and some change. Normally Zoe wasn’t in Italy during her breaks, but she really needed some time away from her adoptive parents. They really knew how to drive people up a wall. Zoe really wished that Astoria hadn’t left when they kicked her out. With her attitude, she could have found a way to stay. It seemed like she had given up by that point in time, even though that sort of thing was really out of character for Astoria. Zoe would be flat out lying if she tried to deny that she wasn’t angry with her sister. Zoe had plenty of friends, so she wasn’t completely lonely, but it pissed her off that her own family kind of tried to play it off like she wasn’t around. The only one she ever saw these days was Antoine, and his presence was spotty enough as it is. The one group of people, that were biologically created to be there for Zoe, weren’t. It upset Zoe just thinking about it. The brunette frowned and found a bench where she could sit down and read for a little bit. Maybe reading would raise her mood a little bit. Zoe took a long glance at the ocean behind her and sighed. Zoe wasn’t like most typical girls. Or at least, that was what she was often told. Zoe was often confused by that though, because she thought every girl was different. Just as Zoe opened the first page of her book, a couple decided to sit next to her on the bench. For a brief moment she watched them as they held hands and cuddled together, and to most people it would have been the cutest thing ever. But it wasn’t in the least bit cute to Zoe.

Zoe wasn’t likely the most non-romantic person to ever have graced the earth. There wasn’t a single romantic bone in her body. Zoe had a natural dislike for anything romantic. The flowers, the kissing, even the poetry. Zoe just wasn’t into the whole romantic thing. Some poetry was interesting to listen to, but as soon as someone tried to make it romantic, Zoe just wanted to set it on fire and watch it burn. Zoe had no idea why she was so against the idea of romance. The young Beauxbatons student had never had a boyfriend before so it wasn’t like someone had broken her heart. Perhaps it was because she was young? Zoe had no idea, but she wasn’t going to really dwell on it either. To her luck, the couple soon got up and left, leaving Zoe alone to read one more. The loud roar of the ocean behind her was the only thing she could hear until someone else decided to sit down on the bench she had taken claim to. This time it was a guy. Zoe barely glanced at him before she continued reading her book. When Zoe heard him speaking, she figured it had to be to anyone but her. With a confused look on her face, Zoe lifted her head and looked around to see if there was anyone standing around her. There was no one to be seen. That was odd. Then he started to go off, seeming to think that she couldn’t understand him. Zoe snorted and lowered her book. "If you keep talking to yourself like that, people really will think you’re an idiot. Just saying." Zoe muttered, revealing that she was perfectly capable of understand and speaking English. Although she was French by heritage, she didn’t speak a single word of it due to her adoptive parents raising her outside of France.
Being here in Italy made Severin feel like he won the lottery. Living day by day, everything was just too perfect. He loved this place so much, he could not help but want to almost live here. He had not decided on what he wanted to do yet. Design? Model? Both? Own a chain of coffee shops? All of the above? He did not know! Severin looked forward as he sipped from his coffee, and slowly looked at the girl sitting next to him. She was kind of pretty, in an exotic way or something. But she looked young. Like really young or something. Like she should be in school right now. Severin was fresh out, free to do what he pleased, and he relished in it. However to talk to someone, he hoped that she did not understand him because he would look stupid or something. He didn't want to do that. However he heard her snort, and then she actually spoke English. Which meant that she understood him! Severin looked over at her and his expression brightened. He could not place her accent, but he was definitely not alone during this voyage that he was taking! Oh he could hug her for understanding English, but then he would be a total creeper and he did not want that. And just by looking at her, she did not seem the type that he would try to date, but he could try to befriend her while he was here. "You understand me? That is awesome! I was certain that I was the only one here that doesn't speak any Italian!" He did not even catch on that people would think that he was an idiot. He did not hear that part really, because he was too excited to find someone that could be someone that he could potentially talk to anyway. He hoped that she would talk to him though.

