All you need is love.

Dianna Gekshel

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
James {Rawr!}
Lignum Vitae Wand 16 Essence of Dragons Whisker
Love. That is something that will make you think and do, amazing and crazy things. Happiness. Passion. Hatred. Jealously. All four words can be caused by love. Don't believe me? Well, take Dianna for example. Jack made her happy. Her passion was for Jack. She certainly hated his girlfriend Gwen. And she was also very jealous. But why..? Why must love mean so many great things (Supposedly), but make so many bad thing happen also? People without love wish they did. But when they find a person for them, that person might not br interested, or are dating, therefore, makig that person feel crushed and might even get depressed. But they have a love! And love is good...right? Sure. But lets say this person, accepts the love and date them. But what if they break up? They are, again, crushed, and could get depressed. Alright lets say, it does work out and they get married. There is still a very big chance, that, they get divorced. Or they are fighting, the whole time and never have good times. So think about that. So many ways for things to not work out. But what if it completly works out and they are perfect for each other? Then they are the lucky ones. Not everyone, finds love. Or even wants or needs it. But some people feel it, but can't act on it. Love. An amazingly, terrible thing.

Dianna walked down the Durmstrang hallway. She felt terrible because of the whole Jack fiasco. She could still make friends and wanted to. But she wasn't as upbeat as she used to be. She slowly walked. A tear forming in her eye every few minutes. She wiped it away. Trying to push away the pain. She looked down. Trying to hide from the world. Trying not believe her fantasy, fairytale love will work out. She knows it won't. She knows it wouldn't. She knows it couldn't. She wiped away another tear and but started, to cry uncontrollably. It had been happening for a while, this random crying. People started to stare at her. She ran away. Trying to get away from everyone. "I. Hate. Love." She thought.

OOCOut of Character:
I am so sorry for my lame love rant. I kept thinking of this song. It even how I came up with the name.
Gwen felt happy, fully and completely happy since the passing of her mother. Her weekend with Jack was just thing she needed to pull her out of any depression she might of still had. Her mother had been once everything to her, her best friend, her shoulder to lean, her life support, and when she left Gwen was left with a father who was moved so much by his sadness he barely talked to her. He sat in his den, or went to work whenever she was home and she was pretty sure he did that exact routine when she was away. But now Gwen was feeling better then ever, Jack was there for her and if she needed him she'd be able to find Alois as well. Though she didn't think it would be wise, any feeling she could of had for him would just get worse if she let him see her weak side.

Walking down the hall with her head in the clouds she was suddenly ran into by a force. Falling over and unfortunatly taking the force to the ground with her, Gwen landed on the ground hard. Looking about her she noticed it was a girl with blonde hair like herself that had run into her. She was uncertain what to say and decided to wait in shock till the girl said something to her.
She didn't care that she had just knocked over a girl. She just kept walking. She walked faster. But she quickly noticed how rude this was, so she wiped her tears, put on a smile and walked up to her. She extended her hand. "Sorry." She said, barely audible. She picked the girl up, and smiled a fake smile to her. "Dianna. You?" SHe said, again very softly. She smiled to the girl, and looked down. She sort of felt ashamed of crying so many tears. She wanted to run, as if to get away from a nightmare she was dreaming. But obviously, she couldn't, because Dianna just had to decide to start to talk to this girl. And it obviously wasn't a dream.
Gwen was shocked that the girl was already walking away from her, it was completely rude. Picking up her stuff she was suprised to see that the girl had come back and helped her get up. Looking closer she noticed tears on the girl's face and she felt bad for thinking her rude without knowing. "Adrie," she told the girl holding her hand out shaking the girls. Gwen didn't know why she said Adrie but it seemed more people were begining to call her that which left Jack alone in calling her Gwen, which made it special. "Are you alright?" Gwenneth asked in a comforting voice, she was suddenly worried for this older girl, though she wasn't older by much; Gwen reconized her from a few classes they've shared so far.
OOCOut of Character:
I forgot to update Gwen, and she's actually suppose to be a 6th year instead of 5th year xD opps
Dianna wiped a tear. She sniffed then smiled. "Hi Adrie, nice to meet you." She shrugged her shoulders, and bit her lip, wishing she could get away. Maybe we will talk for a bit and, she will go away! She thought hopefully. She really didn't want to talk, and even make eye conact with anyone. She sighed, and realized that that probably wouldn't happen. "I'm fine. Just some..." She wasn't sure if she should tell Adrie. She decided it wouldn't matter much so she told. "Boy troubles." She whispered. She looked down. Jack...
Gwen smiled at the girl knowing how boy troubles were never a good thing to have. "I've been there, last year my boyfriend cheated on me then preceded to break up with me and marry the other girl," she said shrugging her shoulders at the thing that had ended her schooling at Hogwarts, that and her mother's death. Both came close to one another and she hadn't been the same since. "You can talk with me about it if you like, I don't mind," she said to the girl hoping she could help her get through her troubles.

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