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Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
I'm on study leave and done all my exams. Which means I have like a month of free time.
So, I'm looking to RP. I don't mind who. Or What is like the person is like.
Any offers?
Lets make a plot!

But it can only last a semester, in-game, because Monty's gonna have enough problems and plots next semester.

Family issues.
Okay, Thats fine, next semester I'm going to have a lot less time for the website.

Do you have any plots in mind?
No, but I am pretty sure I can brainstorm something. Or at least try too. I'll try to get something thought up before Monday, and I ask you try to do the same. :)

Then we can try and fuse the two and come up with something remarkable. Two heads are better than one. ;)
Will do. I'll see what I could come up with for Before Monday.
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