All she needs is some company

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Noemi Costello

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
This is Noemi, She come from a large family that keeps getting larger. She has just moved with her family to this part of New Zealand and has a total of one friend, if you could call him that.

She is very flirty with guys, and sometimes girls. Noemi can be spontaneous and does whatever she feels like in the moment. She is easily manipulated to do something as long as it is made to sound fun or exciting. She doesn't take sides in arguments and is neutral in the battle of good and evil though, if she had to pick, she would side with evil because they have less rules.

She needs some good friends, some who would go out and have fun with her and some that would help her when she needs to think rationally. She needs a few flings, she already has a final but they aren't getting together properly for a while and like to make the other person jealous.

If there's anything else you can think of feel free to post here or PM me!

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