Open Always Time for Snacks

Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (17)
Savannah knew she wasn't supposed to be in the kitchens, that it was technically forbidden, but she didn't much care about that. she was hungry and dinner wasn't for a while so she just decided she would get a snack, there was no harm in that of course. Any professor would know that there was no harm in it. She got to the kitchens and though the elves could make something, she had been spending a bit of time attempting to just learn to make some food. Since her parents were so useless at making anything decent. She wanted to learn a little bit, or get better at it.
Cassius Styx had several things that he wanted to do for the day, and one of them was a snack or two from the kitchens. It was such a good thing that the Slytherin house was so close to the kitchens. He could grab something and head up toward the library to get some studying done before the first lessons began. He walked into the kitchens, and stopped short to see a Ravenclaw girl. Savannah Walters. Right, he remembered her. First impressions were horrible, but maybe she was less insufferable. He walked over to one of the counters to grab an apple. "Are you going to stand there like a statue or do you actually have a reason to be here?" Cass asked as he grabbed a knife to start peeling the apple.
Savannah hated how busy this school was sometimes. There was nothing good about how all students had access to everything and she could never be alone for long. She glanced at the person walked in and knew this had to be the worst person to see. Cassius. Of course. "Do you have a reason to be here?" she retorted, trying to keep focused on what she was doing and not on him. Her tone had been sharp and dismissive. She didn't care about him, did not have time, and this was the worst person to see her trying to figure out how to cook.
Cass raised an eyebrow on how sharp she was with him. Well, not that he wasn't used to it. He was sort of used to it by now, mainly because of how much of an a** he could be. He started to cut slices of his apple off to snack on it. "Yeah, I wanted an apple," Cass stated in a cool tone himself. He was a bit nosey, so he looked over what she was doing, and could not figure it out. Was she trying to cook or something? Cass was learning himself, but he wasn't allowed to use hot oil for anything because of how flammable it was. "You never did say why you are down here," Cass pointed out, while he looked down as he cut off another section of his apple.
Savannah rolled her eyes, "You could've got that from the great hall," she told him, really wanting him to just go away, but he seemed nosey, like he wanted to know. She didn't want to talk about why she was there, and she wasn't certain that her admitting to it or lying would end up well. She remembered making fun of Cassius before school, but couldn't remember what had gotten him riled up then. But she just opted to not respond to his question. Perhaps he'd grow bored with her silence and leave her alone.
She was right. He could have gotten it from the Great Hall, but he did not want to. "There's too many people there. Too noisy to concentrate," Cass answered honestly. He did notice how she kept not answering the question. Wait, did she come down here to cook? Well, the house elves were useful for something - and that was cooking. He was just guessing though. "The kitchens is also a good place for me to practice my cooking skills. Parents aren't always around so, I had to." Cass finished up his apple and tossed the core into the bin. "But you aren't looking into learning that, are you."
Savannah couldn't disagree with his logic, she found it dificult to work in the great hall too. She rolled her eyes at what he said. "Yeah right," she responded not believe in the slightest, that Cassius Styx of all people ever had to cook or learn how to cook. He likely had house elves, or siblings or something to help him. He was just lying, trying to get her to admit to something. Not that she would certainly not to him. She'd sooner leave and attempt to come back a different day than admit to anything.
If anything could challenge Cassius, it was those two words. He smirked as he walked over to the counter and started to gather a few vegetables and started chopping them. Not professionally, but definitely had some experience behind it. He seasoned the veggies in a bowl with salt and pepper, and asked the elves to put it on the stove. "Seasoned veggies. Goes well with beef or chicken, not so much with fish with what I chose, but that might be a personal taste." Cass smirked since he was a bit cocky with his abilities, even if she didn't ask for it. "If you are good with potions, then you can probably cook well enough to experiment with flavors. But, again, you don't need help."
Savannah stood back, just letting Cassius work. her brain unable to really figure out what his goal was here. Why he was doing this, if there was any point to it. She was listening, watching him too, but bristled and leaned away as he claimed she didn't need help. "So tell me, why does a Styx, need to know how to cook?" she asked, wanting to get to the bottom of why he was a) clearly practiced in it and b) trying to do it. She had always figured he'd been born with the silver spoon in his mouth.
Cass glanced back to see the little dish he made was cooking. And then she asked why would a Styx need to know how to cook. "What, did you think that all of us had servants at our beckon call?" Cass was aware that the main house had that, but not every one of them. He folded his arms across his chest. "Survival. There were times the parents were not home or got home late. Or something could happen. We were taught early to be able to fend for ourselves in case something happens. And they are useful skills to have later in life." Cass figured that this was how it was run in most households. Parents taught the kids to survive on their own if something bad happened. With a former Patriarch like Asparuh, there was no telling what would happen. "We have to earn our worth. You aren't worth anything if you don't have the basic skills of living."
Savannah listened as he spoke, listening to things that she knew well. Savannah didn't have any of the name status, blood status or wealth of his family, but she too knew exactly how that was. They had to survive, and it would be skills to learn later in life too. Her resolve and anger softened slightly. Her frustration faded. "I get it, not the worth stuff, but the rest," she replied. There was nothing that Savannah had to worthy of, she wasn't in a family with rules or anything. But she did get the rest of it. "I was here, because I'm hoping to learn how to cook a little, too," she admitted.

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