Open All Things Change

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Indira Khatri

"Indi" 📍 healer 📍 '59 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11/2040 (22)
Open after Daph posts with Anisha

Indi was not usually a sentimental person but her last school dance was making her feel something, and it was honestly a little embarrassing. She knew it had more to do with her time at school slowly coming to a close which wasn't even something she was that upset about. But it was all starting to feel so final and real. It didn't help that Salem was here with Natalia. And even though she didn't hate the other Slytherin anymore she still wasn't exactly happy about this development. But for Salem's sake she was willing to play nice. As far as dances went Valentine's was always a little boring for someone who had no interest in romance but at least there was chocolate and plenty of people to watch. She stood like she usually did at the edge of the crowd and surveyed them for one of the last times.
Anisha hadn't really thought the Valentine's Dance was anything special last year, but it was still fun to join. She had been ont he lookout for Raafe, when she spotted Indi standing by herself. She hesitated for a moment before moving over to her sister. She nudged her a bit as she moved next to her. "Hi." She said. "Have you seen Raafe?"
Indi's brow furrowed when she felt someone nudge her. She turned to scowl at them but it dropped when she saw it was her sister. Instead she rolled her eyes. "Oh you." she said deadpan. "No I haven't seen him. I'm not your guy's babysitter." she grumbled. She had been paid a few times to watch them when they were younger but they were at school now and they were both old enough to get by without her making sure they didn't put a fork in a microwave. Not that Hogwarts even had microwaves but that wasn't the point. "Thank you for the rose." Indi said quickly, remembering one of the roses she had gotten earlier. "Sorry I didn't send you one." she said while looking straight ahead at the dance floor.
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