Closed After practice

Crystal Holmgaard

🐉 Dragonologist Romanian Sanctuary | Insecure
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 15 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Crystal was relieved that the practice didn't went so bad. She hoped that Ravenclaw would at least win one game. If they would lose this year too the blonde would never experiance how it would be to win. But ofcourse a lot of stuff depended on that, it was a whole team and everyone played their part. As everyone was about to leave the blonde made her way to the ground and slowly looked around. She liked being outside and didn't mind to stay here for a bit. She than noticed Michael was there still too. Crystal smiled shortly and took her broom on the ground.
Practice had been interesting. Michael was still getting his head around Quidditch sometimes, as it didn't have quite the same level of teamwork as something like rugby or even cricket. Sure, the chasers scored, the beaters protected everyone...and the seeker carried the weight of expectation and all he could really do was try hitting the other seeker and protecting their own. It wasn't like they could really help the seekers find the snitch. But he did like the team, they were a good group of people even if a little more diverse in age and gender than what he was used to. Monday was intense but a good beater, the younger students were either over confident or struggling, Xiuying was a good captain and Crystal...well, Crystal was a great keeper, as she'd shown in practice, but she also happened to be one of the prettiest girls in the school. Michael found himself specifically stopping bludgers from hitting her more often than not when he probably should've been focusing on Hamish. He couldn't help himself, he was still a teenage boy. It wasn't like he was going to be awkward about it, at least he didn't intend to be - she was a seventh year and he was only a fourth - but that didn't mean he couldn't harbour harmless admiration, right?

"Uh, hey Crystal,"
he said, nervously, as she approached, giving her a small wave and slightly shy smile. Really trying not to be awkward and not necessarily succeeding. "You were awesome today. I mean, you're a great keeper every training, but you were really great today." Maybe he should've just not talked. "Uh...nice weather, hey?"
As Crystal tried to put her hair in a good place again, with all that wind it was getting messy she watched Michael coming to her. He seemed like an nice person. But people usually did, and Crystal was on her guard. People hurted her before, so it could happen again. '' Hey Michael.'' She replied back with an small smile. She wondered what he wanted to say. Perhaps she was not doing good enough. But why would an younger person say that to her? But it still could. Although from what she had seen he was not that talkative. But it was the opposite and Crystal looked kind of suprised. She could not even hide it. '' Oh - uh well thanks! That's nice to hear. I try my best.'' The white blonde didn't need to act very insecure ofcourse, because she didn't want people to think that she was. But it was hard to pretend you were confident as well. '' You saved me a few times. Thanks. Although I feel for Rion.'' The blonde gave him a smile and thought of the second year who was hit a few times. It seemed like he wanted to make conversation, since he stayed. And Crystal kind of felt awkward for an minute. And tried to think of what the reason was for it. She looked at the sky which was not too bad, but not as sunny too. But she nodded. '' Perfect quidditch weather.'' The blonde didn't liked sporting in the rain. She would fail to block attempts more, so dry weather was good.

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