Closed After a small workout

Jean Lancaster-Snow

lucien & esme's son
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Fir Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Dec 18th 2048
Jean Lancaster-Snow enjoyed his time at the school. He wanted to make the Slytherin Quidditch team, but after finding out that his broom was jinxed so that it would not fly fast, he would have to get a new one that his father would not tamper with. Avery, his older half brother, played and he was just fine! He probably never been hit with a bludger! Jean did not want his brother hit, no matter what, but one had to wonder if that would happen. Jean just walked from the Quidditch pitch after flying a little bit in the last days of summer. He did not have a thought about Valentine’s dance, since he was too young for it. Though, he briefly thought that Apolline would have looked nice in a dress. But he was too shy to tell her that. He blushed subtly as he walked to the courtyard, and found a bench to sit down on. His pants showed some grass stains, but other than that, he was dressed casually. No sort of Slytherin attire, unless one counted the green and silver bandana he had on his forehead and hair, to keep his hair from tickling while he flew.
Caius was just getting back in from a run around the lake- he liked keeping in shape, liked the feeling of the wind on his face and the fresh air. He'd just hit the courtyard again and walked in almost next to another kid. He saw a good opportunity and jogged forward a bit more to catch up to him. "Hey!" He greeted with a friendly smile. "Were you out practicing quidditch?" He asked, thinking that was exciting.
Jean managed to sit down, but he had not put down his used broom when one of the Hufflepuffs came up to him, asking if he had been practicing Quidditch. Jean looked to the broom, and back to the Hufflepuff. "No? Just practicing my flying skills. This is my dad's old broom. I'm a first year anyway. I have no chance of getting on the Quidditch team." Jean did not even know what position he would play. Probably chaser. "Do you play?"
Cauis nodded like he understood it all, even if he didn't completely. He was still trying to get the hang of things, but that was alright, he'd figure it out. "That was nice of him to give it to you then," He offered, thinking that sounded like the right thing to say. He shook his head at the question. "Nah, I don't play myself, I like to watch the games instead," He offered. "I can see more of whats happening that way."
Jean wondered if he would bring up the fact that it was charmed to go slower than normal streaks. He rubbed the broom a bit before he set it to the side, and placed his hands to his legs. He seemed to be more relaxed now, though he had no reason to be tense. "You are right. You do get a better view when you watch from the stands. But you don't get the thrill of playing at the same time." Jean smiled and added, "My older brother plays for the Slytherin team. He is the seeker and the captain."
Cauis hummed, considering the boys words. "I suppose that's true," He offered. "It all comes down to preference then, I think, if you like playing more or seeing it all unfold." He was distracted then as the boy mentioned his brother, and smiled widely. "Oh, that's cool! He must have a lot of fun stories then!" He mused, sure that he had things to tell.

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