Closed An Snake and Eagle

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
As June woke up this morning she was hungry and early. Lessons were gonna start soon and she wanted to take another opportunity to visit the library to study. And if she was early she had an good spot. But first some breakfast so she went on to the Great Hall. When she arived she noticed it wasn't so crowdy yet but as she walked pass some other tables and people she smiled shortly. Noticing one girl sitting at the Ravenclaw table and as she walked by she noticed an familliar face. One she had met in the park and in train again. The girl was not sorted in Slytherin, but June hadn't actually thought so. She was curious though what the girl thought of her sorting since she didn't seem to have an strong opinion about it before, or desire. And perhaps after you were actually sorted, you could feel how you thought about it. '' Goodmorning Eloise.'' June said as she went sitting across the girl. '' So Ravenclaw. How do you feel?'' June than directly asked. June had an feeling this girl was hard to read, but also an potential ally if she could wrap her around her finger.
Eloise had only been at school for a few days but she liked to believe she was adjusting perfectly fine. Sure, sharing a room with other girls took some getting used to. And so did not having her parents or her governess around. And many, many more things. But she was sure she would be fine. She'd adjust to it all and learn how to be her best self at school. Make her parents proud. She had taken her place at the house table for breakfast, carefully putting some food on her plate before almost dropping a croissant when she got startled by someone suddenly speaking to her. "Oh. Goodmorning." Eloise offered June a polite smile as she put the croissant down. "It's good. The common room's really nice. I just think I need to get used to climbing all those stairs." She answered with a soft giggle. "What about you? Is Slytherin the one you had been wishing for?"
June saw Eloise dropping her croissant and smiled because of it. She was an early bird and directly on if she had an good night of sleep. The girl gave her an smile in return. Since she had no preference it seemed all good to Eloise she figured. But June just didn't believed that there was no desire for anything. Deep down everyone had an desire for something. But Ravenclaw seemed the second best house to her, so it was not completly bad. It was just that Slytherin was better ofcourse.
'' Pff. It's a long walk I believe.'' June than replied. And than took some yoghurt with fruit herself, she could have breakfast here too and than go the library. June was curious though how common rooms of others would look. Slytherin deserved the best, so she hoped they had. As Eloise seemed to remember she had an wish too but hadn't told her preference she smiled, now she could tell. '' Slytherin was what I wanted. And I got it.'' June than said with an grin. '' So that is good. Although we are in the dungeons it's far less walking. But it's more dark and I've seen spiders.'' June than replied and sighted. So what was better, she didn't knew yet.
Eloise nodded when June talked about the walk up to the Ravenclaw towers. She was sure it was something she would get used to eventually but would be lying if she said she had been making her way up with ease so far. It could be a bit of a struggle. "That's good, congratulations." She smiled when June confirmed that Slytherin had in fact been the house she had really wanted to get in. Eloise knew she couldn't be making assumptions like that out loud but now that June mentioned it things seemed to click together. "I bet. The dungeons don't exactly sound.. pleasant." She replied with an understanding nod. "Although surely your common room is decorated up to standards?"
As June watched around seeing more students coming in she wondered how June find her roommates. Rion was one of them she knew. And June was really glad she didn't shared an room with the girl, it would never be quiet she figured. She smiled as Eloise congratulated her. '' Thanks. You too. Ravenclaw is an good house.'' June than replied back. It was her second choice. June nodded as they spoke of where they stayed. '' Yeah it's fine. The head of house had did an upgrade or something I've heard.'' June than explained and smiled. '' So how are your roommates?'' June than asked her.
Eloise nodded when June mentioned Ravenclaw was a good house. It wasn't like she needed the other girl's approval but it was nice to know she at least appreciated her being in Ravenclaw. Especially since she seemed to have far more concrete opinions about things. "That's nice." She smiled when June mentioned their head of house having given the common room an update. Their own common room was nice but Eloise had to admit that some new furniture couldn't hurt. Perhaps she could ask her parents to make a donation. "They are nice enough." She replied with a small shrug when June asked her about her roommates. "I don't know them that well yet so I don't think it's fair to judge them yet, but it did quickly become very clear that we've all been raised differently."
