An unplanned swap

Hilary smiled with still a bit of a confused look, "Well thank-you for calling me smart.... but I still don't really have any idea what it is you are talking about..."
Nina couldn't help but roll her eyes and said, "Okay Hilary, I wont tell anyone your little secret, no worry..." Nina decided to leave it at that and she said, "So...How is Ancient Runes? I have been meaning to drop divination to take that course, I absolutly hate divination, quite a pointless class don't you think?"
Hilary just smiled and then replied about the classes, "Well I didn't really get into Ancient Runes all that much, but I find it really interesting..... Divination I don't really get all that much, but I seem to have made some pretty accurate predictions this year.... better than last, I flipped my tea cup the wrong way and kept seeing socks....." she laughed a little at her incompetence.
"Yeah that class doesn't make much sense, I don't think I am going to take it after my OWLs," Nina said with a small smile.
"Yeah, I'm not sure what I'll do after owls.... I suppose I'll have to see how I feel after the next couple of years" Hilary smiled and returned her gaze to her competitor sitting across from her.

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