Then again, why would she? She had better things to do than to talk to him. Her style was just awful, and screamed for a make over, her attitude was not that appealing, so he wouldn't try to seduce her or anything. That would be bad. He would end up in another bad relationship. Only this one would end in a way that one never thought possible. Like, they'd hate each other. However friends on the other hand, he could be more open than that. He often thought that he was the cutest of his friends, and the best at style. He kind of was. He might as well just tell her his name and try to stick around a conversation with her. He scooted over closer to her, and once more, he spoke to her, "So, I'm Severin Matthias. What's your name? And what brings you to such a grand place like this?" If she was bored or had nothing to do, he could take her around, and they could go swimming in the ocean or lake, whatever it was here. He didn't know. But he wanted to have some fun, and enjoy this place. And he needed to have someone with him. He was so used to having someone around him, his craving to not be alone desperately needed to be filled. Well, not really, but he just wanted to have someone around for a while. "If you are bored or don't have anything to do, we could hang out. Take a boat out, have some good food, whatever you like. Or shopping!" Severin would not take no for an answer either. If she did not want to, then he would take her by the hand and just run off. Muggle or not, he did not care who she was. As long as she was not French, anti-romantic, anti-art, anti-poetry, prejudice or a half-breed, he would be fine! Though prejudice, he can deal with. The rest, he could not.
Zoe's eyes widened. "Should have just kept your mouth shut Zo." Zoe thought to herself when the guy started to talk back. He seemed like one of those people you needed to beat in order to get them to shut up. It didn't help that Zoe wasn't a people person and disliked it when people kept on talking to her when she wasn't in the mood to talk. Zoe wanted to know why this boy was in Italy in the first place, especially if he didn't know any Italian. Was he visiting family or something? Zoe restrained from saying anything though, mostly because she didn't speak Italian either, yet was still here in Italy. Her excuse was merely that she was just trying to relax some before she went back to school. But that was none of his business, so Zoe opted to just stay quiet and hope that he would get the hint and be quiet himself. Apparently that was going to be too hard for him though. Not only did he reveal his own name to her, but he also questioned her on her name, and her reasoning for being here. Apparently he cared little if she was tying to read or not. Zoe wasn't a cold person, she liked to have fun and laugh. But when she was in the mood for quiet, she wanted some quiet. Zoe slammed her book shut and turned to look at him. Her hazel eyes taking his form in completely. He was really cute, but he seemed like he was a little bit on the feminine side. Perhaps he was a homosexual or something. Zoe didn't base her opinion on people by their sexual preference, but it did decide whether or not she was physically attracted to them or not. Zoe wondered if telling him her name would get him to leave her be or not.

"I'm Zoe Snow. I came here to relax before I went back to school." As much as he bothered her, Zoe wasn't the type to lie or be cruel when he had done nothing wrong. He irritated her yes, but it wasn't like he was hurting her or anything. Maybe if she answered his questions and proved that she probably wasn't the type of person he wanted to be friends with, he would get bored and leave her alone? Zoe felt like she was the most uninteresting of her siblings. Antoine was a bit crazy, and cold. But that made people curious about them. Astoria on the other hand, was bold as can be. She put herself out there, and she wasn't afraid to let others know what was on her mind. Zoe wished she was more like that. Instead of being awkward and alone. Then again, being alone seemed easier a lot of the time. Even if she found herself wishing she could connect with people. "No thanks. I'm fine here." This guy was almost too friendly. He had known Zoe for less than a minute and here he was, now inviting her to hang out with him. How could he be sure that she wasn't a threat to him or something? Zoe smiled softly, trying to show that she meant no harm by telling him no, and cracked open the book she had been reading again. The brunette was fully intent on reaching the next chapter soon.
So her name was Zoe Snow. That certainly did ring a giant bell in his head. Tristane was dating a Snow, and from the looks of this one, she seemed much too young to be dating his older, angelic brother. He thought hat the other one’s name was Story anyway. It was a really funny name which he made sure to avoid saying in front of Tristane without laughing so hard, he pulled something. Severin was a joyous lad, though not so much since he was now alone. He would have even settled for Valera’s company, as much as she scared him to death, but she was back in the States, doing something or another with her brother. Severin had no idea that this was a huge circle. Valera’s brother involved with his own brother’s girl. "School? Do not blame you on that one. School was hell." That was certainly true. However he wanted to know if she was related to the Snow that was dating his brother. If so, they were going to be relatives and needed to get to know each other. "Snow huh? My brother is dating a Snow. Story or something? I think they are getting married. If you girls are related, then we might as well be family. Small world!" Of course, he had no idea that the Snow family came from France otherwise he would have had nothing to do with them, or this girl for that matter. But what he did not know could not hurt him. Besides, he was looking for a friend, and everything about her screamed that she needed a makeover. He would never date her. From the looks of it, she would everything he did not want in a girl. So he was definitely not worried in the least bit about that. She simply seemed to be one of those girls that he wanted to befriend, and get to know. It was not like he had anyone else.

