Closed An Abundance of Thompsons

Isaiah Thompson

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OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
Now that his younger brother and sister had gotten sorted Isaiah realized the entire Thompson gang had now made it to Hogwarts. Well, the ones who were still young enough to be at school anyways. Archer and Cooper didn't really count in his book either since both of them had gone to different schools. Something that had obviously been a huge mistake because there was no way those other schools had been more fun that Hogwarts was. Having every family member that was supposed to be at school right now actually all present Zay had decided he was going to get them all together to hang out. A great idea, if you asked him. And one not too difficult to pull off. To make things a little bit more interesting he had decided it would be a surprise for the others though, inviting them all seperately to hang out with them only to have them realize they'd all be hanging out once they arrived. His younger siblings hadn't been too had to convince. He was their older brother after all. Their cool older brother. Obviously, they would want to hang out with him. Getting Piper to come hadn't cost him a lot of effort either, focussing most of it on getting Paige and Chloë to come. Playing to their personalities, Zay had sent Paige an invite to come talk quidditch with him while he had told Chloë he needed her advice.

Barging into the student lounge with a bag full of snacks and drinks he looked around for a spot, grateful that it wasn't busy in there. If it as, he would've just had to detour to the abandoned classroom but he much preferred the comfort of the student lounge to the space of the abandoned classroom. Zay headed over to one of the sofas and plopped down, putting his bag of snacks on one chair and some books he had brought on one of the other sofas in an attempt to save seats for his family who would, hopefully, show up soon.
When Zay approached Piper with the idea of a family hang out now that the whole gang was finally here, the girl had agreed with him almost immediately. Almost immediately, because she wasn’t sure if everyone would appreciate a family gathering. Paige and Chloë, for example, hadn’t always been on good terms and Piper hadn’t paid much attention to the two of them lately to say if it was wise to invite the oldest Thompsons to the gathering. Chloë would be more than welcome, of course, she was always nice to everybody. Paige was a different story, even if her sister really tried her best to be as nice as she could be these days. She also wasn’t sure if Elijah would come but Zay insured her that his younger brother would want to hang out with them without a doubt. Apparently, the boy had been just as lost as they had been when they first started at Hogwarts and could really use their help navigating through the school.

