All my people.

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Damien Casey

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Damien Casey

Damien isn't really that developed yet but he's getting there. He's friendly, flirty, happy and quite serious when he needsto be. He can keep a secret and has a face you can trust. He is a good confidant and good in a relationship but he already has his eyes on someone. He was brought up in a very strict orphanage. When he was let out he immediately went to explore the world. Th only dream he has left that he hasn't done yet is to start a family and settle down. He is already interested in someone who I think will be his final.


Ryker Henrick

Ryker is a flirt. Helikes anyone who is confidant in themselves. The only people he dislikes are people who don't like themselves or people who hurt his sister in any way. If someone touches Pheabea he will pummel them. He is about to be in a relationship at the moment I think and he is pretty much set up for relationships for the rest of his school time (I wonder why? :wub: Chace Crawford). He can speak Bulgraian from living their origianally. His parents died at the beginning of the year and his sister and himself now live with the grandparents in New Zealand.


Juliet Angus

Juliet is a sweet girl. She enjoys risk and excitement, willing to skip class if it sounds fun as long as she can catch up later. She enjoys all classical dancing, especially the Jive. She can speak English, French and Italian on account of living in those countries. She does get along with her brother sometimes and he is protective over people who try to hurt her. She isn't in a relationship at the moment but can be flirty. Her mother has been married three times, her father died when she was three and a half.


Melanie White

Melanie is manipulative and very good at acting. She acts in a way that will benefit her at that time but mostly pretends she is a sweet little girl to get people to do things for her. She doesn't get along with her mother at all and her father is apparently dead but there was never any proof shown to her about it though she doesn't doubt it. She isn't dating anyone yet but does have a final and will soon fancy him. She can sing and likes dancing, only Ballet, but only does it in secret.

They all need friends, maybe some have romantic interests and some enemies. Up to you really :)

Summer x
Hi Summer,

I might have a few charries interested in friendships but could I know the ages of ...

Juliet, Melanie and Ryker :)

Bella could be friends with Melanie?
Bella is a snob, and a bit of a bully. She will stand up for her close friends. She loves attention and she loves boys :p She can also be quite manipulative as well, and will do her best to get her way. I don't know if you'd prefer friends or enemies, but Bella doesn't have too many friends at the moment, and I would prefer friends ^_^
What houses are the girls in, because I'm sure Jade could be friends with them, and a sort of mentor to them if you like. Let me know if your keen :p
Bella: I'm sure they could b friends if they started out right.

Jade: Melanie is in Slytherin and Juliet is in BB
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