And I Miss Them

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
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Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
There was no denying that for once the Slytherin boy had gotten up fairly later than usual. He'd been very tired after his first week of classes, and since he had little energy to spare it had completely taken it out of him. Come the Friday night, he'd fallen asleep on his bed with his head on the book. It had been a good sleep and after all the terrible sleeps he'd had over the past few days, Stefan Archer was far from about to complain about this increased sleep. It had been good. It meant he felt, very well rested and he just wanted to tell people how good he felt. How much more energy he had and how much happier he was. It wasn't like he had this huge smile on his face, it was more a feeling of content. Where nothing was either very bad or very good. It was just a happy middle. But, that morning was little different from the rest. he'd awoken and after spending a little time just lying on his bed, he'd gotten up and had a shower. The shower was the hardest part of the Slytherin's morning, he just had to make sure that he didn't glance in a mirror. But seeing his own body, his own reflection. He took the time within the shower to wash everything. The new bruises and cuts. Make sure none were infected. And then check the burn on his arm. It looked a lot better than it had when it happened, but it was still painful, and the slytherin would much prefer it, if it had something around it. It wasn't always the best thing, but it was best for him. He couldn't let people see the burn as much as he could let people see the cuts on his other elbow. Deep and in three straight lines. From a broken cup. He just didn't want people to know anything. To stop them from just knowing anything about him. To be sure that when it came to it. He could say that they were nothing. Bandages, just gave them impression that they'd been seen to. And people were less curious. Or so the colourblind Slytherin thought. The entire christmas holidays for Stefan Archer, had just been one huge wake up call. The fight with the fourth year, had brought him crashing to reality. That he'd been horrible to his friends, and they had not deserved it. They had been nothing but kind to him and he had been nothing but a jerk. Stefan had gone back to his home, feeling like he'd lost everyone that had ever meant anything to him. And it had been on the nights, when tears had flowed freely and all he felt was pain, when the memories he had with his friends were ones that gave him hope to keep going. To not give him, and to keep strong. He couldn't stop the friendship, just because he feared that he could leave and never return and they would never find out what happened to him. It wasn't something he wished to do. but as long, as he left with nothing but good memories he would be happy. And that was all that the Slytherin wanted.

Getting dressed in his usual clothes, the Slytherin boy headed downstairs. He was on a mission now, he needed to find his friends. Willow, Sara and most importantly Kate. Stefan cared a lot about all of his friend, but Kate meant a lot more to him than Willow or Sara did. He didn't know why. But, Kate had always stuck in his mind as someone he could turn to, if at any point he needed to. It was the same with Willow and Sara, but, it was like no matter what he could always find Kate. Not to mention that despite his disability to really see, Kate was pretty much beautiful to him. She was almost a ray of sunshine in his life. Stefan knew he had something more than just friendship in his feelings for her, but he was 12. And he didn't know what to do with the feelings he had. Stefan entered the great Hall, and took a moment to let himself find the bit with the most shade, so he could see. It was a pretty bright day in New Zealand. Like most really. The Slytherin boy, walked to the Slytherin table and sat down. Although for once, instead of his eyes staying glued to the floor, they were moving around the hall. Looking from the Gryffindor table, to the Ravenclaw Table and then to the Hufflepuff. He couldn't spot them anywhere. Stefan needed to apologize again. he needed them to know that he really was sorry for everything that he'd done. For how he had spoken to her, for how he'd spoken to her sister, and her friend. Stefan looked around the table and took an apple. Biting into it. He hoped that Kate had gone back to her normal size. He hadn't liked it when she'd lost all the weight. And it hadn't helped him. He'd started to chose to not eat at school, despite that food being their. And while the Slytherin hated not eating food was there, he'd found in the last term, that he'd just not been hungry. Not something great, but it was just how he'd been. As a result Stefan Archer was still as skinny and looked like he was all bone and not much else. He planned on putting on weight in school. Slowly eating more, a gradual progress. As Stefan's eyes continued to scan the Hufflepuff table, the dark blue eyes settled themselves upon a girl, that he knew. Kate. Stefan got up, leaving the apple on the table and walked over to the Hufflepuff table. He could feel a few eyes following him. He wondered if they wanted to know what he was doing a Slytherin at the Hufflepuff table. Not something done. But he wasn't the typical Slytherin. He walked up to her and cleared his throat slightly, wondering if he could sit down or not. "Hi" He said to her, a small smile on his face, but a shy expression and a quiet tone of voice.​