Then she said that she was fine there. He snorted and shook his head. She was definitely not fine there. She needed to get out, and have fun. And he felt like he was a blessing to come to her. Taking her by the wrist, he said, "Actually, you are not. You wanted to relax, reading is definitely not relaxing. Come with me, we can find something fun to do!" He stood up and within an instant, he was taking her to some place to go and have fun! He was not much for words when he tried to find something to do, since he did not want her to go running back. He did not even know if she still had that book she was reading. All he knew was that they were going to have fun here in Italy. She was the only one he found that spoke English. That made her fit for hanging out. Not too long of dragging, Severin came to a complete stop when he stood in front of a large amusement park. He could feel his heart racing in his chest at the excitement. Although it did have a haunted house, he was quite scared of them. He got scared easily when things jumped out at him. "So, every teenager and adult, even child, loves amusement parks! Come on, let’s go ride something. I’ll pay and everything!" This had to be the best way to get her mind off of school. If this could not, then she really needed a spa treatment.
Zoe shot the boy a rude stare when he continued to talk to her. He wasn't quite getting the fact that she didn't want to talk to him. If he was looking for people who spoke English all he needed to do was wander around a bit longer, not bother the first one he found. "I don't actually mind school. It gets me out of my parents house." Zoe wound up admitting when she noticed that her looks weren't going to give him a strong enough hint. Hopefully he didn't ask her to elaborate on that either. Zoe didn't really want to go in how her parents mistreated her. They fed her, bought her school supplies, and gave her a place to sleep, so it wasn't like they were the worst parents. But they did little things like make fun of her height, call her ugly, they didn't even know when her birthday was! Of course they weren't her real parents, but Zoe couldn't stand her real parents either for abandoning her. But it wasn't like this guy was ever going to know that. Zoe lifted her head and raised an eyebrow when Severin mentioned that his older brother was dating some Snow named Story. Immediately Zoe knew who he was talking about. "Astoria? Yeah she's my older sister. I've met your older brother than too. Tristane, he's quite the dreamy man. I would most definitely hook up with him if my sister didn't have him first...and if I was older." Zoe closed her book and informed him him that she knew Tristane, and that Astoria was her older sister. She also wasn't shy about letting him know that she thought his older brother was hot. Sadly Astoria found him first, plus Zoe was still a little bit young. Like he was in his late twenties and she was still a teenager young.

