Afternoon Picnic by the Lake

Maddiie smiled by the kiss upon her forehead still keeping her gaze down. "I'm not sure if I'm 100% on that but something that I would to try." she say looking up to meet his gaze. "Do something that people weren't expected you to do really..." she say chewing the grape that flew into her mouth. "...and if doesn't work out I can always look for another profession without having to feel that I've wasted my time." she grin happily.
Alex liked the approach that Maddiie had on what she wanted to do, when she graduated from Hogwarts. He looked up to see that the sun was about to set, maybe in the next twenty minutes or so. " Look, quickly, the suns about to set." He whispered into her ear. As he looked up and took another sip out of his glass of cider. He felt so lucky to have Maddiie, but according to Kathryn she was lucky to have him, seeing how much of a good guy he was and all. He had met her briefly and was planning on surprising Maddiie with his dance skills, one day. He was going to get Kat to teach him how to dance, which was also good for him. It was kind of odd that a kick boxer would want to learn how to dance, when his style of dance, was in a ring knocking his opponents out.
Maddiie looked up as the sun was surely to meet horizon slowly setting into the brilliant sky. The color scheme of the sky would perfectly blend a mixture of orange to pink, pink towards the light blue. Taking a sip of her cider she couldn't help but smile as the content filled her belly right up. "Tis really beautiful" she would say out loud. At that moment Maddiie wanted to capture this image, using her imaginary camera, as a click would be heard inside her head, she hope this image would stay with her for a long time.
Alex couldn't help but smile, it was the first sunset he had spent down at the lake, with a girl. Let alone anyone, in that matter. It was the best day of his life, he had began to date the girl in which he was falling for very quickly. He watched as her fave lit up as she watched it." Isn't it ever." He replied to her comment on the beauty of it all. He moved his hand behind her head and moved her off his shoulder and gave her a kiss. He knew it was corny but he just wanted to kiss her again. A tingling sensation ran through his body as there lips met again. He just wished he could stay like this for the rest of his natural life and even when he became a ghost. Slowly there lips parted and he looked up to see the sun was down and the moon was beginning to rise on the other side of the grounds.
Maddiie felt his hands reach lightly upon her head as she felt his warm lips press against the surface of her soft pout. She would press back, as her face would glow, a light aura cast on them as they held that kiss for a longer time. Parting from the most amazing lips ever Maddiie couldn't help but giggle at Alex. For someone who didn't seem to have any experience at snogging was sure good at it. She bit the bottom of her lip as the night sky surround them not minding the scenery at all. It was a good day ended at least that's what she thought, as she sip more cider taking out her wand to light the night sky away.
Alex watched her as she bit her lip softly, he noticed that she does that quite often, and was usually when she is nervous. " Do you want to start eating?" Alex asked as he began to feel slightly hungry, or maybe it was just the butterfly's that where inside his stomach that made him feel that way. It was the first time he had ever had that feeling in his stomach, it wasn't a bad feeling it felt kind of good, but it also resembled wanting to eat. His green eyes peering into her face, and then all over her body. He loved the clothes she was wearing, it was weird he would love her even if she was in rags, everything she wore looked good. He tapped the sub with his wand, which sliced it in half, perfectly down the middle.

(( soz got to go im starving and i need to talk to my dad. I will reply when I can. Bye bye :hug:))
"Yes just s little" she admitted becuase the cider had already filled half her stomach. Grabbing her part of the sub she would takes bits of chewing slowly as her gaze would settle back into the teal lake waters. "I was thinking we should take a walk?" she suggested bewteen each bites makinging sure the content of her food was sawllow before she spoke. She didnt want to seem rude while she was eating, but tonight called for a nice stroll around the primeter of the school. She also felt like exploring parts she never really got to see in her years of Hogwarts. Taking advantge of this time, she would await his answer as she contiune to devour the delisous sub that the school elf so perfectly perepared for them.