Kate woke up and yawned.She had been quite tired last night and she had pretty much fallen asleep the minute she had put her head down.It was late into the morning so she was the only person left in her dorm.She didn't want to get up as she was still tired but she had to eat because she could feel her stomach grumbling.There had been many times when Kate had ignored that grumble.She still sometimes shuddered when she remembered what she had done to herself for those few weeks.She had lost so much weight and she had changed.But she had pulled herself together and she was now regaining a lot of the weight she had lost.She was still a bit underweight but it wasn't to noticeable anymore.When her parents saw her when she came home for the holidays they had immediately started asking questions and fussing over her.They were the main reason that she had gained so much weight.They had started a healthy eating plan and they had watched her every move until they were happy with her weight.She was grateful that they had taken such good care of her if they hadn't she didn't know what she would of done.

Sighing she got out of bed and got dressed into a nice floral dress.She was feeling very summery today so she also put on a pair of gladiator sandles.She did a few other bits and bobs and when she was satisfied she went to the Great Hall.On the way down she started thinking about Stefan.Sometimes he would just pop into her head.A part of her was still angry for what he said to her and her sister but another part was worried and missing him.She knew it was more then just friendship between the two of them but she was young and didn't really know what to do.She wanted him to figure everything out.She knew that those cuts and bruises he got were not accidents.She was almost sure of the person who inflicted the pain on Stefan as was Sara and Willow but when they had tried to confront him about it,it had ended in disaster.If the person she had guessed was the person she was sure he would have a whole new batch of cuts and bruises.This angered her because she cared for Stefan and she didn't like to see him in so much pain.

Trying to put those thoughts out of her head she walked over to the Hufflepuff table and sat down.She was quite hungry so she started eating straight away.She was so engrossed in her eating she didn't hear someone coming up beside her.She did a little jump when he/she spoke.When she looked up she almost did a double take. " Hi Stefan"She said a bit bewildered.If someone had told her earlier on that Stefan would come up and talk to her she would of laughed in their faces."Am why don't you sit down"She said moving over so there was some space.
As soon as he'd gotten to his feet to talk to her, he'd felt nerves. He'd felt them build up inside. He had no idea what to say to her. An apology just didn't seem like enough. He'd pretty much given her enough reason to never speak to him again. And while if that was her decision he would respect that. He would stay away from her if she wanted him to. But he didn't want to. Far from it, Stefan wanted to be friends with her. He didn't want it to end because he'd made a couple of very bad decisions. Ones that he thought he was doing to help them, but it had backfired. it had been a giant slap across his face. It hadn't helped in the slightest. Kate had stopped eating, Willow had spent her time caring about him and Kate, that she'd forgotten about herself and her needs. And Sara, well, he liked Sara, but he could understand why she'd pretty much yelled at him so much in the Great hall at the start of the previous term. The words she'd spoken, were not words he'd forgotten. the biggest disappointment, a stereotypical Slytherin Little had he known at that point how right she'd been about him. he'd pretty much become exactly what he despised in his house mates. He'd been very pro houses in the previous term. Telling them to stop being around him, because he was slytherin. he'd been mean, he'd been disrespectful and he'd been so angry he'd felt fire within his heart. But, he had to prove Sara wrong. he had to show, Kate and Willow that he could be himself, he could be the Stefan they knew. The one that was still closed off, but not a complete jerk. One, who attempted to make eye contact and