"Actually this book was really relaxing until you came along and started to annoy me." Zoe rolled her eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was keep talking to him. He was the one kind of stressing her out. He thought reading was boring? What in the world did this guy do for fun? Not even a second later, he had her arm in his grasp, as he started to drag her away somewhere. Zoe tried to pull her arm from his grasp several times, but he was a lot stronger than he looked. "Dude, let go of me! This is like a form of kidnapping you know!" Zoe tried to explain as she continued to struggle. In a minute or so here, she was planning on kneeing him in his happy place and book it. All Zoe wanted was a nice quiet day to herself where she could possibly finish her book. Well that was definitely not going to happen now. When Severin came to a sudden halt in front of a local amusement park, Zoe narrowed her eyes at him. He brought her to an amusement park? He saw that she wanted a quiet afternoon to herself, and he brought her to a freaking amusement park. "Why the hell did you bring me here? I told you that I didn't want to hang out with you!" Zoe finally voiced her opinion, hoping he would get the idea now. Actually, Zoe loved amusement parks. But she really didn't want to hang out with this guy. Especially when he practically kidnapped her to bring her here. What kind of person did that? One who was likely insane, that's who.
Severin did not care if she was giving him all sorts of mean looks, and that she did not want to hang out with him. She was a teenager, thus she did not know what she wanted. Plus an amusement park was always the answer to just about everything! Severin needed someone like her to distract him from some of the worst parts of his past. Surely she would love it! However she was in school and he would have to be careful. He did not want to get in trouble with the authorities. After all, he was taking her someplace against her will. Severin recalled what she had said about Tristane, and he nodded his head up and down. He heard that a lot. "Yeah, I hear that a lot. He is really nice and whatever, but it just makes us seem bad. I mean, most of us are pretty men, but who gets the most recognition? Tristane! He is the favorite!" Severin sighed and he kicked the ground a bit. "But he is a lot older than you are, so tough luck with that." But that also meant that once they were married, they would be like, siblings! Severin decided to point that out like captain obvious, "Once they get married, we will become brother and sister!" That alone gave him permission to hang out with her, no matter what she had originally thought. Severin wished that he was happy like Tristane. He wanted to have a man or a woman sweep him off of his feet, be treated to romantic dinners. Or he could treat those people too, he did not care! He just wanted to be in love and getting married. Severin knew that he would have to find that woman or man at some point before he passed his biological clock. Severin thought that he had one when in reality, he did not. He just did not want to become ugly as he aged.

"It was not kidnapping. Besides, who does not enjoy amusement parks?" Severin shrugged his shoulders as he looked up. Severin was tempted to make her book vanish and then she would not have any choice at all but to enjoy the amusement park with him. Severin did not release her either, since he knew better. Severin looked down at her and he smiled broadly, as he remarked, "Enjoy a few rides with me, and then you can go back to your boring book. But don’t you dare lie to me and tell me that you do not enjoy rides." Severin looked around, trying to decide what ride he wanted to go on. The thing was, Severin lived on adrenaline. However things like haunted houses, he got scared in. He would scream and clutch whomever he was riding with at the time (Valera figured that out once before the hard way). Instead he led Zoe over to the roller coaster and he waited in line for it. He knew that she could like it too, and he had released her arm by this point. Everyone here was speaking in some language that he could not hope to understand, and he really hoped that some words meant what he thought that they meant, otherwise buckling in would prove to be difficult. Severin wished that he knew someone here that actually wanted to be here with him. Zoe seemed like the type to be a good friend, but she was just not... She was definitely not his type to date, so she was safe with him. He was more like that annoying big brother that no one wanted.
Zoe snorted. She had never heard of a man referring to himself as pretty before. Not that there was anything wrong with it, it was just an unusual occurrence. Girls could call men pretty all they wanted, but when a man called himself pretty, it was kind of funny. Apparently Tristane was the favorite of the family, and Zoe could see why. "To be honest though, I could be mixing him up with his twin brother again. Tylien maybe? But a girl can dream can't she?" Zoe was remembering the one that was sort of a bad boy, and who had the prettiest eyes ever. It was really depressing that both of them were as gorgeous as they were, and Zoe didn't even stand a chance. That was probably a very good thing though, Zoe was awful when it came to things like romance and boyfriend's. She lacked the skills needed to be able to have a boyfriend without scaring him off. That wasn't going to stop Zoe from looking one bit though. If she wasn't allowed to look and admire, then someone shouldn't have made such attractive men in the world. "Oh how fun..." Zoe muttered sarcastically. The thought of her sister being the reason she might wind up being related to this loser, seriously wanted to make Zoe beat her sister up. What if he found out where she lived or something? Zoe felt her stomach drop at the thought of him coming into her house. Zoe would rather burn her own home down and live in poverty than have this guy hanging around at her house. He was nothing more than some creepy stranger who wouldn't let her be alone when she wanted to be alone the most. He didn't even look like the type of guy she would be friends with.