''Ooh, you've brought snacks, too!'' the Hufflepuff said when she spotted Zay in the student lounge. She had brought her entire stash of Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured Beans as well as a bunch of chocolate frogs with her to the gathering in the hope that she could trade some of her wizarding cards with the others.
Even though Kiara had been looking forward to going to Hogwarts for years now actually being at the school had been incredibly overwhelming. The castle was enormous and she had lost count of how many times she had already gotten lost, not to mention the huge student body she was surrounded by all of the time. It was a lot. The positive thing for her was that she had her family to turn to if it all got a little too much, which was why her brother inviting her to hang out had come at the exact right time. Kiara had almost given up on ever arriving at the student lounge after she had gotten lost for the fourth time, grateful for an older student who had managed to point her in the right direction and even walked with her for a little bit. When she finally entered the lounge her face lit up when she noticed not only Zay but Piper as well, excitedly walking over. "Hi!" She beamed at both of them before sitting down on the sofa opposite from her brother after he cleared his books of them. This was definitely going to lift her mood and after seeing Piper she couldn't help but wonder if Zay had invited more of their family. Hosting a surprise hang out with their cousins was something she wouldn't put past him.
Because he didn't know how long the family was going to hang out for, Elijah decided that it was best to finish his homework assignment now so that he did not have to worry about it when he'd get back to the common room later. Setting everything up on one of the empty desks in the common room, the boy checked his watch and quickly went to work. That proved more difficult than expected, mainly because he was too distracted by one of the older students playing with a very self-destructive chess set. Once he did finally finish it, he reckoned that he would at least get a passing grade for it. It wouldn't be his best essay of the year, but it'd have to do for now. Perhaps he should revisit it once he got back later that day, just to be sure. When he went to check his watch again, however, the Slytherin jumped up from his chair and quickly started to pack his stuff into his backpack. He hurriedly made his way out of the common room and up the grand staircase, hoping that he was still going the right way. Thinking that he was too late for the hangout, Elijah let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that Kee and Piper had only just arrived at the student lounge as well. ''Hey everyone!'' the Slytherin said, a little out of breath from how fast he had walked to get there. ''Did we need to bring snacks also?'' he asked when seating himself next to his sister on the sofa.
Chloë had been a little suspicious when Zay had asked her to hang out because he needed her advice. She had been more than willing to offer her advice over the years but there had been few times at which her cousin had actually accepted her help, so for him to ask for it was something she was bit wary of. Especially since it wasn't unlike Zay to pull a prank or stir up some trouble. She reckoned he was smart enough not to do something dumb when she was around though, which was why she had decided to take up his invitation anyways. Making her way into the student lounge it only took Chloë a single glance to figure out that he was, in fact, not seeking her advice. "Did you seriously lie to get me here?" She laughed as she gave a small wave hello to the rest of her cousins before plopping down on the other side of Kiara, slinging her arm around the girl's shoulders. "So, you kids doing good?" She asked, mostly looking at the youngest two of the bunch.
It did not surprise Paige when her cousin came to her and said that he wanted to talk about Quidditch with her. She had heard that he was once again one of the alternates on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, so assumed that he wanted to talk about how he could improve his aim or how he could improve his overall skills to stand a better chance next year. Besides, she never really got to talk Quidditch with anyone, so helping him would be extra fun because of that. She never really got to talk with Chloe about Quidditch, mostly because they had not been on good terms when she was still a part of the Slytherin team. She did at times tease her cousin by reminding her that Paige had caught the snitch as a substitute, making Slytherin that year's champions over Gryffindor. But those jokes were only possible to make because they were talking to one another again. What she did find surprising was that Zay wanted to meet up at the student lounge rather than the pitch, but she didn't protest much, thinking that it'd still be fun. When she arrived at the student lounge, however, it quickly became clear to her that her cousin had other plans for them that afternoon. ''And here I thought that we were going to talk Quidditch,'' the Slytherin said with a small chuckle as she approached her sister and cousins. ''Or was that just a clever lie to get me to come?'' She asked, grinning slightly at Zay.
Isaiah grinned when his plan had worked out and his family members started to arrive one by one. He was glad to see Piper had brought some snacks as well, happy his wouldn't be the only snack collection that would be severed today. All for a good cause though. "I mean I'd be a terrible host if I didn't." He joked, making a mental note to talk to Piper about chocolate frog cards later when he noticed she had brought a bunch of frogs. He wasn't a vivid collector and didn't have a lot, but maybe he had some that she would like. Zay was glad to see his younger siblings arrive to, resisting the urge to ask them how long it had taken them to actually get to the student lounge. He knew they still got lost though and felt a little guilty about not having taken the time to give them a tour of the castle. He didn't think they could exactly be mad at him for it, he had a lot to do after all. "Nah, you're good, bro." He shook his head when his brother inquired about bringing snacks, happy his siblings had each other to fall back on like he had Piper when they first arrived at school. "Well, you're always busy and I had to get you here someway." Zay grinned when Chloë arrived, his grin turning into a laugh when Paige arrived not shortly after. "Why can't it be both?" He asked, putting on his best act of innocence. Sure, he had told a little white lie to get his oldest cousins to come but he was sure they would enjoy hanging out as much as he would.
A bit disappointed that none of them had brought chocolate frogs with them, Piper made sure to stash away the cards for later. She knew that Zay had collected some of the years so figured that she should pester him about it after their little gathering was over. She wanted to hang out with him afterwards anyway to tell him that she had learned about a family vacation during the Christmas holidays her parents were planning with the others. She quickly pushed the disappointment away, however, when one by one the other Thompson's arrived at the student lounge, extremely excited to see all of them, except for Cooper and Archer of course, at Hogwarts at last. She didn't know how busy her sister and her oldest cousin were going to be with them being in their last year and all but really hoped that they could do stuff like this in the future, too. She grinned when Zay was acting innocent, finding it funny that talking about Quidditch always worked on Paige. ''How's everybody been? All settling in well?'' she asked the bunch of them.
