All must go! Clear out sale!

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
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12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair

Ok, so I have two characters here. Thomas and Sophie Moon -both muggles I'm afraid.

They are married and have four children (I know-Four!) they are two sets of twins, Kate and Sara (on the left) and Ryan and Star.

Kate and Sara are in Hogwarts new zealand, whereas, the other two are too young to go. We know that Star is going to be going to HNZ, but are not sure about Ryan.

Recently, the family has had a big shock (aside from the whole "MAGIC IS REAL!!" thing) Thomas' great-Aunt Eileen-whom he was quite close to, died, and left her entire fortune to him (She was rich, if you haven't guessed.) So, this has caused unrest. He was raised in a rich family, so he has taken the manor, if you wish to see pictures of it, go to England (Forum, obviously) and look for the topic "A new home?"

Neither have bio's and both are sadly underdeveloped-especially Sophie. So, if you can take thewm off my hands-that would be great!
Well, Sophie is not very well developed, but I have got some idea of her personality.

Sophie is the polar opposite of her husband. Where he would blow up, she would stay calm. Still though, she is the more disciplinary parent. The children know that if they want something they ask "Daddy" Still, Sophie is the parent that they talk to. She is a teacher, as is Thomas. They are a key part of their children's intelligence. They speak Englidh, excellently, and Irish. They also speak some French.

Just so that you know, Sara and Kate are very active, whereas the other two children are not. Unfortunately neither Johanna, Nor me (Maia btw) play Star, so I cannot speak for her.

So, what do you think? If you are still interested PM me (on Sophie's account) and I will PM you the password.
I'll take her... :)
cool, I'll Pm you the password on Vayne's account ok?
anyone for Thomas?
Thomas please!

Uh just pm everything, I won't see this page ever again so like yeah.
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