Ah hey

Tyler Hawkens

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
10 ¼ inch Mahogany Wood with a Core of Hippogriff Talon

Tyler Hawkens had taken up sanctuaries somewhere else besides being cooked up inside the castle. He took the latest of his comic book scripts to the school court yard, were a varieties of students took seating around the fountain were angelic like statues dwelled around the fountains. Sitting down, he open up his comic book, his latest issues being based off spider man and Mary Jane. Were spiderman had been close to revealing his identity. This kinda of entertainment kept him interested for hours long. He didn't care where he's reading his comics or who's around him. The boy bout enjoyed the comic scripts more than he enjoyed socializing with others. Its always been his thing and nothing can change him. He will always be faithful prescriber to any comic book he feel the need to have. It was either comics or magic, comic books always won no matter what. Its like an addiction he could never break out of, till magic becomes something out of these pages.

Sapphire was in the courtyard for a different reason. She was avoiding the sounds of the castle. It was sometimes a pain that she had lost her voice. The scarf around her neck held the reason why she had not voice but she wasn't about to go about showing people. Sapphire was still sad that she couldn't join in conversations like normal people could. Sometimes that was. Other times it seemed like a fair few at Hogwarts liked her even though she could so much as tell them hello. Sapphire dug in her bag and took out her sketch pad and pencil then started to suck on the end even though she knew that the carbon was bad for her. She couldn't decide what to draw from the ideas sprouting in her head. Sapphire looked around, her jewel like eyes scanning for something to help her make up her mind then smiled.

She saw a boy reading a comic book and the idea solidified in her mind. Sapphire chose a spot on the stone floor with her back against one of the angel statues and sat down to draw. The Mad Tea Party hadn't met in a while but Sapphire still remembered all the faces. Slowly Sapphire drew boxes in which she was going to draw other things. She liked the idea of each one of them taking on an aspect of the book Alice in Wonderland so Sapphire though what if they could some how turn into the charecters. Like super heroes who turn into the hero. Sapphire started to draw the outline of Oliver for the first panel thinking of her other friends too. Silence, his real name Danial, would be in here too. A villein perhaps? He wasn't nesserly bad, just misunderstood. Sapphire though maybe calling Danial the Sovereign of Silence. Soon Sapphire was lost in her own world of pencil and paper.
Flipping through the pages he read on as Mary Jane been close to unmasking the truth. Tyler at the end of his seat, felt his legs jump nervously as he kept reading the bubbles were words would be type to either show what the characters were either thinking of saying. Spiderman who are you? Why do you feel familiar? were the letters he read out loud, unknowing did he realize a puff had took the occupancy of the space not to far from him. She hadn been quiet, quiet to be notice. Quiet to realize her present at all. When he turn to flip just another page his eyes looked up before she looked down. He caught the smile and wonder when she got here. He had been to absorbed into the comic scripts to notice a girl sit across from him.

"Ah, hey? he said in a friendly tone. Makaylah, had been the one person he would talk to. Otherwise he didn't talk to many students or his professors at all. He found he didn't need to brother with him, unless they were asking questions. He wanted to break out of that, he wanted to seem more friendly than just a nerd and comic books. He made an effort to reach out someone new this time, instead of just looking around with no effort in saying anything.
Sapphire had heard the boy read aloud which made her want to laugh. Of course there was no sound but it didn't mean that she couldn't laugh. Sapphire was a lot calmer because she was absorbed herself in her comic strip. It took the boy a bit but he finally noticed her. Sapphire turned the page which had a comical picture of a girl in pigtails and the word Hello! written in big colorful letters inside a speech bubble. She smiled wide at the boy then pointed at comic. She flipped to another page in her sketch book and showed him a drawing she had made of Batman. Dympna had never allowed muggle books in the house but she had found a comic lying around when she had been allowed out after which she started collecting them. The art was beautiful in a lot of them and the stories where so unlike her own life it was pleasant.

"I favor Batman" Sapphire signed with a grin on her face then realized that he may not now sign language so Sapphire dug in her bag and took out a notebook. She wrote out what she had signed in big letters then showed it to the boy. Sapphire didn't feel like getting up so she decided that everything that she was going to write was going to be in massive letters. That and it was fun to draw things out like this.
Maybe he expected at least a few words to come out of her mouth or something. At least say hello, anything would've been great instead she introduce herself in a odd way. Tyler looked over the drawing, it was a picture of a girl. A girl and a huge word written right next to her. Its obvious when he caught on the girl was either deaft and couldn't speak, or she lost her voice. He felt weird, not hearing someone speak back is an odd way of communicating. He kept staring at her trying to figure out what's wrong with her. When she flipped through the pages again, she had a cool drawing of Batman. "Ah sweet" he commented still figuring the girl out in the back of his mind.

