After the festivities

Evie Powell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Vermelha Wand 17” Essence of Serpent Scale
It had come to that time of year again that Evie had come to despise. It was once again the holiday season, the time of year where everyone was merry and happy, without a care in the world. Evie had once enjoyed this time of year, but after loosing her husband around this time she had grown to hate it. It was the night of the Holiday Ball, where the students and staff celebrated the end of exams and had a night of ‘fun’ before going home to spend the holidays with their family. Evie would be staying in the castle.

After the festivities concluded and Evie made sure the students had made their way back to their dorms, she got the Elves to work on tidying up the place. It had been a long night and Evie wanted nothing more than to retire to her study and have a few drinks before attempting to sleep – something which she had very little of recently. Entering her study Evie made a few swift flicks of her wand, locking the door, closing the blinds, lighting the fire and starting up the old style radio, letting some soft music play in the background.

As the music played and the fire roared Evie changed out of her dress got a quick shower. Once she was finished she put on something a little more comfortable. Now much more relaxed Evie, letting her long wet hair fall over her shoulders, sat on the long couch beside the fire. Waving her wand once again a glass of scotch and the book by her bedside came to her hands. Letting a small sigh escape her lips she took a sip of her drink and became enveloped in her book once again.
Hayden Kerberos, Professor Hayden Kerberos, had supervised the Holiday Ball with his fellow colleagues and now that it was over he planned on going back to his office to retire for the evening that just so happened to be next to the Headmistresses. So as he walked passed, he was about it go straight to his but he figured that he should wish her a good night and a Happy Christmas, it was the least he could do, right?

Hayden knocked on the door with his first two knuckles then put his hands lazily into the pockets of his slacks. The young man's tie was loose and messy from exhaustion and his shirt was slightly unkempt and untucked but all in all he still looked quite attractive. He smirked to himself, thinking how just last year he had been a student at this brilliant Institute and now he was a Professor. How things had changed and how his life was improving.
Upon hearing a knock at the door Evie rolled her eyes as she let a groan escape her lips. She wanted nothing more than to just ignore whoever it was at the door and go back to reading her book. But alas, being the Headmistress she could not let her duties slip, even in the slightest. Marking her page she set it on her desk behind her, along with her drink, she stood up and made her way over to the door. Pulling her silk nightgown over her body she opened the door to see her newest member of staff at her door. "Mr Kerberos. To what do I owe this pleasure." she asked, her tone lighter than usual, one she reserved only for staff and people which gained her respect, but still cold.
Hayden quite enjoyed the usual icy tone of Headmistress Powell so as he greeted her, as per usual he bowed his head lightly out of respect. While he did so, his sapphire blue eyes skimmed her silk night gown, knowing all to well that she was wearing a négligée underneath. He looked back up at the woman's eyes, whilst laping up in his own thoughts of amusement that she would wear such a frilly, womanly thing. "Please, Ms Powell, call me Hayden," he smirked. "I thought you would be leaving Durmstrang for the holidays and should bid you adieu, but it seems you like myself will be staying?" he said, but raising his voice so the last few words posed a question.
Evie kept her gaze, hard and cold, on the young man as he lowered her head, fighting back the urge to smirk. It was one of the reasons that aided Evie when assessing the young man's Professor application after his graduation last year - he had always been one of the few respectful students. Evie pursed her lips when he said she should address him as Hayden, "I would rather not, Mr Kerberos, it's not very professional." she informed him.

Upon hearing his excuse as to why he was at her door at this time she nodded her head lightly, "I very rarely leave the castle. I don't see why the holidays should be an exception." Feeling a light chill in the air, something not uncommon for the halls of Durmstrang, the Headmistress pulled her nightgown tighter around her slender body. "Would you care to join me for a nightcap?" she asked the man in front of her, one of her usual rituals for new members of staff where she would get to know them better and assess their qualities as members of her faculty.
Hayden had to hold a smirk at Powell's response. He quite enjoyed this attitude in her, but spoke nothing of it, he did have to work with her after all. "Very well," he stated sharply. He listened to her speak once more and nodded his head dotingly. He understood that as Headmistress she had much work to do and always would, at least as long as she worked here and admired her dedication to her work.

"Would you care to join me for a nightcap?" Hayden had been informed by one of the staff members, in fact his higher up, the man that taught him the Dark Arts and who he was now teaching with, that Ms Powell ritually had a drink with each of her staff members. "Certinly Headmistress," he said.
Evie gave a sharp nod of her head as Hayden accepted her rules. Despite being his collegue now, she was still his superior and as such should do as she says. It was power like this that Evie loved - and she didn't love easily. Being able to make and break one persons career is a moments descession was just one of the perks of being a woman in power. As Hayden agreed to enter her office - it would be in his best interest if he wanted to kept his job to do so - she opened the door further to let him enter. Closing the door behind her she moved over towards her desk, "So Mr Kerberos, what will be your poision tonight?" she asked, looking up at him in the firelight.
Hayden walked into Powell's office and as she closed the door he stood erect (straight, not anything nasty Pat), the sapphire blue eyes he inherited from his parents gleaming darkly as the followed her movements. "A scotch," he answered, "If you have it, if not I will have what you are having," he added. He waited for her, not daring to take a seat across from her desk until she was sitting, for it would be far too rude.
xD Alexis!!! What kind of person do you think I am? :r:

Evie raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows at the young mans answer, "Oh no, I have it." she said impressed by his choice of drink. Lifting the most recently used bottle out from the cupboard under her desk she refilled her own glass and, pulling out a new one, filled it. Taking a sip of her own drink she handed Hayden over his.