conversation. The little things that people picked up on when he didn't do it. Obviously, he knew he would still flinch away when any one made to touch him. And he knew he would practically take a step back if someone went to hug him. He couldn't change all his ways, but there had to be a place to start. The colourblind boy knew that no matter what happened with Kate, that he would have to eventually learn to be like everyone else, and really make the two parts of him, two completely different things. The walk over seemed to take forever. He didn't know how or why it would take so long. It just seemed that way. Stefan wasn't walking fast. Not at all, his stomach and other bruises, meant that rather than walking at a fast pace, the slytherin walked more slowly and a lot more carefully. He had a fresh set of bruises and cuts, but with his jumper zipped up, the only one noticeable was the one around his eye. It was slightly faded, thanks to a girl he'd just met. Georgiana. She'd been nice, and the potion or medicine she'd given him had worked fairly well. Which had pleased the slytherin. However against the pale skin of the boy, it was still pretty visible, just a lot smaller. Something which really did please him. However he had to get his own made up. It wasn't like he could've just there and then applied it to his stomach bruising. It would not have ended well. And Stefan needed this term to go a lot better than the last.

Waiting for Kate to noticed him was a slightly antagonizing process. He didn't know why, but he could almost tell that what she was going to do was turn him down, ask him to leave. But, it surprised him to see that she was bewildered by the fact he was stood there. He was pretty sure that all this odd confidence that he had going up to Kate, steamed from the fact, that he missed her. He missed just sitting with his friend, and feeling the butterflies in his stomach when she smiled at him. He missed how just listening to her brightened his day. Made him feel like everything would one day be all right. That he still had hope. She was his closest friend, and after her were Willow and Sara. He missed them. And while he would probably never admit it, he really did feel lonely without knowing if they wanted to still be his friend. He had never thought that he would get lonely over not having them around. But, the Slytherin boy was human, and he missed the three people who'd made him feel worthwhile. Like his life had meaning. Something difficult to achieve but something that really did make him smile. He was still blown away when she looked to him. She was beautiful to him. And while that was something else he would never say, the fact he could feel his cheeks warm, meant he was going red on his cheeks. He looked down at the floor and then looked up as she told him to sit down. He watched as she cleared some space although he was unsure as to if he should sit down. He was slightly afraid that this was all just so she could turn down his friendship. He could feel the new bandage rub against his jumper as he nervous scratched the back of his head. He was quick to stop that, and pull down his jumper sleeve. Slightly, cautiously Stefan walked forward and took a seat next to Kate. He gave a small smile, before feeling that it wasn't the right time to smile. And as quickly as it had appeared it faded. He kept his eyes down in front of him before, looking around the Hufflepuff table, there were eyes upon him. He was a slytherin sat at a Hufflepuff table. Stefan ignored them, and looked to Kate, he wondered if she'd known about his fight with the elder boy. That had been his first wake up call. he cleared his throat slightly. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, about everything last term." Stefan said to her. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what I can do to make it better. I thought I was doing the right thing, but, I know I wasn't. It was an awful decision. I'm sorry" his voice was quiet, he met her eyes a few times and it was pretty clear in the dark blue eyes of the boy that he really was sorry for all that he'd done. But, there was only so many times, he could actually apologise. He just had to let her decide whether she wanted him to be in her life. The colourblind Slytherin knew that he'd pretty much ruined most of the chances that he would ever be with her, but the friendship maybe he could get back. Despite how he'd acted, Stefan had not forgotten about the kiss. It had been fairly innocent, but it was pretty much the moment, when he'd realised he had strong feelings for the girl sitting with him. But, now the thought of kissing was one that he didn't want. "I'm really sorry" He muttered again. He didn't know what else he could say. They were the only words he could find.​
