All my friends are dead!

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David Pike

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Kidding! I just don't have any friends. :0

Well, I'm back. and I kind of doubt any of you really remember me, but whatever! I was here last fall. Anyways!

So, my character David is in Slytherin. He's kind of shy, and suffers from a minor case of Manic-Depression, commonly known as bi-polar disorder. Basically, it means he's either happy or sad, depending on the day. Since it's minor, it's no big deal. He's a little bit cynical, but he's getting less so, and he's a genuinely nice guy. He enjoys reading and Charms, and isn't half-bad at Defense Against The Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures. Anyways! I'd like to get him a couple close friends, and maybe a romantic relationship. Anyways! That's about it.

Feel free to post, David's willing to make friends with just about anyone. ^.^
Hey david. I remember you.
I have one person i could offer. as a friend. myuna kickett. she is a sixth year slytherin. she is pretty tough girl on the outside but if you catch her at the wrong moment you may see that she is just like that as she doesn't know how else to fit in. she has an overpowering grandmother who is trying to make her a proper English girl when all she wants to do is surf and her dads side of the family wants her to learn their culture (Aboriginal) she doesn't like class at all and often skips them (though doing less so now as she did almost get expelled last year).
I can offer her as a friend, or if you want he can have a bit of a crush on her.
Sorry about the delay. I wanted to get my classes done with this girl (which I now have) before I started any more rp's. if you want I can start one today sometime. If so where do you want it?
Yeah! It'd be great if you could start it. David chills... well most places. The Library is a fun place for him because books. Somewhere quieter, because that's how David is.
Wow you really are quick at replying. The library is probably not the best place as I really can't see una there. How about the common room?
awesome. i will just mark divination then i will get it up.
Bumping this really fast, but for a reason. The Yule Ball is coming up if I'm not mistaken. I'd like to actually get David a date this year, so if anyone's open... Yeah.
For David I have a wanna be slytherin
But she's only second head

I'm searching through my character bank I should have other characters if turq isn't good damn I was certain I had a slytherin, I have another 4th year gryffindor named Juliette DiSnow, unless of course he wants to take a mermaid, I have a mermaid ho desperately wants to be apart of Hogwarts and learn to study there

Basically she wanted to get into slytherin like her twin but got gruff indoor so she boycotts grhffindor and refuses to wear the colours or support her house
Julliete could maybe work. The age difference is a little big, but if you want to start a topic, I'd totally be up for it. ^.^
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