Afternoon Picnic by the Lake

Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Maddiie felt her stomach twist and turn feeling anxieties creep up from inside her as she walk outside the school exits. Earlier she was asked on a date, well sort of by Alexander Fields and she had accepted the invitation actually looking forward to it since she departed from him. Now wearing a spring attire, a soft yellow dress would grace her elegance figure. A strapless sun flower dress accompanied by a soft chasmire ivory light sweater, what look to be hand make by the finest stores of London. Her delicate footsteps would be embrace by soft flat scandals, matching the dress ever so perfectly, as her hands would gasp the picnic basket in front of her. Thanks to the house elfs of the castles she was greatful they were able to assemble a picnic dinner for Alex and herself.

And right on top was her favourite woollen blanket that she took with her every time she had wanted to sit out on the grass. The blanket was hand made by the hands of her grandmother, were pictures of small wolfs would decorate the mellow pattern of the soft woollen warmth. She had loved this blanket and had even repaired it herself when a hem would come out of place. It was her favourite past time, taking her time she would set up the picnic and even cast a few shield charms all around the area just in case as she awaits for Alexander.
Alex began to run down towards the lake, he was going to be having a date, well sort of, more a picnic, with Maddiie Hollawarth. He was dressed in his best pair of jeans which looked like they where brand new, they where perfectly ironed not even a wrinkle in them, and his favorite, plain white T-shirt which was tight on his body. He was also wearing Calvin Cline one, which was one of the best male aftershaves you could buy. He walked out of the clearing and he could see her, setting up the blanket and putting the basket down. He looked down at himself, he was looking rather good, his clothes where fully clean, his Aasic Kiarno's where perfectly clean like he had just bought them that day.