Kate was feeling nervous.She didn't know why.She could feel her heart pumping.She thought she knew why he was here.She didn't know why he was doing it know though.He had made it clear he hadn't wanted any of their help.But here he was in front of her.She wasn't sure what to say.but what could she say to him.After all that had happened,she wasn't even sure if she should talk to him.He had caused her so much pain,he had caused a lot of people pain.But he had had some strange reason for it.She didn't know what it was.All she knew was that because of his decision she had lost all the weight,Willow hadn't taken care of herself properly and Sara had had to watch her sister slowly fade away.Suddenly she felt anger towards Stefan.She looked straight into his eyes and immediately the anger faded.He looked so small and vunerable and he also had a new bruise around his eye.How could she hate a person who obviously went through so much pain?She wouldn't be herself if she chose to hate Stefan.She had to forgive and forget.Start a healthy relationship between the two of them so nothing like this would even happen again

Kate noticed everyone at the Hufflepuff table was looking at Stefan.Kate rolled her eyes at them and ignored them.She hated the way everyone judged you because of what house you were in.She found it quite annoying.Don't judge a book by its cover her mother would always tell her.Kate listened as Stefan apologised.She couldn't believe it,someone or something had finally knocked some sense into his head.She was glad she had not shouted at him.She could see that Stefan meant every word he said.Suddenly she felt tears coming to her eyes.She quickly wiped them away.She didn't want Stefan or anybody else to think she was over emotional.When Stefan said his final sorry.Kate was silent for a few minutes.She then looked up at Stefan and smiled.It was probably that last thing he was expecting.But Kate was so happy inside.This was the new start.Hopefully things would progress from here.She still remembered their kiss.It had been a pretty small thing but it was then she had realised how she felt for him.But that was at the back of her mind now.They had to focus on rebuilding their friendship now."Its okay Stefan,I forgive you"She said smiling "Just don't ever do it again"She said emphasising the ever.Suddenly she gave Stefan a hug.She didn't know where it came from.But she quickly let go blushing,she was glad he couldn't see her coloured cheeks.That was probably a bad idea,but there was nothing she could do about it now.
There were always these silences, the ones that tended to engulf the Slytherin in a silence that made him wonder if he'd gone deaf. And despite being surrounded by the noise of all the people within the great hall, they all amounted to making him feel like he was standing in the centre of an empty auditorium. Just him, with nothing else, waiting for a voice to pierce through and bring him back. But this was all just an elaborate thought. Stefan Archer was well aware that he was just standing in front of the girl, that he'd caused so much too. And despite the fact they were still so young, he sometimes believed that with her, they acted a lot older than they were. In reality the Slytherin didn't know how to be a kid. How to be childlike. He was twelve, coming up for thirteen, and he'd only celebrated his birthday once, he'd never celebrated Christmas, all the things that made a child, a child were things that he was too late to know. The thought of believing in someone who left presents that Stefan knew he could never believe in. Not just because if it was real, he'd forgotten someone for 12 years, but also that it would need to be school that would teach him all that he needed to know. The books that made him feel less alone. Like it was less just him learning about the inner workings of a complicated world. The people he read about, were the ones helping him along, the ones guiding him through the world. One that wasn't as dark as the colourblind boy saw it as. He'd never thought about the world as a place that was anything other than this dead end tunnel. How wrong he'd been proven. Every time he was with a friend. Anyone who actually showed they cared, they were the light he'd been searching for. Not because they had shown him part of the good in the world but because they'd made him feel more human. As odd as it was to say, the people who surrounded him, were reminders that just because he couldn't see colour did not make him a lesser being. At twelve, the boy thought a lot more deeply into things that most would expect. This impression, he knew he gave off just because he was generally pretty silent. As he'd sat, he'd felt her eyes on him. He'd actually half expected her to yell at him, but she'd been fairly calm. Obviously, his mind was telling him, that she was lulling him into a false sense of security and in front of the entire school, humiliate him. Tearing a Slytherin down at a Hufflepuff table, would make Kate probably pretty popular, and would make Stefan very much hated. Stefan Archer did not want this, he hoped she would not do that.

