After Her Heart

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Onyx and Kira had finally come to one conclusion. After the way Sapphire had reacted to that Kneazle in Care of Magical Creatures, there was only one choice. He made his way to Professor Summers office after breakfast Saturday morning. Hopefully the man was there, and hopefully he'd be willing to help. Running a hand through his hair nervously, Onyx put on his best smile before knocking on the door.
The knock at Aeon's door came as a surprise, considering how early in the morning it was for anyone to be visiting. The professor himself felt like he was still only just waking up, after spending too long awake the night before. Following a quick glance at his own reflection and a minor charm to cheatily alter the colour of the dark circles under his eyes to a more natural looking pigmentation, Aeon moved to open the door and see who'd come knocking. "G'morning." The man greeted with a quizzical look toward the third year boy in the corridor. Probably a question about class, if he were to guess. "What brings you here so bright and early?"
Onyx straightened as the Professor opened the door. "Good morning!" He greeted cheerily. "Sorry to disturb you so early Professor. Do you have a moment? There's something I'd like to talk to you about if you have the time." He gave the man his best smile. He was a bit nervous, but he needed to at least try to do everything he could.
"Sure, I can spare a moment or two." Summers responded, stifling the yawn that threatened to escape him. Merlin, he needed a coffee. Opening the door further the man moved slightly aside, unsure if it would be a conversation needing to take place in the doorway, or sitting inside of his office, but either option was there. "What do you need? Is it about Transfiguration, or?" It was the obvious assumption, but he could never be absolutely sure why anyone rocked up to his office. He'd had quite a few odd visits from time to time, so it was really anyones guess.
"Thank you, Professor. I won't keep you long." Onyx smiled at the man and moved into his office. He took a seat, running a hand through his hair. "Actually, I was hoping you might help me with something. I know it's early, so I'll keep it simple. My name is Onyx, you know my twin sister Sapphire?" He grinned, hoping he seemed friendly and sweet. He didn't really have a back-up plan.
As the youth entered, Aeon found his own seat and leaned comfortably back to listen to whatever was on the kids' mind, only to find himself chuckling before too long. "I know your name, Onyx. You are in my classes." Did his students think he wouldn't be able to remember all of their names? He wasn't that old. To be fair, the first years took time to get used to, but he liked to think he could recall them all by third year - even if some had transferred in a little late. "And yes, I know Sapphire too. Why?" Where was he going with this? It didn't seem lesson related, if he was bringing a sibling into it. Summers' curiosity was piqued, to say the least.
Onyx sighed. Now for the hard part. "Right, um, sorry. Do you know about our situation? She lives in the Home, I'm with uncle James. We only met back up just before I transferred here." He smiled at the man, leaning forward. "Thing is, our birthday is coming up soon, before break. I had planned to get her a camera, but, ah," He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "During Care of Magical Creatures, there was a kneazle. I mean, I knew she loved creatures, it's why we all signed up for that class in the first place. But the thing is," He smiled warmly as he thought of it. "You should have seen the look on her face when she noticed the kneazle rubbing against her leg. I've never seen her look like that." He glanced back up at the Professor. "You own the pet shop, don't you? I, um... if it's okay, I really really want to get her a cat. Or a part-kneazle, something. It would mean the world to her. I have money."
While Aeon knew who the Michaels children were, their private lives were another matter. He hadn't the faintest idea what the Home was, but he had a few guesses judging by the name alone, and fact the two were separated. Why both didn't live with this uncle James of theirs, he didn't know, but and wasn't about to pry further into it. Instead he nodded along as he listened, brow furrowing quizzically as a kneazle was mentioned, until it dawned on him as to why the boy was there. Of course, he didn't need any help with his lessons. During the school year, it was easy to forget that the students were familiar with his store, as they often only had the opportunity to shop there during the holidays - a downside to not being located in Brightstone, unfortunately. This had to have been the first time anyone had asked about a pet outside of those holiday periods, and so the animagus had to consider the question for a moment. "Yeees.." He said slowly after a moment of mulling it over. Sure, it was out of the ordinary to purchase an animal halfway through the semester, but by no means was it impossible. "I could do that for you. Is there any specific breed you're looking for? One she likes in particular? There are plenty of part-kneazles in the Menagerie, but I do need to mention that they aren't the cheapest option, given they're significantly more magical than your regular cat. It's up to you. Regardless of what you choose to go with, I could definitely bring one in for you to meet, and draft you up an order form for payment. It shouldn't be an issue." As far as he could tell, anyway. If the Care of Magical Creatures professor could bring a Phoenix into the school every year, a cat was hardly going to be a problem.
Onyx waited with bated breath as the Professor seemed to be considering what he wanted. He couldn't resist the sigh of relief when the Professor agreed. Onyx listened to his questions before considering them carefully. "I'm not really sure what I'm looking for," He told the man honestly. "And I think she would be thrilled with anything. She adores them, so I can't see them being picky." He ran a hand through his hair, thinking. "As for price, Kira Wolf and I are both chipping in, and if we fall short Uncle James says he'll cover the rest." Onyx smiled brightly at the man. "I think I'll just defer to your judgment. She's snarky and mischevious and playful, but she's also really loving and cuddly, even if she won't admit it. If you could find a part-kneazle to fit that, I'd adore you forever," He promised with a bright grin.

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