She started to sign to him, another way of communicating without words he suppose. He saw this couple times by his dad's old neighbor, though he never actually caught on the gits of things. "Batman okay...if you like like using your belt all the time for your powers" he manage a small laughed, than look back down. He figure to avoid the girl while he can. He knew he should've just kept silent and not say a thing. It's better like that in his world, he didn't like to judge so he pretty much just ignore those around him so he wouldn't have too.
Proves you can be special without powers. Sapphire wrote under her other statement than showed the boy again. She noticed that the boy was looking down and frowned. Sapphire had never been treated like this at this school. In fact first year she had a girl going out of her way to be nice to her because she couldn't talk. Sapphire walked up to him and showed him the board where she was writing. She may have been a meek little mouse but she did have something to say (or sign) when someone was making her a little self consiose about her voice. If he looked up she would see Sapphire frowning for once.

"That's like saying your a muggel with the ability of doing a flying charm" he said when he read the statement underneath the words she use from before. "Spiderman doesn't have much power, but he has more abilities. He uses spider web instincts to fight off his foe" he exclaimed showing the comic book towards the muted girl. "I would do anything to just...you know string out spider web and actually crawl up a building the way he does" Tyler explain more. He meet her eyes and notice she was frowning for some reason. Weirdo, he thought plainly. This one of the reason why he didn't talk to many people. They would think he was being rude and a little to much of a know it all. He didn't care what anyone said about him. He went back to flipping the book in front of him, ignoring the extremely weird girl.

Sapphire listened to him then read a few panels of the comic. She thought for a moment then smiled somewhat. She took back her notepad then drew a quick man with eight arms. Spider-man Sapphire wrote with a silent giggle. It was hard to mad at someone when her disability was so plainly noticeable. Sapphire saw that he went back to reading his comic book and burned a little. Sapphire took out a black marker and took off the cap. Quickly she started to draw on the boy's face with it. One of the words was going to be a bit of a graph version of the word 'Spider-Dork'. Sapphire knew she was being a bit pushy but there was something about the way the boy was acting that made her a bit angry and more willing to be mean to him. That and she really had wanted to use that marker for something other than paper.
Tyler felt the marker go down on his skin. If there were anything in the world he couldn't stand, was personal space. And someone drawing on his face tick him right off before she finished the last letter. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU FREAK! he simply spazzed out at her. "YOU DON'T JUST DRAW ON SOMEONE FACE! he stood up fully yelling at the weird girl. He went to length of pushing her down on the floor, letting his comic book drop on the ground. "What kinda person do that? Unnecessary freaks like you" he spat picking up his comic book and walk away. He had enough of her weirdness for the day, but now he had to take care of marker drawing down his face. He hope his skin didn't get irritated, sometimes it did. Due to his sensitive skin, he could blow any moment from the content of the black marker.
Sapphire usually didn't like being yelled at but this time she wished she could giggle. Even if she had just been called freak. She was a freak, a freak without a voice but over the last year she learned how to express herself without it. She was still sad sometimes because she didn't have a voice but right now she happy she didn't there where so many words going through her mind that to be able to say them would have left her breathless. Instead stayed where she landed until the boy had his back turned then took searched in her bag. Sapphire took the careful aim that she was going to have to use in order to be a Keeper and threw a rubber eraser at the back of the boy's head. She had a million of those things now so she didn't need it. Sapphire then got up off the ground and walked away as she started to fix her long brown pig-tail. What he had said was hurtful. Sapphire knew she was a freak but hearing him say it over and over again made her a bit angry. Sapphire decided that she could go and find one of her friends to show her drawings too. Not that the boy was a living breathing piece of art. Suddenly Sapphire forgot all about what the boy said her mind working on what it would be like to paint a human body different colors. Like tattoos only not as painful.
Tyler felt the rubber eraser bounce on the back of his head. He'd turn to scowled her more, but choose to ignore the stupid girl. Instead he went on his way. He knew it had been a bit mean, the way he had yelled and called her a freak. Just the uneasiness he felt when she started to communicate with him made him feel out of place. Tyler Hawkens way was to ignore people anyways and read his comic peacefully. Maybe he should make that clear for her to know the next time than. He made a mental note of doing so.

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