All Fun and Games (Stage Crew)

Njord looked around at everyone. The Play was about to begin and Bruin looked harrassed by all the organizing. In an effort to help, he thought he would gather the pranksters together. "Hey, Pranksters, are we all ready? Anyone have any last minute questions?" he called to the group.
Lily heard Njord's announcement, and she headed over to where he was. "I am all ready, I think. Where is Mike? He is our head pranker." She was getting a bit nervous, wanting him to get this under way.
Mike was running a bit late, filling his pockets up with the prankster's iventory which contained a vast array of dungbombs, water bombs. Mike saw the others ahead, and ran over apologising for his lateness. "Sorry Im late guys" Mike said. "Shall we start?" he asked rubbing his hands together rather excited to cause a bit of mayhem without the consequences.
"Sounds good." Njord said nodding to Mike. "After you my good man." he said looking toward the stage.

((shall we head to the stage?))
Mike grinned, nervous, as Njord told him to go ahead. Mike had never spoken to Njord before, so didn't have a fully fledged opinion of him. Mike looked at everyone. "Lets have some fun!" Mike said.

( Hmm, I think we should ;) ))
"I'm as ready as I'm going to be." Kailey answered weakly, still nervous. She looked at the curtain seperating them from the stage and gulped. They were going to be infront of the whole school Kailey knew this when she signed up but now that it was time to actually do it she was a bundle of nerves.
((Mike, do you want to start the festivities in the stage thread and we'll follow. I guess we start with joking around about previous pranks...))
((Sorry guys, been meaning to post in this thing for like a year :oy: ))

Lemina had been lurking in the corner. She hadn't wanted to actually take part in the action, having a bit of a hidden stage fright. She was there ready to help out at all, but it didn't really seem to be needed. Standing around, she looked at her fellow prefects. The actors had all gotten pretty well dressed up, especially those who had changed their hair colour.

She stood around until she heard things happening out on the stage, it sounded like chaos. She ran out.

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