"It's definitely kidnapping, I didn't agree to come with you. I love amusement parks....when I go with my friends. You're just some weird stranger that doesn't take no for an answer." Zoe was pouting by this point. It wasn't fair that she always got stuck with the weird ones. They went over to a line for a roller coaster and Zoe continued to pout. Not being happy at all that she was being forced to do this. Zoe loved rides when she was in company that she liked. The moment they got on the ride, Zoe's displeasure grew even more, especially once she realized how tightly packed into the ride they would be. Zoe could feel his body touching hers, and immediately she wanted off the ride. The roller coaster ride lasted a couple of minutes, and Zoe did have fun, but once she got off she immediately thought of an escape plan. Zoe glanced to the side and noticed that Severin was still exiting the ride, and deiced that it was now or never. Zoe tried to walk away, but Severin was quicker than she anticipated. He had a hold of her arm faster than she ever imagined. Zoe paused in her tracks and stopped to glare at Severin. "I rode a ride with you! Can I go now!" The smirk he had on his lips silently told Zoe that her that it was only just the beginning. Zoe rolled her eyes softly and looked around the park. There were a lot of rides here, and that meant that there were a lot of things for the two of them to possibly ride before Severin would let Zoe go. Would he even let her go to the bathroom by herself or was he going to go in there with her too?
Severin looked over at Zoe when she thought that she could be mixing him up with Tylien and he thought that she would be nuts if she was thinking that of him. Tylien was horrible. Severin knew that. There was nothing good about him. Well, his looks were pretty good, but everything else about him screamed that he was a jerk. He could be worse than Sethos but he never gets caught. It could be something like that. "I seriously hope not. Tylien is the right one, but do not even try to talk to him. He will make you disappear. I would know." Severin hoped that Zoe would not be that kind of girl, loving jerks like him. She could look all she wanted, but if she was the Snow that he knew, then she would not get to because they would be related by marriage. Well, if she wanted to be weird like that, then she can. Tristane was just one of the lucky ones. Then again, someone of Zoe’s age, she should not be focused on boys anyway. Especially the bad and older ones. She had to be like, ten years younger than the twins, one being an angel and the other was a demon. It was just the way it was. Severin knew that Tristane could do no wrong nowadays. She was sarcastically saying how fun, and he smirked, "I am an awesome brother, sometime sister depending on the day. Need boy or girl advice, I am the one to come to." He nudged her a bit and he smirked even more, almost like he was torturing her but he was having fun doing so. Well, to be honest, he totally was. She was like a little sister, and she was completely safe with him. Plus he knew things, and he could really help her one day.

"Oh what are you going to do, cry wolf? At least I am old enough to do magic, so I could have apparated you or done a lot more than a usual kidnapper. So just imagine me as a forceful friend that can be obnoxious but amazing at the same time. Love me and hate me at the same time. That is what I am! Not a kidnapper. I did not lurk you into a white van with candy." Severin was sure that there would be some rides here at the amusement park that Zoe would actually enjoy. He was sure that she would come to smile, and even say that she had a lot of fun. They were drawn together for a reason that much he believe. He thought that she would need to loosen up and that she would over some time. After the roller coaster ride only lasted for a few minutes, and once they were off, he noticed that Zoe was taking off once more. He was so quick to take her by the arm once more, and she paused to say that she rode a ride with him, and asked if she could go. She did not listen to him, did she? He said a few rides, which implied more than one. "Loosen up some. Our siblings know each other. Plus I said rides, as in plural. We just rode one. We need to ride a few more, Zoe!" He looked around once they were clear of the ride for something else, and he saw another coaster, ready to go. It was a suspended one too, so their feet would be dangling. Oh boy, his favorite kind! He walked with her to go in that direction. Zoe should enjoy that ride, right?
When Severin threw in that he wanted them to ride more rides, Zoe felt the urge to throw herself into the ocean become greater. "I have a better idea. Since you refuse to leave me alone and let me read my book, how about we just go play some games and get some food?" Food and games weren't exactly ideal, but a least that would create more of a distance between the two of them than sitting on a ride would be. Zoe had tried to get away at least a dozen times, and this guy refused to let her go. So now she was going to have think of a plan B. Spend a little bit actually hanging out with him, and perhaps he would finally realize how boring she was and would go away. If he had been less annoying, Zoe would have thought he was cute. But his annoying personality outshines his precious looks and Zoe wanted nothing to do with him. Zoe gave Severin a look that displayed that her idea wasn't up for discussion. If he wanted to hang out with her so badly, he was going to have to learn that Zoe liked things done a certain way. She might have been a nerd, but she was also a Snow by blood.