Walking from out of behind her desk she made her way over to her long couch, sitting down she resumed her previous position - sitting up with her legs stretched out. "Sit, make yourself comfortable." she said to Hayden, pointing to one of the big leather chairs. "So, how was your first Ball as a chaperone?" she asked.
Hayden mouthed a quiet, German, thank you as she handed him his drink. Lazily he swirled it, admiring the colour of the liquid he hadn't touched in a fair bit. Once a drinker.. he thought, trailing off as she sat down, motioning for him to sit in the leather chairs across from her sprawled body. He swiftly moved down towards the chairs and sat down, taking a drink as she asked him how the ball was from a different perspective. "Amusing. I cannot believe that so many months ago I was a student pulling the antics that my students were," he answered, smugly smiling.

:r Don't act like you weren't thinking it Pat.
Of course I thought it :p But the fact you would think that I would think that is something completely differet

Evie once again raised her eyebrows questioningly at the young mans answer. It was not one that she was expecting to here, but it was the truth - an admirable quality in her staff. "I do hope you didn't pull too many antics Mr Kerberos?" she asked him, in a somewhat playful tone. Of course she knew all about what he, and his group of friends, got up too - or at least what they made public knowledge. But being a Durmstrang Graduate herself she knew the temptations in pulling the odd prank here and there, what was the point in learning the Dark Arts if you wouldn't going to get to try them anyway?
Hayden chuckled in amusement at Powell's response to his answer. Of course the woman had known all about the infamous Group and all the pain they had inflicted on the students, mentally and physically but she also knew that all but Svetlana, out of the older members, had a change of heart before the end of the year. "I'm not about to start admitting to anything Ms Powell," he responded in an equally playful response.

I can read minds Pat. Sssh don't tell people.
:oy: Your secret is safe with me ;) :r:

Evie smirked at Hayden's responce, she of course didn't need him to divulge any information, she knew most of it already and the rest could be accumulated at a later date - plus tonight was all about pleasure right? No business (well very little - she did have to find out ow her newest Professor was getting on with his new job. "So how is everyone treating you, students and staff?" she asked, wanting to get rid of the boring questions first.
Hayden listened to her question and answered, "Students were a little shocked at first but all are doing well. There have been a few students I've had to give detentions for using my lessons on their peers without my consent however the good out ways the bad. I do believe they are frightened." He chuckled, knowing that the reputation he had earned (fortunately or unfortunately he wasn't certain yet) had gone through the students. "Staff are great. I am learning a lot from my colleagues," he answered with a genuinely appreciative smile for the people who had once been his Professors.
Evie made herself comfort, getting ready for the night ahead as past experiences proved this process could take a few minutes and other longer than some. Evie rolled her eyes in annoyance as she was informed of some students using their magic on others, she tried hard to have eyes and ears throughout the whole school (mainly through her staff) but it didn't always work out. "I do hope you will inform me if it happens again. I have ways to deal with children like that which is nothing compared to a what plain old detention could do to them."

She stopped there, not wanting to give away her secrets, as she took another sip of her drink, the hard liqueur making itself known to her system. Nodding her head approvingly as he spoke of his, now, colleagues, "I'm glad to hear that." she informed him, her tone of voice not as cold as usual - it was almost a friendly tone. "So now we have all that out of the way, is there anything you'd like to tell me concerning your job, worries, queries.." she trailed off waving her hand as an indication for him to continue.
Time Passes

With many drinks finished, Hayden raised his once again empty glass to his eyes and looked through it onto Evie with a drunken smirk lining his features. She was absolutely beautiful, enough to make him forget about Lemina and his feelings for her. He put the glass down on the table watched her with clearer vision.

Hayden, unable to hold his urges any longer walked over to her and daringly hooked her waist in his arm. He pulled the woman close to him and pressed his lips on hers, enjoying the taste of the woman and not even caring about the consequences of his action. He wanted her and he would get her along with every other woman he had wanted.

sorry for the GM and the lameness
Evie could feel the drink starting to affect her in ways it hadn't in quite sometime. In her younger years she had experienced this feeling perhaps too many times, but she knew that she was well and truly drunk right now and she wasn't going to be able to control what she said or did. So when she felt her newest staff member take hold of her body and claim her lips she wasn't able to fight back. A part of her knew this was wrong but a larger part of her wanted it. It had been too long since anyone had held her like this, kissed her, she needed wanted it.

Raising her arms, she linked them around his neck pulling him down to where she was sitting, running her fingers through his hair, bringing him as close to her as possible, their lips never leaving each other. Pulling the two bodies into a lying position she could feel her hands falling from his hair and down to his chest, her hands grasping his torso, pulling any clothes away from him. Taking control of the younger boy Evie grabbed hold on his hands, pulling them down the her legs, letting them trace her out thigh, under her nightdress, pulling it up eventually over her head. She quickly claimed his lips once again, right now she didn't care about anything other than what was about to happen, and she welcomed it.
Hayden did not think about the consequences of his actions, that anyone could walk in at any time, only about the woman that he was savagely kissing at the moment and what he wanted from her. As she pulled his jacket off he smirked into their heated kisses and she ripped open his shirt, breaking the seems with the buttons, his hands slid about her body until she took control. He was phased for only a few seconds, he had never been with someone so forceful but he splayed his palms over her thighs and slid them up her night gown, he only broke from her lips to pull it over her head, then resumed kissing Evie.

Hayden let his body press down onto hers lightly and brought a hand to her cheek as they kissed and his other holding her waist firmly before he broke from her to take the constricting tie, jacket and shirt off completely. He put his lips on her neck and gave her lustful open mouthed kisses trailing down to her chest before his lips returned to hers.
Time Passes

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