June figured it wasn't so bad hanging out with others than Slytherins. Since some of the slytherins had dissapointed her. And Eloise was mysterious. And June wanted to see what Eloise was made of. She just nodded at her response at the new furniture. June had to hold in an eyeroll for how polite Eloise sounded. It didn't sound too excited, but she didn't seemed to show the whole truth as well. Which could be handy. But also boring. June disagreed with the girl she had already her opinion about most of the people directly. And it would be hard to change it, unless they proved her wrong. '' That sounds like an very nice way of that they are ok, but not great.'' June than said like an summary and smiled shortly. '' Where do you come from?'' June than asked the girl out of curiousity getting to know some more or she was raised. “ I’d love to hear about how you were raised.” she than added.
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By now, Eloise had noticed that June and her differed greatly in how they looked at things. June didn't seem afraid to form opinions within a matter of seconds and had no trouble sharing those as well. Eloise had always learned to not make judgements straight away and if she did to keep them to herself. Stay polite. Keep her opinions to herself. Make a good impression. Do nothing that would disappoint her parents. She had seen her mom act like she liked people she entirely despised plenty of times after all. "I mean I don't really know them that well." Eloise replied to June's statement with a small shrug of her shoulders. "And I've always been taught to not pass judgement too quickly." She added, keeping the part of not sharing those opinions to herself. "I'm from Queenstown." She answered June's question, finding it a little odd when the other girl mentioned wanting to know how she was raised. "My father is originally from the U.S. though, my mother from France." Eloise continued her answer, not entirely sure what June was hinting on wanting to know but answering her question as neutrally as she could.
It was in a way boring how Eloise was just trying to repeat what perhaps her parents had drilled her to be. It seemed that way, since the girl didn't seemed to have an opinion of her own. Or perhaps she didn't dare to say it, she wasn't honest for sure June could tell. So she had tried to make an joke to let her loosen up, but she was stiff. But also mysterious and hard to read. So June would go another way and smiled to the girl. '' People always leave an first impression. And you have one chance for that. '' she than replied with an smile. '' But perhaps you are right.'' June than wanted to give the girl credit. '' Such wise words from an Ravenclaw. Perhaps that's why you are there and I am not.'' June than said trying to be friendly. She herself was very stubborn in how she thought of people, and she was not gonna change that. Because one way or the other if you did one bad thing, people would remember that more easily than the good things. She took her pumpkin juice and took an sip of it. And tried to see what Eloise would think. As the girl finally gave an bit of information about herself and where she was from she nodded. '' Oh that's nice. I've been to New York over the break.'' June than figured giving an bit more as well. '' Where you born in New Zealand as well or in one of your parents country?'' The blonde asked. Figuring she would not ask too much directly, since she was just an curious person so she could have information about someone.
Eloise cocked her head a little when June mentioned people only ever had one chance to make a good first impression. It was something her parents had continuedly told her throughout her life and yet they also taught her not to judge someone after a first encounter. Not publicly, at least. Perhaps it had been their knowledge that others would judge her regardless. And making a good first impression was important. She had just always learned to judge others silently. Her mother had always said that she didn't need to like everyone. She just needed to make sure she pretended to like those that had something to say. Could open new doors. And she wasn't sure whether any of her roommates were that kind of person so she kept her opinions to herself for as long as she needed to. Better to bite her tongue and be well-liked than run her mouth and leave a bad impression. "I just think it's important to know who people are before passing judgement out loud." Eloise settled on those words as her answer, starting to feel a little like June was judging everything she said. "That's fun." She smiled politely when June mentioned being in NYC over the break before moving on to answer her next question. "Oh, well I was born in the U.S. but my parents moved to New Zealand when I was two so I don't remember much of it." She explained. "What about you? Were you born here?"
As June tried to see the reaction from Eloise to what she said she hoped she would show some more. She noticed something happening at least after her comment. It seemed the girl was thinking about it and as she heard her answer she just knew there was more going on in Eloise mind than she would show. June could tell that at least, and was convinced about her own ideas of people. As she kept with her comment it was clear to June and she nodded and smiled. She could go on about it and praise the girl of her judgement but that was boring so she just focused on the rest she told her. It also seemed Eloise was more relax talking about that. And nodded at what she explained to her. The United States seemed like an fun place she had experianced herself. '' It was.'' June thought of the trip with Misha who she rather did with her own father. But it was alright and needed for their relationship. As she got an question back she smiled. That was an good sign. '' No I was born and raised in England.'' June replied back with an smile. And now she had to see which questions the girl was gonna ask, or that the conversation was ending. It was now Eloise's turn she figured. And June had to see which information she would give. But perhaps if she was more open so Eloise would be.

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