"Come on." Zoe figured she wouldn't need to inform him to have him follow her, but she felt like the nicer she was to him, the sooner he would want to leave her alone. It took a couple of minutes worth of walking before they were away from the rides, and the first thing Zoe went for was the food. For someone as skinny as she was, Zoe loved food. Especially junk food. At a nearby vendor, Zoe purchased a juice looking caramel apple. As she nibbled it, she waited to see whether Severin would get some food for himself, play a game, throw a fit, or leave because she was being a pain in the ass. Zoe took a large bite of her apple and stared at Severin. "Sorry. I like food." Zoe shrugged her shoulders and took another bite, figuring that a guy like him would be disgusted with the way she ate. Severin looked like one of those super clean cut guys, and they hated girls who pigged out like she currently was. It wasn't like Zoe didn't eat healthy every once and awhile though. She just preferred to eat junk food whenever she could.
Severin found himself quite shocked that Zoe wanted to go play some games and get food instead of riding some exciting rides. Well, that would be better than just watching her read and stuff. "Sure! About time you want to have some fun!" Severin was not good at games, which made him feel a little nervous about this, but he did not want to impress her. After all, she would be his little sister one day! Since the two of them would become family in the future, she would have to learn to get along with the siblings, even though half did not get along already. Severin wanted a happy family, but he constantly got ragged on by the meaner siblings. So, he traveled to do what he wanted to do while he could stay away from them. Severin had one good look at Zoe and knew that everything she was, just did not interest him in any way except for a friend. That was the beauty of this. A lot of the times, when he hung around with a girl, she turned out to be someone he could date. Zoe Snow? Definitely not, which made him like being around her. He did not lust after her and it was beautiful!

She urged him to come forward and Severin did eagerly. Sadly, the two were away from the rides, and he did not want to be that far away from them. The rides were really fun! "Okay, miss bossy boots!" Severin chuckled and suddenly found out that he was hungry too. Going to a vendor, he watched as she got a caramel apple. Severin simply got a small plate of fries that he knew he would have to walk a football field twenty times to lose the calories. He then watched as Zoe started to eat the apple, and eat it like a man would. Taking a small nibble of fry, Severin just looked down and said, "Wow, I just didn't know you could open your mouth that wide to take out half the apple at once." Severin shook his head and he wondered if he should try to win her something before the park closed down. "Hey, want me to win you a teddy bear to snuggle with and then we can go sit by the beach?" Severin took her by the hand and walked, well, rushed, to the nearest game where he could throw a baseball and knock over some heavy jars. Giving the guy the money, he took the ball into his hand, and he threw it. Missed completely. Another shot, missed. The final shot? He breathed in, aimed, and knocked the whole thing down! "Just let the one chowing on the apple pick the prize if you don't mind." Severin spoke to the game person wiht a smile on his face.
Zoe stopped and stared at Severin oddly. One of her eyebrows raised into a perfect curve before a small chuckle escaped her throat. This boy was really weird. Never in her life had she been called such a name. "Miss bossy boots? Well that's one I've never heard before." Actually it was a lot nicer than what she was used to being called, especially by attractive boys. Names such as freak, pig, giant, skeleton, etc. None of them were nice enough for Zoe to do a double take for. This boy was kind of weird to begin with. He looked as if he was the type of guy to enjoy the company of very beautiful and elegant women. Zoe was none of those things so she wasn't fully sure why he continued to hang around like he was. The gangly brunette lowered the half-eaten caramel apple and stared at Severin for a moment. That was probably his attempt at an insult, but this time it didn't happen to sting as much as the other insults did. "I like food, so I have a natural talent for taking big bites I guess. You look like you could use some sugar yourself, dude." Has he ever had a caramel apple? Ten bucks says no.

