Already Working

Simon Vanity

part-veela | class of 2051
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16" Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
6/2033 (28)
Despite the semester just beginning, Simon needed to be the best, so he had work to do. He had to do well. He had to work hard to get the perfect grades he needed. His grades at the end of his first year had been good, they'd been near perfect, apart from the little blip in flying, but Simon didn't need to be good at that. He was already good at that, his grades from here on out had to be perfect. It was a good thing therefore that he liked all his classes and at no point did he think any of them were silly. The second year placed his books onto a table in the corner of the library, one that he'd gotten very familiar with at the end of the last year. It was his spot, it had everything but his name on it. It was quiet, it had all the books he'd need within relative reach and it was just the best spot for him. The part veela opened his books, leaned back in the chair and just began reading. He was swinging in the chair slightly, his knee propping him up. He was excited for this year, a few more doors opened to him during this year. He would pick his subjects by the end of the year, he would be finally truly on his path to become a powerful wizard, or at the very least, beat everyone in his year.
With the semester beginning came the amount of advanced reading that needed to be done. Alexis, having gotten her share of being a bookworm from Adam, decided that there was no perfect time and place to do this than now and at the library. Normally she would bring her books to the lounge or the lawn and spread out there. This time, the now second year Ravenclaw picked the library. Entering the library, blue eyes roamed the room in front of her. Originally, she would go for a table closer to the librarian in charge, Irene Meredith who was there with her spectacles on her eyes and reading a book; but when she spotted another Ravenclaw, Simon Vanity, she smiled brightly and made her way toward the boy who was engrossed on a book and had his chair rocking slightly. She rounded behind him, just behind his chair and gingerly placed her hands over his eyes. "Guess who?", she whispered with a laugh.It has been a long time since they hang out together and even though library was not the best place to chill, she could not pass the opportunity to spend time with her friends.Heck, she even wondered if he had received the flowers that she sent him.
Hands suddenly covering his eyes startled Simon who had begun to study, letting his mind focus on the books in front of him. It was quickly recovered from as he realised who it was. Alexis, their interactions in the last year had been interesting, and he was realising that she was very likely part of his competition, ”Hey Alexis,” he gave a light chuckle. As he allowed her to take her hands off his eyes so he could look at her, ”What brings you to the library this early in the semester?” the boy asked, pointing to the seat next to him at the table, a silent offer for the girl to join him. He was particularly interested in finding out how Alexis had done in her classes, mostly because he was always interesting in that with everyone. He needed to be if he wanted to win. Though at the very least his competitive nature with Alexis was a little more mute, it wasn’t as obvious, or he tried to make it less obvious, certainly it wasn’t like when he was with Charlotte and every moment was all about them competing for the top spot in whatever they were doing. The part-veela’s gaze remained upon Alexis, a smile on his features, he was happy to see her, after all, she made good company.
Charlotte her favorite spot of this whole castle was the library for sure. She wanted to prepare herself really good for being the best in the class. Secretly she already knew she was, but the competetion game with Simon she thought of as more interesting than she wished or had thought. He was different than the rest and wasn't stupid. When Charlotte set feet into the library she looked for a free spot to sit. Charlotte wanted to claim it for herself and all of her books. She didn't want anyone to sit next to her if she was studying. But than she had to find a spot first. It seemed crowdy and the blonde frowned. Otherwise she would send people away because she earned a spot. When she came at one of the last tables in the library she noticed a famillar face. Simon! And the blonde felt something strange in her stomach. She wanted to smile, but she couldn't. Because the next person she saw made her blood cook. As she saw how Alexis played the guess who game she felt her made a fist with her right hand. That girl had to be everywhere! She wanted to be quicker with everything and the blonde frowned. Charlotte put a book from the shelf and pretende that she reading and walked over to the table. Charlotte acted like she couldn't see anything and bumped into Alexis ''by accident''. When she bumped into the girl she put her book down and looked shocked.
'' Oh Alexis! I'm so sorry.. Was so busy with reading.'' the blonde said to the girl. Charlotte went sitting at the chair across Simon and put the book on the table. '' Hi Simon! Ready to get beaten this year?'' the blonde said with a grin and than looked at her book again.
Alexis smiled as she plopped to the seat next to Simon. She placed her books on the table before answering him. "Just here for some light reading. You as well, Si?", her knack for giving nicknames to people got to her. She took a peek at the book he was reading. Simon was fun to be with despite his competitive nature. Alexis did not mind this though since she was satisfied with her achievements. With her grades up to her own personal standards, she would like to try out for the team this year. She saw remembered Patrick Vernier being on the team despite them being on their first years. Grabbing her own book, she went ahead and opened it, while asking Simon about the new semester. "Can't believe we are on our second year. What are your plans for this semester?", she glanced at the Ravenclaw boy.

Alexis was about to turn a page when she was bumped from behind. Almost jumping out of her seat because of shock, "Ow!", she could not help but yelped, reaching a hand at her shoulder. It did not really hurt but the shock got to her especially when she felt an edge when she was hit. She turned to see Charlotte Harper with a book in her hands. The book explained for the edge-like sensation. "Charlotte.", Alexis said curtly. The Ravenclaw could not help but feel defensive when it came to the Slytherin. She seemed cunning and competitive as well. Blue eyes followed Charlotte as she took a seat across them. "Had good holidays, Charlotte?",she asked out of politeness.
Simon nodded, "I'm here to get started on the semester, so yeah, some light reading," he replied keeping a friendly expression on his face as he spoke to her. He knew that she wasn't that competitive, so she would be here to read a little more casually than he probably was. However, he didn't really mind, he wanted to be better than her, but could also be her friend. He nodded at her, "Yeah, I'm looking forward to picking my classes for next year," he said, it wasn't really a reply to her question, it didn't really explain what he was looking forward to but saying winning would seem a little egotistical and perhaps a little weird. "What about you?" he returned the question to her, when someone, Charlotte of course walked right into Alexis. The boy could not help the expression which crossed his features as they did. He liked Charlotte a lot, and their rivalry was all the more fun, "Come on now Charlotte, just because Alexis did better than you," he said with a small smirk on his face as she sat down in front of him. "You know I'm going beat you," Simon added, "I bet I can get more house points than you this year," he challenged her.

Simon's attention was drawn back to Alexis, he did sometimes wonder why Charlotte could be occasionally not as nice to Alexis, but he gave it very little thought, perhaps it was just that she was even more competitive than him, but really that couldn't be true he was more competitive. Of course he was the competitive one of the two of them. He glanced between them, "Do you want to join in our little competition Alexis? Who ever gets the most house points by the end of second year wins? Loser has to do a forfeit which we can agree upon," he offered to her, looking between Charlotte and Alexis, seeing what both of them thought of that, if they'd take him up on it. He was competitive and so was Charlotte, but Alexis maybe wasn't, and well, maybe charlotte wouldn't either. After all, it was one thing to talk about winning but maybe when it came to it she wasn't particularly good at following through on it.

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