Alice sitting quietly

Alice Derland

Well-Known Member
Alice had finished her potions class and decided to walk down to the lawn and sit under her favourite maple tree. The weather had changed over the last week and it was beginning to feel a little more like fall, but the sun was still strong and shining and the temperature though not hot was pleasant.

Alice took out her parchment and quill and began to write her mother another letter.
Dear Mum;

Well my first week at Hogwarts is done and it has been interesting to say the least.  Class are good and while the first week was mainly a getting to know you week, the future seems to hold more difficult classes.  I just finished my first essay in potions class.  It was on ginger.  As I was writing it I remembered the wonderful ginger concoction you used to make for me when I had an upset tummy.  Usually from eating too many sweets or dads cooking.

I had some terrible dreams last week about a girl named Anastasia.  They weren't pleasant if you know what I mean but I still feel safe here.  Don't tell dad though, you know how he worries.  I'll keep you posted if anything else bad is going to happen.

As I mentioned, I have some great new friends here and I've joined the campus sorority.  Can you believe it?  I'm actually vice president.  I'm shocked too.  It is fun and I get hang out with lots of other girls from the different houses and some are in older years too so there is going to be some mentoring and home work buddies which will be good. 

And we had our class pictures taken.  I'll send you a copy when they are finished.

Well I guess that is all I have write now, I'll write again and please say hi to dad and everyone else.

Cheers and hugs,

Alice rolled up the parchment and laid it beside her. Leaning back against the tree, she stared out over the lawn and watched the other students chating and playing sports and laughing. She really did like it here at Hogwarts and hoped that things would stay this good. But she knew better then to hope like that for long.

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