When Zoe was told to pick a prize, she briefly rolled her green eyes and paraded over to the wall of prizes. It only took her a moment to decide on a large stuffed tiger, that was handed to her not even seconds after she had pointed to it. After the prize was chosen, Zoe was once again being taken somewhere unknown to her. "Here, I feel like you should keep the prize you won. Surely you have someone back home that would appreciate it better than me." Zoe attempted to hand Severin the prize. At the beach Zoe continued to try and hand the toy over to Severin. After the way she had been treating him all day, she barely felt like she deserved a present from him. Plus, she didn't want to owe him later. That just gave him more of a reason to show up later with some annoying story as to why he was following her around again. The sun was beginning to set, and Zoe became memorized by the beauty before her. The sky was the perfect blend of orange and red, and it was simply gorgeous. Too bad she had to share this moment with someone she barely knew.
Severin looked over at Zoe when she said that she had never been called that in her life. That was strange since he was sure that someone else would have called her bossy or something equivalent. He shrugged those lean shoulders, "Well, you seem bossy, and boots is a nice, stylish sort of shoe since you aren't necessarily hideous or ugly, and miss is because you are a miss." So, he had to wonder what sort of names she was being called, and if he needed to step in or something. If they were going to be brother and sister one day, it would be his job to protect her one day. Severin looked down at his food before he wondered if he should finish it. They did seem a little fattening and that was something he did not want to experience. She said that she had a natural talent for taking big bites, and then said that he looked like he could use some sugar. "Nah, besides, I have to be careful with how some candies are prepared. Deathly allergic to tree nuts and peanuts." It sucked since he couldn't have anything with almonds in it, but he didn't want to die so soon.

At least Zoe managed to pick out something stuffed, and it was a tiger. That said a bit about her. Maybe she was feisty or something. That did not really mean too much to the young man, but he then heard that she felt like he should keep the prize, and how someone else would appreciate it better than her. "I doubt it. My brothers would murder it." He was not taking it back. He refused and would not take it no matter how much she tried to hand it over. The walking between the two of ended at the beach, and the view was amazing. He loved it. Of course, he would rather be showing this to someone who stole his heart away opposed to someone that was the opposite of him. He wanted to be able to have someone love him for him. Maybe he will have that moment later on, but definitely not now. He looked over at the sky which reminded him of a painting. He could paint, but he rather write out beauty with words to allow the reader to sketch something with their mind. "Beautiful, isn't it?" mused Severin to Zoe, wondering if she had the same thoughts as he.
Zoe had to bite back a rude comment that was beginning form within the back of her throat when he mentioned that she seemed like she was bossy. If he thought she was bossy, he should meet Astoria or some of her cousins. "Not necessarily hideous or ugly? Thanks." Zoe rolled her eyes. She knew she wasn't all that pretty. Astoria had gotten the looks of the family, as well as the body, and she had left Zoe with nothing else expect her unique colored eyes. Astoria was always the one that had boys chasing after her, and there were times where Zoe wished that she could have a day of knowing what that was like. Then there were other times where she was glad she was nothing like her sister. "Allergic to nuts? That blows. Peanut butter is pretty tasty with certain things." Like apple slices. Zoe assumed he was just a super health freak because of how feminine he looked and wanted to keep his figure up, but it was actually due to an allergy. Zoe mentally apologized to the boy for misjudging him. He wasn't as bad as she first thought him to be, but she still wasn't completely sure if she should open him to him just yet.

"Murder it?'s a stuffed animal!" Zoe was stunned. She would keep the prize if that was the case, but the fact that a group of boys would destroy such a cute stuffed animal bewildered her. Maybe they were a bunch of young guys who didn't know the proper way to take care of toys yet? Zoe wasn't quite sure if she wanted to know the boy's family if they were going to be that vicious. Then again, her brother was wanted by the Ministry for committing crimes. Same with many of her relatives who had killed people before. Zoe bit her lip, realizing that she had zero room to judge. "It is. It kind of makes you wonder doesn't it? If a sunset can be this beautiful for such a short time during the day, what other types of beauty do we miss when we aren't looking?" like how much greener the leaves seemed to be in the early hours of the morning. Zoe wondered to herself how she had managed to think of such a soppy thoughts. Perhaps she had been hanging around this pretty boy for much too long.
Severin then realized just how bad that sounded as it rolled off from his tongue. He didn't really mean for it like that, but that was what it came out. It was something he should probably apologize for. Severin gave a nervous smile before he said, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Um, take it as a sister-brother compliment or something? You really aren't ugly or hideous though. I wouldn't be around you if you were." Severin just felt really bad for that, and he needed to make sure that he would not have to do that again at any point. She said that it blew that he was allergic to nuts, and how peanut butter was tasty to certain things. He wasn't sure, but anything with nuts was appealing to him. The thought made him want to giggle a bit but he managed to contain himself. "Well, I wish I could, but most candies are processed on the same equipment and once I ended up in a muggle hospital. It was awful." Severin had to get shots in a place where he did not want to mention around anyone. It was similar to the forbidden zone for him. Well, for strangers. Not for the person he would fall in love with.

