Agony Aunt is here to help You

Sydney Townsend

Amateur Duellist | Smarter Than You
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
11/2036 (25)
Is there something weighing on your character's mind? Do they need advice but have no one to turn to? Well look no further!

The Agony Aunt section of Hogwarts Monthly needs submissions! I can't promise you'll get good advice, but you'll get something!

If you've got any characters who'd need some advice, please PM me with their question/problem/message on this account, or feel free to hit me up if you've got any questions.

Ideally, I'd like to get any submissions no later than September 12th.
It's that time again, folks! Another issue of Hogwarts Monthly is in the works and Agony Aunt is open again for your character's concerns and questions 👀

Hoping for any submissions by Nov 16th at the latest
Hello again, friends,

HM is once again accepting your Agony Aunt questions and queries to be answered in the next issue! Ideally, I'd like any PM's with your characters requests for advice sent to Sydney by Jan 20th.
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