After the stench

'Arguing?' Steph interrupted loudly, 'It was hardly arguing.'
"You're a Professor and you're pushing the blame? That isn't very mature is it?" Aiden said with a small smirk forming on his lips. "I suggest you give them their punishment, including Nina, because lets face it she stole, and be off, alright?" Aiden said coldly.
"Listen youre in trouble already I suggest you quieten down, and leave" Tom said wearily. He was growing tired. Soon he would ne the first person in the world in his twenties to get grey hairs.
"Pushin the blame?" What do you mean by that, less of the cheek you" Tiom shouted. "And I have already explained that Nina has justified why she stole" Tom said.
"I mean take responsibility for your actions!" Aiden spat. "So you admit, you approve theives." Aiden glanced over at Isabella and Steph while fighting laughter.
"No i do not approve thieves, how dar you suggest that, its just that, I feel that if you have done something with good intentions, and she did have reason to beleive dungbombs were in there. That is the end of the matter, please leave, before I dock points and give you a detention.
Steph laughed quietly, 'oooh,' She said, giggling quietly, itching to see what Professor Tom would say.
Aiden laughed with Steph and put his arm around Bella's waist and his other one around Steph's shoulder waiting for Professor Fletcher's reaction.
Isabella stood there as Aiden began fighting with Professor Death Eater Fletcher. She was going to tell him to be quiet so they wouldn't get in more trouble but as usual, Aiden stuck up for her and Steph. She couldn't help but smile at him as he did this, she no longer felt it annoying but rather cute. He put his arm around her waist and she put hers around his waist and whispered in his ear, "That's enough, you're sure to get a detention now!" and gave him a stern look but was still playful. She didn't want to argue with the Professor anymore but something he said had bothered her. "By the way Professor, we weren't arguing about our punishment. As you clearly remember I did say 'Great, can't wait for it'," she said smirking. "The only thing we did argue about that was unfair was Nina not getting in trouble either, but if unfairness is your game, I understand," she said mock-seriously, giving him a sweet smile.
Aiden smiled at Bella and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said quietly, "Fine Bells." Aiden looked at Professor Fletcher and said, "I think this is all settled now, if you will have your peace and leave us be, I think we are going to go?" Aiden said that more as a question to Bella and Steph.
"I am not going to rise to that" Tom said, May I ask you young sir not to take that tone with me. Im sure that you wouldn't use that tone with say Professor King or Professor Rambolt. It may be because Im new that you think you can lower your respect for me. This may be because I have not earned your respect But I sincerely hope that is not the case, Tom warned them.
"I er er I appreciate how you feel that I have been unfair, in saying that Miss Patrokov has not been told off for stealing. I will retract that statement, and I will drop her a line, asking her to not take things without the owners permission even if she has reason to. Tom said eyebrows raised. "i will not be taking this matter any further" Tom finished.
"Ms Rambolt is no longer a Professor here so I suggest you meet the new Herbology Professor, he might not like that he is being completly ignored by a colleague." Aiden said with a smirk forming on his lips. "Miss Patrokov is sitting right there, she is very quite but is still there," Aiden said bluntly as he pointed to the older guest.
"No I dont no mean Professor Styx, even though Professor Rambolt isnt a professor anymore, she is a co deputy head. "Miss Patrokov, would you please not take other people's belongings without thier permission, even if you have good reason to, please wait or seek a professor to resolve the situation in the future" Tom said.
Nina had zoned out completly until her name was said by Professor Fletcher she said, "Oh yes Professor, I was going to find a Professor give them the Dungbombs then return the bag to the first year but no problem."

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