"You really don't know my brothers," Severin started to laugh, "they are all as horrible as the come. Well, except for like, two or three. Not including me, the best." Severin thought that they were just really bad people. Maybe someone could understand, but now he was not sure. He would not want any sort of fragile stuffed animal around his brothers. It would be gone in minutes! Troxa ended up leaving because he did not want to have to raise his baby around the group of brothers. He looked over at the sunset, and hoped that he would be able to see it with someone that he would be able to spend the rest of his life with, opposed to seeing it with just Zoe. She could be a good friend later, but that was about it. "You do miss a lot. You just have to look hard enough to find the beauty in everything." He turned to look at her, and the way the setting sun settled on her hair, it just looked really good. Before he knew it, he forgot that he was even staring.
Zoe laughed. Severin didn't seem to mean it that way, but she knew better than think it wasn't true. Zoe wasn't the pretty one, and she had accepted that long ago. "It's okay. I'm not the pretty one, that's my sister. I'm not the smart one either, that's my brother. I guess I just got stuck with whatever's left." Zoe shrugged her skinny shoulders and let her eyes scan the roaring ocean in front of her. There really was nothing left, so Zoe didn't consider herself much else other than simply existing. There was nothing too special about her, and that was the way she liked it. Maybe if she stayed invisible, she'd get into less trouble than her brother and sister seemed to do. One had gotten into trouble with the law, and the other one seemed to be so involved with her love life that she practically had a new man on her arm every time she came around. "No wonder you're so skinny. Oh well, more candy for me." Zoe was pretty skinny herself, but boy she sure didn't eat like it. Her favorite foods were things like pizza and candy. Foods that this boy was probably too dainty to touch himself.

"If any of your brother's are half as annoying as you are, I'd definitely stay away from them." Zoe threw in, knowing it would probably piss him off, but he had been bothering her all day, so he deserved to know that he was pain in the ass. Who in their right mind would bond with some random girl and drag her around a theme park all day? No one. So clearly Severin wasn't in his right mind. "Oh my god that was so sappy!" Zoe laughed and turned to face Severin, who was now staring at her. Frowning she checked to make sure that she hadn't left any food lingering on her shirt or something. "Why are you staring at me?" It made Zoe feel self-conscious and awkward. What possessed him to turn his attention onto her? Right now, everything felt much too sappy for Zoe, and that was her ticket to get out before he started to act really weird or felt like it was okay to start spilling his heart out. Zoe was not the type of person that could tolerate that sort of behavior for long.
Zoe mentioned how she was not the pretty one, or the smart one out of her siblings. That meant one thing though. He was not the prettiest one out of his siblings, and he sure as hell was the smartest. They were in the same boat, which was weird. Severin thought that was pretty cool. "If you aren't the prettiest or the smartest, that means you are the most awesome. Talented, best, whatever it takes. I'm kind of in the same boat. Only I have a lot more siblings to compete with. I'm sure they don't even know I am gone." Severin did not mind if she would take all the candy. He just did not appreciate the problems that came along with the sugars. "You should avoid them. Most of them. Tristane is okay, but you might get hurt with the other ones." He did not mind being called annoying, but he did not want to think about it. She mentioned on how sappy that was, and he chuckled a bit. That did not really mind that too much. He was asked why he was staring at her, and he raised his eyebrows. He did not even notice! "Oh, I'm sorry. But it is getting late. I'll escort you back since you don't want to be mugged, and I can use magic." Severin led Zoe back to where she was before, and with others in her school. Once she was safe, he went off on his own.


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