After speaking the silence took over once more. The dark blue eyes of the boy looking from the table to her. He was glad that at least during the holiday just been his father had kept the different bruises to area that could be covered by clothes. Apart from the old scars on his hands, the rather horrible looking one on the palm of his right hand. But, they were all old. Well, older than the new ones. He didn't know if she would ask more questions about his past, if Willow would, or if Sara would. In every case Stefan had his answer prepared. It was just silence, a change of conversation. Clearly showing that he didn't want to talk about it, while also giving them a small hint. He didn't know if they'd take it was a yes to their questions, or as a this is bull kind of thing. Which ever, he didn't know. Stefan was hardly a mind reader. As much as he thought it would actually come in handy. He met her eyes when he finished, and thought she had an odd expression on her face. He could tell that she'd had tears, but, she looked happy. And this puzzled the boy. He'd pretty much feared and expected that she'd shout at him. Tell him how stupid he'd been, that they had been his friends and he'd been basically a d!ck, but she seemed happy. He didn't know how to feel. He was mostly confused but he knew confused would change when, and if she spoke. He'd been about to apologise again. Unsure at how many times he would have to say the words. He would've liked to get a I'm sorry gift, but he didn't have money. And he knew he wasn't good at art. Stefan didn't have anything. Just the words I'm sorry. Thankfully however, when he'd been about to say it again, Kate spoke. He felt a wave of relief take over his entire body. He felt like he could breath again. Which was odd, since he hadn't actually stopped. Knowing that he'd been forgiven was enough to make him feel like a weight had been lifted off. They would maybe have to start the friendship over, but the Slytherin boy was willing to do that. He would never. He knew he could never. His friends, and the memories he had with them were his light in darkness. They were the things in his head, when the last remainders of hope flowed out him like the blood. It made him feel stronger. And it was a strength that in all his years, he'd never known. He met her eyes, and smiled slightly. Understanding what she meant with the ever.

"I won't" His words were cut off, as she embraced him in a hug. Stefan felt odd. On the one hand his entire body stiffened and he was pretty much against what was happening and on the other hand, he could hardly ask her to not. "Kate" He muttered, hoping she realised that he wasn't ready for hugs. And that it was somewhat uncomfortable for him, considering her arms were around countless bruises that hurt at a very touch. Thankfully, she let go quickly and he didn't have to keep a straight face. He was able to breath calm, while mentally telling the bruises to stop hurting him. He looked at his hands, the pinky of his left hand tracing the scar on his right. He looked up at Kate, still tracing the scar as he did. "I won't, I promise" One thing about Stefan was that he would keep his promise, he would never treat Kate, or her twin, or Willow so horribly again. He wouldn't ever mention the possibility of him not returning. If it happened, it happened. And he would just leave them to wonder, ponder and guess. Stefan Archer smiled at his friend. Unsure about how to move the conversation along. "How have you been?" Stefan asked, indirectly referring the small issue she'd had with her weight in the previous term. From what he could tell, she looked better. Still not like she'd been, but he wasn't going to say anything. He wanted to know how she was. If she was well, if she'd had a nice Christmas. He wanted to hear about normal things. He glanced to a nearby fruit bowl, and noticed there were eyes upon him, Stefan looked away and didn't take anything. Feeling that people would pounce on him if he tried. "Did you have a nice Christmas?" He added looking back at her.​
Kate smiled when she saw Stefan's whole demeanor relax.He had obviously been very nervous and he had every reason to.It must of been hard to come over and apologize .He was lucky it was to Kate he was apologizing because any other person wouldn't have been so forgiving.She was curious as to why he had finally decided to say sorry.It would of been lonely,ignoring everybody.In a way she knew how he felt.When she had stopped eating she had stopped talking as well.She had stayed inside all the time,missing out on the good weather.Her friends had tried to talk to her but she had ignored them all.It was great to have her life back.She had forgotten how funny her friends had been.It had been great to laugh and have fun again.Stop eating wasn't probably the most stupid and selfish thing she had ever done.She would never ever do it again.It hurt the people around her and herself too much.