Kiara was happy to see her brother and older cousins arrive, grinning when Chloë slung her arm around her shoulders. So Zay had invited all of them. She had to admit that for someone as impulsive as her brother it was impressive he had managed to actually get them all together through some planning. She was a little less excited about him lying to their cousins, but it she was sure they wouldn't mind. "I'm good!" Kiara smiled excitedly at Chloë's question, glancing at Elijah as she was sure he would say the same. Sure, Hogwarts had taken some getting used to but she really felt like she was starting to find her way. Figuratively more than literally. "Still get lost, though. A lot." She added a little softer when Piper chimed in as well, curious as to how the rest of her family was doing. They all had their own friends and lives at school and even if Kiara hoped they could hang out like this heaps of time she knew it wasn't exactly likely.
Elijah caught his sister's glance and smiled at her before answering Chloë's question as well. ''Yeah, I'm good, too.'' Especially now that he was getting to know his new surroundings, classes, teaches and friends. It was nice to hear that his sister was doing good too because between classes and trying to explore the castle and all, they hadn't really spent much time together. He was sure that would change soon enough, though. ''I second that. If I didn't have Paige to show me around the dungeon corridors, I don't think I would have ever found my way back to the common room,'' he joked, even though he was seriously thankful that his cousin had taken the time to get him familiar with the lower parts of the castle. ''How did all of you manage to find your way around the castle when you first started?''
Chloë shook her head at her cousin when he mentioned she was always busy. It did almost make her feel a little guilty that she wouldn't have much time to hang out with her younger cousins this year now they were finally all at school. "As if I'd pass up on an opportunity to hang out with you guys." She smiled, hoping they all knew she would try her best to make time for them if they needed her for anything. She waved when Paige entered as well, hoping their cousins wouldn't ever end up not talking. It didn't seem likely though and in the end she was glad she had given Paige another chance. Even if it was disappointing to think about how much fun they could've had during their years at school if things had gone smoothly from the start. Chloë was glad Elijah and Kiara seemed to be doing good though, grabbing a liquorice wand from Zay's snack bag and taking a bite out of it. "I'm good." She smiled when Piper asked them all how they were doing. "Although this idiot," She said waving the liquorice wand at Zay. "Wasn't lying when he said I'm super busy." She added with a small chuckle. Chloë grinned when her youngest cousins talked about getting lost, well remembering what that had been like. "With a lot of trial and error, I guess." She answered Elijah's question with a shrug. Personally, she liked to think she had an acceptable sense of direction and had managed to figure out the way to her common room and most of her class quite easily at the beginning of her first year, but it was difficult to remember exactly how much effort it had cost seven years later.
Paige shook her head in mock disappointment when her cousin started to act all innocent. She should have known that there was more to it than simply wanting to talk about Quidditch with her, but she didn’t mind spending the afternoon with her sister and cousins. She would have gone to the library to catch up on homework if Zay hadn’t invited her, so whatever the family would end up doing, it was already better than spending the entire day in the library. ‘’You’ll have to tell me all about your skills as a Beater later then,’’ she answered back, thinking that doing so now probably wouldn’t be much fun for the people here that did not like Quidditch as much as Zay, Chloë or she did. She waved back at Chloë with a smile, suddenly very thankful again for the second chance her cousin had given her after she apologised to Chloë for her behaviour over the years. While she wasn’t sure if the two of them could actually be called friends now, she liked that they could talk to one another without there being any animosity – at least she liked to think that there wasn’t any animosity between the two of them. ‘’Be glad that you’re not in your seventh year yet, Pippa,’’ Paige replied with a soft chuckle, noting that she too was busy, though probably not with Head Girl duties like her cousin was. She sat down opposite of her younger cousins and listened to them, nodding her head at what Chloë said about finding the way around the castle. ‘’You’ll get to know your way around eventually,’’ she told them. ‘’It took me ages as well. I think I even found a corridor with a talking statue in it at some point.’’ One thing that Paige was never going to tell anybody was that she often came back to the statue to talk to it about stuff and things, especially when she and her cousin were still on bad terms. She had felt pretty lonely at times and she could only blame herself for that now.
Isaiah made himself more comfortable on the sofa and propped his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. He continued his act of innocence when Chloë mentioned she wouldn't pass up on hanging out with them. He liked to believe that she meant it but he hadn't wanted to take the risk that either Paige or her wouldn't show up so a little while lie had seemed like the best way to get them to attend. Point in case: they both seemed happy to be there. "Oh, my skills are impeccable. You should just come watch me at practice sometime." Zay responded cockily. He wasn't going to say so out loud but he had kind of forgotten Paige had played as a beater as well. If he hadn't, he was sure he would've asked her for some pointers. Then again, she hadn't been much fun a few years back. He smiled when his siblings told the others how they had been, acting mock offended when Chloë called him an idiot.

"I guess I just cheated on getting lost because I wanted to get lost." Zay laughed when the topic of conversation shifted to everyone finding their way around the castle. "Y'know, to go explore." He added to clarify, eyes widening at Paige's words. "No way, dude! Do you remember where? You have to show me." He grinned at his older cousin. The chances of her still remembering where slim considering it was long ago and she might not have gone back ever since, but personally he hadn't come across a talking statue yet and he couldn't wait to add conversing with a statue to his list of super cool things he had done at hogwarts. Which was basically anything that wasn't studying. "I mean it wouldn't come close to being as cool as me meeting that centa-" Zay cut himself off when he realized he was about to brag about going into the forest when Chloë was right next to him. His siblings had heard the story plenty of times and he was sure he had told Piper at one point as well, but he had always carefully avoided making his older cousin aware of his adventures that were in opposition to the rules.

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