Open Aesthetically Halloween

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Nevaeh O Ruairc

Good eye | Painter Extraordinaire | Perfectionist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
It was Nevaeh's first Halloween inside the new school. She would always have a theme to go with but without the great minds, that is her expensive talented people, she stuck with the simple yet aesthetically pleasing cottage core vibe. Her dress custom build from Prada, her shoes came from Charles & Keith and her headdress made by her. She was proud of it as she walks down to the Great Hall from her common room. The decorations were simple yet elegant and she could get used to it. Nevaeh waited by an empty table as she studied the others and their costumes.
Jordie had considered staying at the dorms, but where was the fun in that? He was head boy, he should be out here socializing. So, he threw on a quick costume and headed down to the ball. Seeing that Leo had company, he looked around for something to do. He spotted a little kid standing by herself, so he wondered over, hands in his pockets and an easy smile on his face. "Hey," He greeted, bending down a little to be more on her level. "Waiting for someone?"
There were interesting costumes, some were cute and some are scary. The creativity was immense and she likes it, maybe next year she would prepare in advance than be a maiden in a cute house. The party was going on perfectly but she hasn't seen anyone that she could talk with or maybe dance with. Nevaeh was rocking on her heels when a tall older student came by to her table.

She was nervous all of a sudden, Nevaeh hadn't been mingling with the older students, maybe once when she got lost going to one of her classes.
"H-hey!" The little Hufflepuff cleared her throat. "No, not really. I'm here on my own. I barely know half of the people in my house." Nevaeh told him the truth. Yes, she wanted friends but she was too picky for it.
Jordie smiled as the girl spoke. "Well, hey, everything in its own time, right?" He offered in encouragement. "I could keep you company if you want," He suggested, motioning to a nearby empty table. "We can grab some snacks, talk for a while, or I could show you around the hall?"
Nevaeh wasn't sure about going with an older student, she looks tiny beside him but if she didn't take the offer she'll be a lonely duck forever. "I guess so, I mean I just got here last month. I have seven years to build a relationship with." She didn't wanted to sound like an ass but she felt it came out of her mouth like that. She looked around as he offered her his company. Nevaeh actually thought that this party would be like a grown up one but it already bored her. "What the heck, why not. Show me around as I've gone lost a couple of times looking for my classes. It's a pain. I mean, how can a first year, a new comer, can be left alone to fend for themselves to find their classrooms?" She was getting opinionated now that she thought of it. She hoped she had siblings that goes to the same school as her, she really needed a big brother or sister at this point.
Jordie chuckled and offered his arm out to her, meaning to start walking her around the room. "Well, hey, I am head boy. Which house did you get sorted into? I've got a few maps of the castle I can give you, and I could give you a personal tour around the castle or walk you to classes for a week or two if you'd like," He offered, fully aware that he was offering to take the tiny girl under his wing. "I know they offer a tour for first years, but sometimes you need more than just one walk around, you know?"
The Hufflepuff was about to take his offered arm when he told her that he was the Head boy. Her nervousness came back and cautiously took his arm, "H-head boy? Umm, aren't you like a big thing?" She can't help but asked questions when she's nervous. Her step-mother was more great at confidence being she is a business woman.

But she'd rather enjoy this night with anybody including him than be nervous all the time.
"Hufflepuff but I was leaning towards my mum's house which was Gryffindor. She did explained to me how the hat works but whatever, as long as I make long time friends." Nevaeh answered. Yellow does look good on her blonde hair and everybody on her house seems nice.

Nevaeh furrowed,
"I didn't know they offered tours." I must have missed it, it'll be a big help if she found out sooner. She thought and relaxes her face when he reassured her that a one time wouldn't better. "Yes, very true. I mean some people don't really have photographic memories ... like me." She nodded in agreement. "So, if you're the Head boy, then that means this is your last year?" The thought of a friend leaving was not what she expected.
Jordie chuckled. "Oh, no, I'm just a regular guy that the Professors decided could give some speech to the parents and things like that," He placed his hand over hers in his elbow. He lit up when she said she was a Hufflepuff. "Oh, that's great, so am I!" He leaned in to whisper conspiratorially. "I've got friends in Gryffindor, and really, those stairs are a killer," He winked playfully. He raised a brow, smiling softly at her words. "You have a photographic memory?" He asked her, smiling. "That must be cool." He led her gently through the hall. "I am, yeah, I graduate this year. We can always be pen pals if you want," He offered easily.
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