Alex had began to eat his own sub, taking rather small bites for him, but still at the equivalent of about three of Maddiie's. He managed to chew down his mouthful before he spoke to Maddiie, which was good because he didn't want to sound like a idiot and spray food everywhere. " Yeah that sounds great, where do you have in mind?" He asked, wanting her to choose where they walked. He loved walking but thought it would be best for her to choose, seeing as he was a guy and the places he liked to go, probably wouldn't suit her. Then he thought about the cave out in the forest and how beautiful it was on the inside, and he knew Maddiie would like it. " I have heard there is a good place in the forest." He stated, really wanting to face his fear and go back inside the forest.
"The forest..?" Maddiie looked towards the forbidden forest as she ate pieces of her sub setting the rest down. Its been ages since she last visit the forest, but she was to curious as to know why Alex choose the forest. "If you want to.." she says brushing both her hands together, as she wields her wand to the right of her palm finger lace at the bottom. "Although I haven't been there an such a long time, I don't mind" she says looking at Alex again. Grasping the glass up once again she took servreal sips her wand hand resting upon her lap, her gaze still lingers between Alex and the forest until he was ready for a night walk.
Alex quickly downed the rest of his cider, and slowly chewed the rest of his sub. He wanted to prolong going into the forest, seeing as he didn't know whether he was quite ready to go in there yet. He looked over at her and knew that she was eager to go into the depths of the forest. He stood up and stepped off the blanket wiping some of the crumbs off his clothes and he stood there waiting for Maddiie to finish. His eyes never leaving her face once, it was so beautiful, words couldn't even explain." Are you ready?" He asked as he extended his right hand to her, to help her up and so he could hold it as they went on their walk.
Maddiie nodded as she tap her wand upon the picnic, within a blink of an eye everything was packed away. She didn't finish much of her sub on the count of the cider had made her full, it really was a sweet drink. Taking a hold of Alex hand, she would stand quickly onto her feet, tucking the basket away under the tree. She would have to remind herself to fetch the basket once they head back to school. Holding onto Alex hand she could still smell the sweet arouma of his colonge hitting her tiny nose, it smelled so good. It made her blush thinking of one night she would be able to cuddle with Alex as they headed towards the forest their footsteps barley heard hurring upon the green gentle grass.
Alex smiled as he felt butterflies in his stomach, as Maddie clutched his hand and they began to walk. Leaving the basket there, in plain view. He knew if one of the teachers or something saw it they could get in deep trouble, but Alex really couldn't care. He was happy, he was with his Girlfriend and that was all that counted to him. They began to walk over towards the dark forest, in which his brother had gone missing and his body still remains. Unless the creature that got it also eats meat. " Have you ever been to the cave in the middle babe?"He asked, not knowing why he chucked in the babe, but he though that is suited since they where going out.
Maddiie felt her stomach flop, hearing Alex called her babe. It was cute, he must really liked her if he was already calling her that. "No I don't think I ever been to no cave" she says kind of excited. "Well cause I rarely go into the forest" she would state again. "What's in there if you don't mind me asking" she look at Alex again.
Alex smiled when he heard that that she had never been to the cave, so she would remember it as being her first time going there with him. " Well it's a massive big cave, that has a nice pond in there. The water shines a light blue color." He said with a smile. His green eyes focused on her beautiful browns. " I used to go there everyday." He said looking down at the ground, she probably would remember how he told her about his brother being dragged into the forest.
"What's wrong?" she ask looking at him concern. She still remember what he said about his brother and wonder what happen really? " if that's were it happen why do you go back there?" she asked him worried. Its not that she was afraid she was the least afraid having been to the forest plenty of times, most of the time on her own. "I'm mean if your afraid we can go somewhere else" she says staring back into his eyes to finally make him look up.
Alex looked up at her and smiled. " It all ok, I just haven't been in there since." He said but he was ready to go back in there, he wasn't going to let it stop him from having fun. " I want to go in there, I'm not afraid of the forest. I love the forest, it is just some of the creatures in there that I hate." He said still holding her hand and kind of leading her into the forest. It was what he wanted, the forest was something that was new to him all over again. " besides I want you to see how beautiful this cave is." He said as he looked at her beautiful face.
