Open Amateur Opinion

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Caleb Thorne

broomsticks server | duelist | reckless | '60 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
06/2042 (21)
Open after Daph posts with Louis

Caleb was excited for the Valentine's dance. If he was honest he was grateful for any excuse to throw a party or dance, but at least this one focused a lot on sweets. While he had spent a good part of the night stuffing chocolates into his mouth and his pockets for later he was also curious about all the couples. He wondered if the holiday was really that romantic or if people just pretended it was. He spotted his brother talking to the girl who had hexed him his first night after sorting and frowned. He hoped they weren't together or he'd have to come up with some kind of plan to tear them apart. His brother was bad enough. He nudged Louis. "Can you believe my brother is talking to her?" he scoffed. "I hope I'm never that desperate." Caleb rolled his eyes and popped another chocolate in his mouth. "If I'm still going to dances with you by seventh year we have really failed." he laughed with his mouth full.
Louis had considered asking someone to the dance, but he had chickened out at the last minute. It was partly because he wasn't sure who to ask. He had considered Elizabella, but she always went with that other Louis kid and he didn't want to hear her say no to him. Besides, it was just as fun to just hang around with his friends and eat snacks. He didn't want to be one of those sappy boys that only spent time with his date anyway. He had quickly found Caleb at the dance and was hanging out with him. He frowned when the boy nudged him and followed his gaze. "Is that his girlfriend?" He asked, curious. "I think your brother could do better, she's not that pretty." He said, as Simon wasn't a bad looking guy and the girl he was with looked... strange to say the least. Louis then snorted at Caleb's comment. "Please, you'd be the luckiest guy at Hogwarts if you managed that." He said with a grin.
Caleb's face paled at his own thought being spoken out loud. "I hope not." he said gravely. But he rolled his eyes when Louis said his brother could do better. He doubted Louis would feel that way if Simon was his brother but he just shook his head, not wanting to think about it anymore. Thankfully Louis made him laugh. "You wish. I know can do better than you." he said and remembered his friend's attempt at the ball to ask him out. It had been pretend but still he didn't hate the idea even if Louis wasn't as smooth as he thought he was. Caleb crossed his arms and looked at the other boy. "Well who in our year do you think deserve to be graced with your presence?" he asked and waited expectantly.
Louis couldn't help laughing at the expression on Caleb's face as they talked about Simon and this girl. But when Caleb said he knew he could do better than him, Louis elbowed him with a roll of his eyes. "No, you can't." He said with a huff. "Who is even better?" He asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. He was partly joking, but also genuinely wondering who Caleb would see as better. But Caleb asked the question first, which gave Louis some pause. "I considered asking Elizabella or Crystal." He said with a shrug. "They're cool. And pretty." He paused. "Maybe Manaia." He added. "What about you?"
Caleb rolled his eyes at Louis. He was going to test his patience after a while, and scoffed when he asked who could be better than him. He looked around the hall and could see several boys much cuter than him. But he guessed in this hypothetical situation and they were in seventh year he'd have to pick people in their year which was a little harder he would admit. Caleb shrugged disinterestedly when Louis mentioned Elizabella and Crystal. They seemed nice enough, but a little boring. "Manaia is pretty cool." he agreed, remembering the time they went into the forest. "Eugene seems pretty cool too." he said with a shrug feeling a little embarrassed but was trying hard not to show it.
Louis smiled to himself when Caleb didn't argue and say anyone was better than him. Louis knew he was a catch. He noticed the shrug at the girls he named, but at least Caleb seemed to agree on Manaia. He mentioned Eugene too, and Louis considered it for a moment. "Yeah, he's pretty cute." He agreed. "Maybe I'll ask him to the next dance." He added with a slight smile, mostly to see Caleb's reaction.
Caleb wasn't surprised that Louis managed to turn a conversation about other people back to himself. "Oh yeah?" he asked challengingly. "How do you know he'd even say yes?" he asked as well and turned to the other boy with his hands on his hips and stared him down. "How do you even know if you're his type? Maybe he doesn't like arrogant jerks?" he said teasingly.
Louis grinned. "I showed you last time how to ask someone out, completely foolproof." He said, leaning closer to him. "It worked on you, even if you denied it." He said jokingly. He grinned at Caleb stared him down, crossing his arms. "I'm not arrogant, I'm confident. There's a difference." He said. "And if he says no, I'll just ask someone else." He said. "I know you'll always be available as a backup." He said with a grin.
Caleb laughed loudly and pushed Louis away playfully. "I would not say it's full proof." he said and rolled his eyes. "If by working you mean made me laugh then yeah, it totally worked." he said sarcastically. Louis' attempt at asking someone to the dance had technically been just that but Caleb wouldn't go so far as to say it was convincing. Even if someone was interested in the first place. But when he said Caleb would always be available he laughed again. "Now you're dreaming." he insisted and shook his head. "What makes you think I would say yes? Especially after this?"
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