Kate smiled when she saw a small one on Stefan's face.She couldn't remember the last time she had seen him smiling.She knew Stefan would never do it again which made her feel much better. "Sorry"She said feeling embarrassed.That action had been in the spur of the moment.It wouldn't happen again.She watched him ash he traced his scar.She wondered would she ever know the reason behind those scars or who inflicted them.She bit her lip.It wasn't a nice feeling knowing somebody you cared for was being hurt and there was nothing you could do.But she would just have to get used to that feeling for now.She focused back on the conversation,she wasn't sure how to continue it but luckily Stefan spoke."I'm good,nearly back on track"She said smiling and getting his hint.He looked as thin as ever,but that was another thing she couldn't do anything about."How have you been"She asked indirectly referring to all the cuts and bruises and his weight.Even though their seemed to only be one new bruise she had a feeling he was hiding the rest of them."It was okay,spent most of it under the watchful eyes of my parents.I was also given a healthy eating plan and my parents or another member of my family was always there beside me watching me.Quite annoying actually"She said sighing.It had been a stressful Christmas,she didn't have much of a holiday.But it had all paid off so she couldn't really complain. "How was your Christmas"She asked taking an apple from the fruit bowl.It was then she noticed that a lot of hostile looking eyes were glancing towards Stefan.She rolled her eyes "Do you want anything"She asked loudly so the others could hear.They were so immature.
With no easy way of talking about what had happened in the previous term, there was a hope within him, that no or few questions would be asked. That everything would be allowed to just be forgotten. There was little doubt, that he thought he would be able to explain to her, why he had done what he'd done. There was little way of making her understand with mentioning his father, or how his father treated him. Even if everything that happened to the Slytherin boy was always on the surface of his mind. Talking about how he felt, and the emotions bottled up inside was not something he did at all, and even if he did, the boy knew that he couldn't just start talking about them. As a result, Stefan just had an air of pain that surround him. He sensed it. It was odd, since he tried to mask everything, but what happened to him, wasn't something that could just be masked. It was as much a part of him as anything else, and the pain his father caused him, he carried with him. The Slytherin boy tried to never think of it in that sense. He ignored it's very existence, but, it still didn't mean he didn't realise it was actually their. Forever to be a part of him. In the mind of the colourblind boy, he hoped that one day, he wouldn't feel the pain that he did. That his father would just stop. Stefan Mason Archer, did however realise that this was very unlikely. More unlikely than Stefan managing to get out of the relationship he had with his father. Escape was as likely as pig flying or hell freezing over. The Slytherin boy realised it was unlikely. And as much as he knew clinging to hope was all he could do there was a part of the boy that was skeptical that the last remainders of hope he had would be stronger. Even if he had his friends by his side, and had people he could talk to and make memories with. There would come a point, where, even the Slytherin boy knew he would not see the point in what he was doing. Stefan looked to the girl in front of him, she was a lot better. It was clear to him that she was well taken care of. A close knit family, something Stefan could only dream of. He was glad that she looked better. That she was just in general better. It made him feel better. As much as he was jealous she had managed to regain most of the lost weight, and Stefan was ready to swear that he'd lost weight, Stefan was happy for her. He also realised that it would be a huge amount of pressure realised from the shoulders of Kate's sister. And most likely from Willow to. She was back to her usual cheery self. This he knew meant, Willow would not have to worry, which the Slytherin boy could only take as a good point.