Alex began to walk down to her, clutching the Cider that she had suggested earlier. He didn't really know why she suggested it, he had never tried it and was looking forward to it. He was about ten feet away before he said anything to her. " You look absolutely gorgeous!" He said with the largest smile on his face. His green eyes fully open, and his White hair was cut semi short, leaving him with a long rats tail that tucked into the back of his shirt. ( rats tail is a growth of hair at the back, different from a mullet. In case you didn't know.)
Maddiie turn around to meet the gaze of the most dazzling green hues of pool she ever laid eyes on. It made her grin from ear to ear, as he commented on her attire."Why thank you Mr. Handsome" she couldn't help but giggle as she commented him back. He was way different than the boys at school, his style unique which made Maddiie smiled even more. She would await till he finally was near her, as she embrace him lightly letting go smelling the alluring arouma brushing against her small nose. He smelled great, just as he did Maddiie to was wearing a body splash of lillac and vanilla. It was her favorite splash and lotion, it made her skin soft and silky smooth.
Alex smiled as she said he was handsome, it was a while since he had heard that off someone before and it made him feel happy. " I got the Cider, I haven't tasted it before, but any ways." he said, before he put his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. In just the small time he had been away from her, he was already missing her, beautiful honey colored eyes. He pulled himself away and stared into her eyes, before stopping himself and placing the bottle down on the mat, next to the basket. " I don't know what it is, but every time your not around. I'm scared to open my eyes." He said as he slowly grabbed both her hands and held them in his.
"As long as you have apple cider than I'm sure you like it" she smiled but couldn't help but blush by the peck of his lips against her cheek. She didn't expect for him to do what he did next, holding his hands with hers, the bad habit of biting her bottom lip was occurring again. "Why are you afraid?" she pouted a bit worried. "Is their something wrong with me?" she ask feeling complete foolish that she ask.
" No." Alex said laughing slightly. " Every time you are not around me, I don't want to open my eyes, because your not there." He said, he loved the way she was completely clueless about things like this. " I think we should sit down. " He said feeling his legs starting to get a tiny bit sore from being in the one position for so long. He waited for her to sit down before he did, he was still clutching her hand, and looking deep into her beautiful eyes. He wanted to kiss her so much, but didn't want to in case it was to soon.
She couldn't help but laugh as she agree with him. "That's so sweet, very sweet of you to say." as she slowly lean down to sit on the wollen blanket. He hope that he meant everything he was saying, and he wasn't just rushing into things, like some guys tend to do. "Your such a sweet guy, really are." she says still holding his hands with hers, the wind lightly blowing upon her face, making her hair dance loosely a bit.
Alex stared into her eyes as he sat and pulled his wand out with the other flicking it in the air, causing the apple cider to open and pour into two, what looked like wine glasses and one floated to each of the pair. " Thank you." He said turning red, at the kind words that she was saying. He then cast his eyes out over the lake, it was lovely out here, seeing as it was about two hours until the sun set. He knew it would come quick, seeing as he would be having fun, like he did every time he was with Maddiie. He then turned his attention back to her. " So are you." He said as he took a sip of the cider, which he rather did like. " I'm sorry if it seems like everything is a bit of a rush, it is weird ever since I met you. I knew that I liked you, and it felt wierd that I didn't tell you this, at first. I really, like you a lot."
She smiled at Alex as if nothing in the world phase her at the moment. In fact the wollen blanket was now her magic carpet, like an those old flick movies, the princess, and the one she adore. She felt like that, as the wind continue its currency, her hands slipping hold of the wine glass, as she listen him to speak. She couldn't blame the way he felt, she had felt the same the first day, they met. Maybe their were such a thing called "Love at first sight", the brim of her spring dress, caressing the side of her soft legs. She felt good after so long, just staring into his green iris, her soft honey beaming, as the sun was still high but soon will be setting. "I like you a lot to..." she whisper.
Alex returning her gaze, began to slowly move in. It wasn't because he was consciously doing it, just because it was happening and he had no control over it. There foreheads touched and he could feel, her cool breath on his face as their lips met, for the first time. He kissed her, softly, savoring it for a moment before he pulled away. " I'm sorry, It seems to soon." He said looking down at the blanket. He felt like a klutz for moving in so quickly and kissing her, he wouldn't be surprised if that had scared her off.
Maddiie knew what was going to happen next. It was obvious as he lean forward, her soft pout pressing against Alexander as she felt a cool tingling spine feeling slowly creep up to her back. It felt amazing as their lips touched, briefly as she blushed even more her lips departing from his. No words would spill from her speechless mouth, as she felt herself lean again to kiss him more. Stoping him from explaing his action as they kiss briefly again, this time she withdraw back smiling touching the side of his face. "Its quite alright.." she whisper to him.
At her words Alex leaned back in to kiss her again. Their lips met and it was the best feeling, the sensation that went through his whole body as their lips met it was amazing. He had never felt this way in his whole entire life. He paused and pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes once more. " I have to say this now, I don't think I could bare to go another day, without being with you." He said softly into her ear. "What I'm trying to say is.......... Will you be with me ?" He asked as he kissed her cheek softly and then moved back to look into her eyes, waiting for her answer. He was hoping it would be yes, but understood if she said no. They hardly knew each other, but all he could say was that he new he was falling for her and as hoping that she would be willing to catch him.
Maddiie felt herself tremble as he got near her, whispering softly into her ear. What he had wanted, was for them to be together, but she felt it was to soon to tell. That didn't stop the strong feeling that was errupting from the pit of her stomach as he sat back to stare into her eyes. Was he kidding or did he really wanted to take a chane with her, she felt her heart beat a little faster. As her fingers would lace with his, some would say she had gone mad, but she was not and love bliss had filled her heart to quickly for it to stop. So she nodded, as she whisper back "I will take a chance.." a risk as she smiles happliy in his present at the current time.
Alex couldn't believe what she was hearing, he didn't really know what she was going to say, but he was hoping it would be yes, and a no would have been understand able. He felt like jumping up and down, when she said that she would take a chance. He leaned in and kissed her, for his first kiss in the start of their new relationship and his first relationship. His whole face tingled as their lips met, it was almost perfect, it made him weak. After a moment he slowly pulled back and stared into her beautiful eyes. " Your Amazing, thanks." He couldn't really think of anything else to say to her, it was just such a good moment and he was afraid speech would wreck it.
Maddiie could tell this was something new for Alex. By the way he expressed himself, even with a kiss, she could tell he never been with anyone. As their lips meet, she could feel the refreshing breath she held inside, only to escape, whispering past his lips. As they slowly retreat back gazing at each other, Maddiie pressed her hand across his chest. "Slow down a bit" she would say in a joking manner. "We have all the time in the world to know each other more" she says taking a sip of her cider. "Let's start by having a picnic" she giggled.
Alex had almost forgotten that they where on a picnic. " Yeah ok." He said, as he looked down. He couldn't help it, it definitely felt like they had rushed into things, but he couldn't help but want it this way. " Yeah sure." He said as he picked up his glass of cider and took a sip, it was really nice. It had a really good taste to it, it was most definitely different, but it was nice. " So what did you bring?" He asked trying not to feel nervous.
"Well the school elfs had made us...." she smiled opening the basket. "Um guessing its submarine sandwiches....." Maddiie would say pulling out almost 12 inch sub filled with all different kind of hams and cheese, setting down in between them as she let out a laugh. "I didn't expect that" she say, as she pulls out a big bowl dish filled fresh fruit cuts. "Well at least the fruits looks rather tasty" she says opening up the top offering Alexander some fruits. "So tell me more about yourself, Alex why do you want to be an aurua (sp)?" she ask as she nibbled on strawberries.
Alex was taken off guard, when she pulled out a twelve inch sub, that looked delicious. It was covered with some of the most beautiful looking meats, but he couldn't take his eyes off the fruit it looked great. The pieces of apple where cut perfectly into quarters and there was no sign of any seeds in them. The banana had been cut and left still in its own skin. He then looked back up to Maddiie. " This looks beautiful."