"Okay" Maddiie smiled as he lead stepping onto the night grass. It sure was pretty at night, the fairies and firefly were orbiting around their forms. Putting on a beautiful ballad, Maddiie watched in awe as their light phase into the night sky illuminated, it looked wonderful. Her fingers would lace to Alex as she points towards the night sky, her hair loosely bouncing at her mid, her gaze still set upon the dancing creatures of the night. "Out of all the creatures I wouldn't mind being a fairy" she smiled still holding onto him.
Alex turned to face her a smile on his face. " Well I have to tell you now, Your far more beautiful then a Fairy, but if you like them so much, why not become animagus and that be the creature you choose." He said as he put his arms around her and rested his forehead on hers. It was like he had completely forgotten all his worries and was now focused on one thing and one thing only. Making Maddiie the happiest he could.
"I'm not sure I'm capable of being one" she sigh with little less confidence than before. "I always think I'm just below average nothing really special about me" she says still walking ahead as the moon shine down on them. Lately she been feeling this way, but she believed it had develop over the years, that finally she couldn't hold inside her any longer. She wonder still why she didn't came out as a squid, not saying that they are bad people. Just she felt the same way, all this magic was it really for her, but than somedays she could feel the confidence shine through, but it was rarely.
Alex pulled her back to face him. " You below average, don't make me laugh. Your everything, your intelligent, beautiful, inside and out. " He said, he didn't like it when people put them selves down it wasn't cool and he hated it when it was his girl friend who was like that. She was the best thing that had ever happened to his life, how could that be if she was below average. " Serious, you need to stop putting yourself down, your near perfect." He said as he clutched her in his arm and gave her a hug, he could tell she didn't have very good self esteem. So he would have to make her feel extra special.
"Thank You" she whisper to him as she press her lips on the side of his cheeks holding onto his embrace. It made her feel a lot better knowing that he didn't think the same as she did for herself. Maybe he was right, she shouldn't put herself down like that way. But still she can still here that little voice inside her, telling her its a waste of time of being a dragon keeper, or its a waste of time to look for love. Though she notice it was wrong about love, seeing at it may already found her, as she wrapped her arms around Alex waist enjoying the nights walk. "Your Brilliant I'm sure your family would of been really proud of you" she says whispering close to his ear.
Alex smiled at the thought of his family being proud of him, it made him feel ten feet tall, Which would only be 3ft 8inches more then what he already was. He felt like just scooping Maddiie up and carrying her to the cave in the forest, seeing as it would literally sweep her off her feet. He decided to do so, he scooped her up resting one arm underneath her shoulder for support and one just underneath her bottom as they took there first step into the Forest, he felt as if he was invincible. Which was a good feeling for him. He moved his face closer to hers and allowed there lips to meet, only briefly, but it was still long enough to savor the moment for a little bit. " So what are you going to dress up in for Halloween?"
Maddiie felt Alex picked off her feet as if she was his bridesmaid. She couldn't but giggle with glee as she held her little arms around his neck kicking her fleet lightly as he carried her into the forest. Their lips would meet once again, losing count how many time they snogged that evening. It felt brilliant though, her soft pout entwine across the surface with his smooth lips, she couldn't help that she stayed a bit longer than usual on his lips. As they departed he asked her question "Oh I'm going as Cinderella and you?" she asked her head resting on the chest plate of his broad surface.
Alex smiled when she said she was going as Cinderella, it was great he could be her partner. " Well at the moment it looks like I'm going as Prince Charming." He said with a smile. He didn't care how dark it was in the forest, he still stayed on the track and continued to peer into her beautiful, dreamy eyes, which he would get lost in every single time he would look at them. " Well you better not stay out after twelve because you know what that means>" He said laughing softly as he spoke.
"Oh yes I know" she chuckle and happy that he was going as her prince charming. Than a thought came to mind, maybe she could actually acted that out a bit at the Halloween feast. Figure out a charm when it strikes twelve she run out of the great hall leaving nothing but a glass slipper behind. It sounded romantic as she bit down on her pouty lips watching Alex gaze into her eyes. "Are we there soon?" she asked him.

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