It was odd for him to see that she was embarrassed, he was sure it had no actually been intentional, but it was good to know it wasn't something that would become a regularity. As much as he wanted things to return to how they'd been, he just wasn't ready for all the different sections of friendship, hugs included in it. His eyes briefly glanced up to her. The dark blue eyes of the boy briefly meeting the girl's eyes. The scar on his hand was an odd one. Unlike most it was on the palm of his hand. So, since he could then just put his hand in his pockets, there was no way that people would see it, unless they knew it existed. Stefan had seen the look on his father's face when he'd noticed the scar on his hand. He had looked almost proud. Stefan Archer didn't bother to mention how much hell the cut had put him through. The quills had not be kind to it. It was slightly darker than the rest of the palm. And it was odd for him to touch. But, he just traced his finger along it, waiting for her to say something. It was going to take a while he knew before things were back to normal. It would take them time, and it was obvious to Stefan that it would be worth it in the end. So the friendship they'd once shared was once again back in it's rightful place. The dark blue eyes glanced up as she spoke. Giving a small nod as she did. It was good to hear that she was good. He could tell that she looked a lot better, but if she was actually better was a different matter altogether. And then the question was returned to him. He looked away and kept his eyes on the empty plate in front of him. One hand resting where his bandage covering the burn was, and his mind was conscious of all the bruises and cuts around his body. Taking a deep breath, the Slytherin knew that saying anything would not help him. "I've been good. Things have been better than normal" The lie came before he could even think it over, he still wasn't very good at lying. Stefan wasn't very good. He was tired all the time, he had little energy. His body ached, and his appetite was miniature. His eyes moved to Kate, she would understand how he was feeling. She'd experience part of what it was like to be like him. Weight wise. Stefan nodded as she kept talking. It was something that made him smile. A small, but natural smile. He was glad her family had been like that. The Slytherin knew that since she had her family around her all the time, while annoying it would be best. "Well, you look amazing, so it must have paid off" Despite the choice of words, the tone of voice that the Slytherin used, didn't make any hint that he thought she hadn't looked amazing before, but seeing it on someone that wasn't himself had put him on edge. He could deal with himself like that, but when others were like that, that he found almost impossible to deal with.

Stefan had to stop himself from laughing as she asked how his Christmas had been. Stefan struggled to remember what had happened on that day, he had more or less forgotten about it for most of the holiday, only briefly remembering on the day itself. Christmas held no importance to the boy. He had never experienced it, Stefan was sure his father had forgotten about it's existence. Which Stefan was somewhat pleased about. With so little money in the family already, he found it difficult to believe that his father would be able to afford even the basics at a time like Christmas. So, while to most it would be almost a shock, it didn't even factor into Stefan's life. He had been about to respond, when he noticed her taking a fruit. His eyes avoid those of the other people at the table. His eyes moved from the table to Kate. When asked if he wanted anything, the hand and arm resting upon the bandage, moved and wrapped itself around his stomach. He was hungry. But, he didn't want to take anything. As much as he didn't believe in the house rivalry, well more everyone against his house, he didn't want to ignite it on this morning, not when he was attempting to mend his friendship with Kate. "No, I'm good, thanks" Stefan replied, his voice quite, the dark blue eyes looking down at his stomach and then back to Kate. "Christmas was quiet this year. It's just us, my dad and I, and he wasn't able to get much money to do anything. We had a slightly fancier dinner, but that's really all." The boy was partially lying, he hadn't celebrated Christmas, it was just him and his father. They did have very little money, and while he'd said no mention of presents, that was true, that he'd gotten none, and the dinner. Stefan was pretty sure he hadn't had anything to eat that day. One thing that he took as a positive was he was sure on that day, he'd not been struck. One positive. "How many people are in your family?" Stefan asked, curious, he wondered how big her family was. "What did you get, for Christmas?" The boy knew Kate had money, and he wanted to know what she'd gotten, even if she returned the question he said nothing. Stefan just wanted to know Kate better, see what she liked. This was one way of doing it.​

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