It was surprising when she asked him about why he wanted to become a Auror, only two others had ever asked him that, which was Andromeda and Lily potter. He had told them the same story and was going to tell Maddiie the same as well. " Well my real parent's where Aurors and so was my father's father. So I thought that I would just follow on in the business. My brother was meant to take it on, and I was allowed to do anything." He said smiling as he picked up a piece of fruit and put it in Maddiie's mouth.
Maddiie would nibble on the fruit offered and couldn't help that Alexander was treating her so well. "Thank you very much.." she say after digesting the fruit taking a napkin to wipe her lips clean of any content of fruits. "A family business sounds like my brother following our father" she understood how that usually is. But was what he really wanted, " if you had to choose would that have been your choice of a profession?" she ask meaning if it weren't a family tradition. She would take out a bunch of white grapes, popping some in her mouth as well offering Alex some to. Even though it felt like they were rushing a bit Maddiie couldn't help but mind it at all, eventually things will slow down, just as she hoping to predict.
Alex opened his mouth and let a few of the white grapes drop into his mouth, he chewed then up and swallowed. It most definitely felt like they where rushing into this, but he knew that the initial feeling would wear off shortly, maybe in a few days and they would just be like any normal couple, instead of being so over the top. " Actually probably not, I would have rathered do something else, but I still want the tradition to run through my family." He said with a smile as he turned his attention out to the lake. Watching the ripples form, he then looked up at the sun, it was slowly beginning to set which was why he had chosen this place to begin with.
"Well I admire and respect that" she smiled as her gaze would follow his towards the lake. Many memories she had spent here it was really her favourite spot. The reflection of the sun would be seen in the cool teal lake waters. This brought her back to a past memories, she was glad that it wasn't a bad one. Every person that she came across in life had always been sort of a positive influence in Maddiie's short life. But than again she never really had much to worry about except well herself. "The sun setting soon.." she looked back at Alex.
"Well I admire and respect that" she smiled as her gaze would follow his towards the lake. Many memories she had spent here it was really her favourite spot. The reflection of the sun would be seen in the cool teal lake waters. This brought her back to a past memories, she was glad that it wasn't a bad one. Every person that she came across in life had always been sort of a positive influence in Maddiie's short life. But than again she never really had much to worry about except well herself. "The sun setting soon.." she looked back at Alex.
"Well I admire and respect that" she smiled as her gaze would follow his towards the lake. Many memories she had spent here it was really her favourite spot. The reflection of the sun would be seen in the cool teal lake waters. This brought her back to a past memories, she was glad that it wasn't a bad one. Every person that she came across in life had always been sort of a positive influence in Maddiie's short life. But than again she never really had much to worry about except well herself. "The sun setting soon.." she looked back at Alex.
Alex couldn't help but smile as Maddiie said that she respected that he was following in his real father footsteps. It was great that someone would understand, his thinking because of it. He then turned to face her, it was great, how close they had gotten over the past two days. He picked up his glass of cider and took a sip. " I guess it will be." He said as he put the glass back down and picked up a grape and placed it in his mouth. His green eyes met her beautiful brown eyes. It was the best feeling he had ever had, how lost he would get within them, he was beginning to believe in love at first sight. It was strange it was just yesterday that he didn't even believe in love at all.

He wasn't in love, he was just falling for her, after a day of knowing her. It would have to be because of her beautiful personality. It just attracted him, to her, made him feel as if he was one again, like all the pain he had experienced in his life had gone out the window. It honestly felt like he was in a dream, it felt all to good. He picked up the bottle of cider and refilled both of there glasses. Then looked back into her eyes, he wanted so badly to kiss her, but wanted her to kiss him so he didn't seem like a freak, who just wanted to kiss all the time.

Maddiie moved in closer to Alex, she felt so new at this but she wasn't. But in a way it was new, because it was with someone else that was new. She gasp the glass cup of her cider taking slow sips admiring the lake beauty, but Alex was staring at her. It made her blush the way he could stare at her for a long time without finding any flaws to her being. She lean against his shoulders staring back at him, he was very handsome in deed. She regreted that he stayed so long out of the sun, and had waited till his last year to actually break free from his shell. A finger would trace along side of his perfect still face, what was she doing? She couldn't help it but touch him, he look so perfect for her, but emotion was one thing expressing was another. She held back only letting her finger linger down his face back to her lap keeping the same dazzling smile that she seems to only offer at the moment.
Alex watched her, as she moved in and rested her head on his shoulder. He looked down at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. It was corny he knew, but it was the only place he could actually reach, from bending over, without her head coming off of his shoulder. He put his arm around her, and looked down at her upside down face, which still looked as beautiful as it always did to him. " So what made you decide you wanted to be a Dragon Keeper?" He asked finally breaking the silence that was between them. He felt a tingle up his spine ash she ran her fingers down his face. He drew his wand out again and picked up two grapes and flew one to his mouth and one to hers.

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